--- title: Project structure --- # Project Structure This page gives an overview of how the codebase is structured so you can easily dive into the Cal.com code. Cal.com is written in Next.js, so you will find that we follow Next.js best practices for structure and layouts. ## Basic folder structure The project comprises of the following folder structure: ```text .github/ - GitHub configuration files ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ workflows/ .husky/ - Git hooks .vscode/ - VS Code editor configuration components/ - Application components booking/ dialog/ team/ ui/ lib/ - Reusable code emails/ events/ forgot-password/messaging/ integrations/CalDav/ teams/ pages/ - Most of the project lives here [user]/ - Booking pages api/ - The backend API auth/ - Next-Auth.js and other authentication routes availability/ bookings/ cancel/ event-types/ integrations/ reschedule/ settings/ team/ prisma/ - The database schema and migrations migrations/ public/ - Images and static files integrations/ styles/ test/lib/ ```