import short from "short-uuid"; import { v5 as uuidv5 } from "uuid"; import { getIntegrationName } from "@lib/integrations"; import { CalendarEvent } from "./calendarClient"; import { stripHtml } from "./emails/helpers"; const translator = short(); export default class CalEventParser { protected calEvent: CalendarEvent; constructor(calEvent: CalendarEvent) { this.calEvent = calEvent; } /** * Returns a link to reschedule the given booking. */ public getRescheduleLink(): string { return process.env.BASE_URL + "/reschedule/" + this.getUid(); } /** * Returns a link to cancel the given booking. */ public getCancelLink(): string { return process.env.BASE_URL + "/cancel/" + this.getUid(); } /** * Returns a unique identifier for the given calendar event. */ public getUid(): string { return this.calEvent.uid ?? translator.fromUUID(uuidv5(JSON.stringify(this.calEvent), uuidv5.URL)); } /** * Returns a footer section with links to change the event (as HTML). */ public getChangeEventFooterHtml(): string { return `

${this.calEvent.language( "need_to_make_a_change" )} ${this.calEvent.language( "cancel" )} ${this.calEvent .language("or") .toLowerCase()} ${this.calEvent.language( "reschedule" )}

`; } /** * Returns a footer section with links to change the event (as plain text). */ public getChangeEventFooter(): string { return stripHtml(this.getChangeEventFooterHtml()); } /** * Returns an extended description with all important information (as HTML). * * @protected */ public getRichDescriptionHtml(): string { // This odd indentation is necessary because otherwise the leading tabs will be applied into the event description. return ( ` ${this.calEvent.language("event_type")}:
` + (this.getLocation() ? `${this.calEvent.language("location")}:
` : "") + `${this.calEvent.language("invitee_timezone")}:
${ this.calEvent.attendees[0].timeZone }
` + this.getChangeEventFooterHtml() ); } /** * Conditionally returns the event's location. When VideoCallData is set, * it returns the meeting url. Otherwise, the regular location is returned. * For Daily video calls returns the direct link * @protected */ protected getLocation(): string | null | undefined { const isDaily = this.calEvent.location === "integrations:daily"; if (this.calEvent.videoCallData) { return this.calEvent.videoCallData.url; } if (isDaily) { return process.env.BASE_URL + "/call/" + this.getUid(); } return this.calEvent.location; } /** * Returns the event's description text. If VideoCallData is set, it prepends * some video call information before the text as well. * * @protected */ protected getDescriptionText(): string | null | undefined { if (this.calEvent.videoCallData) { return ` ${this.calEvent.language("integration_meeting_id", { integrationName: getIntegrationName(this.calEvent.videoCallData.type), meetingId:, })} ${this.calEvent.language("password")}: ${this.calEvent.videoCallData.password} ${this.calEvent.description}`; } return this.calEvent.description; } /** * Returns an extended description with all important information (as plain text). * * @protected */ public getRichDescription(): string { return stripHtml(this.getRichDescriptionHtml()); } /** * Returns a calendar event with rich description. */ public asRichEvent(): CalendarEvent { const eventCopy: CalendarEvent = { ...this.calEvent }; eventCopy.description = this.getRichDescriptionHtml(); eventCopy.location = this.getLocation(); return eventCopy; } /** * Returns a calendar event with rich description as plain text. */ public asRichEventPlain(): CalendarEvent { const eventCopy: CalendarEvent = { ...this.calEvent }; eventCopy.description = this.getRichDescription(); eventCopy.location = this.getLocation(); return eventCopy; } }