import type { UserPermissionRole, Membership, Team } from "@prisma/client"; import { IdentityProvider } from "@prisma/client"; import type { AuthOptions, Session } from "next-auth"; import { encode } from "next-auth/jwt"; import type { Provider } from "next-auth/providers"; import CredentialsProvider from "next-auth/providers/credentials"; import EmailProvider from "next-auth/providers/email"; import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google"; import checkLicense from "@calcom/features/ee/common/server/checkLicense"; import ImpersonationProvider from "@calcom/features/ee/impersonation/lib/ImpersonationProvider"; import { clientSecretVerifier, hostedCal, isSAMLLoginEnabled } from "@calcom/features/ee/sso/lib/saml"; import { IS_TEAM_BILLING_ENABLED, WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { symmetricDecrypt } from "@calcom/lib/crypto"; import { defaultCookies } from "@calcom/lib/default-cookies"; import { isENVDev } from "@calcom/lib/env"; import { randomString } from "@calcom/lib/random"; import rateLimit from "@calcom/lib/rateLimit"; import slugify from "@calcom/lib/slugify"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { teamMetadataSchema, userMetadata } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import { ErrorCode } from "./ErrorCode"; import { isPasswordValid } from "./isPasswordValid"; import CalComAdapter from "./next-auth-custom-adapter"; import { verifyPassword } from "./verifyPassword"; const GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS = process.env.GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS || "{}"; const { client_id: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, client_secret: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET } = JSON.parse(GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS)?.web || {}; const GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED = process.env.GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED === "true"; const IS_GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED = !!(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID && GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET && GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED); const usernameSlug = (username: string) => slugify(username) + "-" + randomString(6).toLowerCase(); const loginWithTotp = async (user: { email: string }) => `/auth/login?totp=${await (await import("./signJwt")).default({ email: })}`; type UserTeams = { teams: (Membership & { team: Team; })[]; }; export const checkIfUserBelongsToActiveTeam = (user: T) => user.teams.some((m: { team: { metadata: unknown } }) => { if (!IS_TEAM_BILLING_ENABLED) { return true; } const metadata = teamMetadataSchema.safeParse(; return metadata.success &&; }); const providers: Provider[] = [ CredentialsProvider({ id: "credentials", name: "", type: "credentials", credentials: { email: { label: "Email Address", type: "email", placeholder: "" }, password: { label: "Password", type: "password", placeholder: "Your super secure password" }, totpCode: { label: "Two-factor Code", type: "input", placeholder: "Code from authenticator app" }, }, async authorize(credentials) { if (!credentials) { console.error(`For some reason credentials are missing`); throw new Error(ErrorCode.InternalServerError); } const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { email:, }, select: { role: true, id: true, username: true, name: true, email: true, metadata: true, identityProvider: true, password: true, twoFactorEnabled: true, twoFactorSecret: true, teams: { include: { team: true, }, }, }, }); // Don't leak information about it being username or password that is invalid if (!user) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.IncorrectUsernamePassword); } const limiter = rateLimit({ intervalInMs: 60 * 1000, // 1 minute }); await limiter.check(10,; // 10 requests per minute if (user.identityProvider !== IdentityProvider.CAL && !credentials.totpCode) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.ThirdPartyIdentityProviderEnabled); } if (!user.password && user.identityProvider !== IdentityProvider.CAL && !credentials.totpCode) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.IncorrectUsernamePassword); } if (user.password || !credentials.totpCode) { if (!user.password) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.IncorrectUsernamePassword); } const isCorrectPassword = await verifyPassword(credentials.password, user.password); if (!isCorrectPassword) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.IncorrectUsernamePassword); } } if (user.twoFactorEnabled) { if (!credentials.totpCode) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.SecondFactorRequired); } if (!user.twoFactorSecret) { console.error(`Two factor is enabled for user ${} but they have no secret`); throw new Error(ErrorCode.InternalServerError); } if (!process.env.CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY) { console.error(`"Missing encryption key; cannot proceed with two factor login."`); throw new Error(ErrorCode.InternalServerError); } const secret = symmetricDecrypt(user.twoFactorSecret, process.env.CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY); if (secret.length !== 32) { console.error( `Two factor secret decryption failed. Expected key with length 32 but got ${secret.length}` ); throw new Error(ErrorCode.InternalServerError); } const isValidToken = (await import("otplib")).authenticator.check(credentials.totpCode, secret); if (!isValidToken) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.IncorrectTwoFactorCode); } } // Check if the user you are logging into has any active teams const hasActiveTeams = checkIfUserBelongsToActiveTeam(user); // authentication success- but does it meet the minimum password requirements? const validateRole = (role: UserPermissionRole) => { // User's role is not "ADMIN" if (role !== "ADMIN") return role; // User's identity provider is not "CAL" if (user.identityProvider !== IdentityProvider.CAL) return role; // User's password is valid and two-factor authentication is enabled if (isPasswordValid(credentials.password, false, true) && user.twoFactorEnabled) return role; // Code is running in a development environment if (isENVDev) return role; // By this point it is an ADMIN without valid security conditions return "INACTIVE_ADMIN"; }; return { id:, username: user.username, email:, name:, role: validateRole(user.role), belongsToActiveTeam: hasActiveTeams, }; }, }), ImpersonationProvider, ]; if (IS_GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED) { providers.push( GoogleProvider({ clientId: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, allowDangerousEmailAccountLinking: true, }) ); } if (isSAMLLoginEnabled) { providers.push({ id: "saml", name: "BoxyHQ", type: "oauth", version: "2.0", checks: ["pkce", "state"], authorization: { url: `${WEBAPP_URL}/api/auth/saml/authorize`, params: { scope: "", response_type: "code", provider: "saml", }, }, token: { url: `${WEBAPP_URL}/api/auth/saml/token`, params: { grant_type: "authorization_code" }, }, userinfo: `${WEBAPP_URL}/api/auth/saml/userinfo`, profile: (profile) => { return { id: || "", firstName: profile.firstName || "", lastName: profile.lastName || "", email: || "", name: `${profile.firstName || ""} ${profile.lastName || ""}`.trim(), email_verified: true, }; }, options: { clientId: "dummy", clientSecret: clientSecretVerifier, }, allowDangerousEmailAccountLinking: true, }); // Idp initiated login providers.push( CredentialsProvider({ id: "saml-idp", name: "IdP Login", credentials: { code: {}, }, async authorize(credentials) { if (!credentials) { return null; } const { code } = credentials; if (!code) { return null; } const { oauthController } = await (await import("@calcom/features/ee/sso/lib/jackson")).default(); // Fetch access token const { access_token } = await oauthController.token({ code, grant_type: "authorization_code", redirect_uri: `${process.env.NEXTAUTH_URL}`, client_id: "dummy", client_secret: clientSecretVerifier, }); if (!access_token) { return null; } // Fetch user info const userInfo = await oauthController.userInfo(access_token); if (!userInfo) { return null; } const { id, firstName, lastName, email } = userInfo; return { id: id as unknown as number, firstName, lastName, email, name: `${firstName} ${lastName}`.trim(), email_verified: true, }; }, }) ); } providers.push( EmailProvider({ type: "email", maxAge: 10 * 60 * 60, // Magic links are valid for 10 min only // Here we setup the sendVerificationRequest that calls the email template with the identifier (email) and token to verify. sendVerificationRequest: async (props) => (await import("./sendVerificationRequest")).default(props), }) ); function isNumber(n: string) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && !isNaN(+n); } const calcomAdapter = CalComAdapter(prisma); const mapIdentityProvider = (providerName: string) => { switch (providerName) { case "saml-idp": case "saml": return IdentityProvider.SAML; default: return IdentityProvider.GOOGLE; } }; export const AUTH_OPTIONS: AuthOptions = { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore adapter: calcomAdapter, session: { strategy: "jwt", }, jwt: { // decorate the native JWT encode function // Impl. detail: We don't pass through as this function is called with encode/decode functions. encode: async ({ token, maxAge, secret }) => { if (token?.sub && isNumber(token.sub)) { const user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: Number(token.sub) }, select: { metadata: true }, }); // if no user is found, we still don't want to crash here. if (user) { const metadata = userMetadata.parse(user.metadata); if (metadata?.sessionTimeout) { maxAge = metadata.sessionTimeout * 60; } } } return encode({ secret, token, maxAge }); }, }, cookies: defaultCookies(WEBAPP_URL?.startsWith("https://")), pages: { signIn: "/auth/login", signOut: "/auth/logout", error: "/auth/error", // Error code passed in query string as ?error= verifyRequest: "/auth/verify", // newUser: "/auth/new", // New users will be directed here on first sign in (leave the property out if not of interest) }, providers, callbacks: { async jwt({ token, user, account }) { const autoMergeIdentities = async () => { const existingUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion where: { email:! }, select: { id: true, username: true, name: true, email: true, role: true, teams: { include: { team: true, }, }, }, }); if (!existingUser) { return token; } // Check if the existingUser has any active teams const belongsToActiveTeam = checkIfUserBelongsToActiveTeam(existingUser); const { teams, ...existingUserWithoutTeamsField } = existingUser; return { ...existingUserWithoutTeamsField, ...token, belongsToActiveTeam, }; }; if (!user) { return await autoMergeIdentities(); } if (!account) { return token; } if (account.type === "credentials") { // return token if credentials,saml-idp if (account.provider === "saml-idp") { return token; } // any other credentials, add user info return { ...token, id:, name:, username: user.username, email:, role: user.role, impersonatedByUID: user?.impersonatedByUID, belongsToActiveTeam: user?.belongsToActiveTeam, }; } // The arguments above are from the provider so we need to look up the // user based on those values in order to construct a JWT. if (account.type === "oauth") { if (!account.provider || !account.providerAccountId) { return token; } const idP = account.provider === "saml" ? IdentityProvider.SAML : IdentityProvider.GOOGLE; const existingUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { AND: [ { identityProvider: idP, }, { identityProviderId: account.providerAccountId, }, ], }, }); if (!existingUser) { return await autoMergeIdentities(); } return { ...token, id:, name:, username: existingUser.username, email:, role: existingUser.role, impersonatedByUID: token.impersonatedByUID as number, belongsToActiveTeam: token?.belongsToActiveTeam as boolean, }; } return token; }, async session({ session, token }) { const hasValidLicense = await checkLicense(prisma); const calendsoSession: Session = { ...session, hasValidLicense, user: { ...session.user, id: as number, name:, username: token.username as string, role: token.role as UserPermissionRole, impersonatedByUID: token.impersonatedByUID as number, belongsToActiveTeam: token?.belongsToActiveTeam as boolean, }, }; return calendsoSession; }, async signIn(params) { const { user, account, profile } = params; if (account?.provider === "email") { return true; } // In this case we've already verified the credentials in the authorize // callback so we can sign the user in. // Only if provider is not saml-idp if (account?.provider !== "saml-idp") { if (account?.type === "credentials") { return true; } if (account?.type !== "oauth") { return false; } } if (! { return false; } if (! { return false; } if (account?.provider) { const idP: IdentityProvider = mapIdentityProvider(account.provider); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore-error TODO validate email_verified key on profile user.email_verified = user.email_verified || !!user.emailVerified || profile.email_verified; if (!user.email_verified) { return "/auth/error?error=unverified-email"; } let existingUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({ include: { accounts: { where: { provider: account.provider, }, }, }, where: { identityProvider: idP, identityProviderId: account.providerAccountId, }, }); /* --- START FIX LEGACY ISSUE WHERE 'identityProviderId' was accidentally set to userId --- */ if (!existingUser) { existingUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({ include: { accounts: { where: { provider: account.provider, }, }, }, where: { identityProvider: idP, identityProviderId: String(, }, }); if (existingUser) { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: existingUser?.id, }, data: { identityProviderId: account.providerAccountId, }, }); } } /* --- END FIXES LEGACY ISSUE WHERE 'identityProviderId' was accidentally set to userId --- */ if (existingUser) { // In this case there's an existing user and their email address // hasn't changed since they last logged in. if ( === { try { // If old user without Account entry we link their google account if (existingUser.accounts.length === 0) { const linkAccountWithUserData = { ...account, userId: }; await calcomAdapter.linkAccount(linkAccountWithUserData); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { console.error("Error while linking account of already existing user"); } } if (existingUser.twoFactorEnabled) { return loginWithTotp(existingUser); } else { return true; } } // If the email address doesn't match, check if an account already exists // with the new email address. If it does, for now we return an error. If // not, update the email of their account and log them in. const userWithNewEmail = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { email: }, }); if (!userWithNewEmail) { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { email: } }); if (existingUser.twoFactorEnabled) { return loginWithTotp(existingUser); } else { return true; } } else { return "/auth/error?error=new-email-conflict"; } } // If there's no existing user for this identity provider and id, create // a new account. If an account already exists with the incoming email // address return an error for now. const existingUserWithEmail = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { email: { equals:, mode: "insensitive", }, }, }); if (existingUserWithEmail) { // if self-hosted then we can allow auto-merge of identity providers if email is verified if (!hostedCal && existingUserWithEmail.emailVerified) { if (existingUserWithEmail.twoFactorEnabled) { return loginWithTotp(existingUserWithEmail); } else { return true; } } // check if user was invited if ( !existingUserWithEmail.password && !existingUserWithEmail.emailVerified && !existingUserWithEmail.username ) { await prisma.user.update({ where: { email: }, data: { // update the email to the IdP email email:, // Slugify the incoming name and append a few random characters to // prevent conflicts for users with the same name. username: usernameSlug(, emailVerified: new Date(, name:, identityProvider: idP, identityProviderId: account.providerAccountId, }, }); if (existingUserWithEmail.twoFactorEnabled) { return loginWithTotp(existingUserWithEmail); } else { return true; } } // User signs up with email/password and then tries to login with Google/SAML using the same email if ( existingUserWithEmail.identityProvider === IdentityProvider.CAL && (idP === IdentityProvider.GOOGLE || idP === IdentityProvider.SAML) ) { await prisma.user.update({ where: { email: }, // also update email to the IdP email data: { password: null, email:, identityProvider: idP, identityProviderId: account.providerAccountId, }, }); if (existingUserWithEmail.twoFactorEnabled) { return loginWithTotp(existingUserWithEmail); } else { return true; } } else if (existingUserWithEmail.identityProvider === IdentityProvider.CAL) { return "/auth/error?error=use-password-login"; } return "/auth/error?error=use-identity-login"; } const newUser = await prisma.user.create({ data: { // Slugify the incoming name and append a few random characters to // prevent conflicts for users with the same name. username: usernameSlug(, emailVerified: new Date(, name:, email:, identityProvider: idP, identityProviderId: account.providerAccountId, }, }); const linkAccountNewUserData = { ...account, userId: }; await calcomAdapter.linkAccount(linkAccountNewUserData); if (account.twoFactorEnabled) { return loginWithTotp(newUser); } else { return true; } } return false; }, async redirect({ url, baseUrl }) { // Allows relative callback URLs if (url.startsWith("/")) return `${baseUrl}${url}`; // Allows callback URLs on the same domain else if (new URL(url).hostname === new URL(WEBAPP_URL).hostname) return url; return baseUrl; }, }, };