import { Canvas, Meta, Story, ArgsTable } from "@storybook/addon-docs"; import { Examples, Example, Note, Title, CustomArgsTable, VariantsTable, VariantRow, } from "@calcom/storybook/components"; import { events, blockingDates } from "../_storybookData"; import "../styles/styles.css"; import { CalendarEvent } from "../types/events"; import { Calendar } from "./Calendar"; ## Props The Args Table below shows you a breakdown of what props can be passed into the Calendar component. All props should have a desciption to make it self explanitory to see what is going on. <CustomArgsTable of={Calendar} /> ## Example There will be a few examples of how to use the Calendar component to show different usecases. export const Template = (args) => <Calendar {...args} />; <Canvas> <Story name="Customising Start Hour and EndHour" argTypes={{ startHour: { control: { type: "number", min: 0, max: 23, step: 1 }, }, endHour: { control: { type: "number", min: 0, max: 23, step: 1 }, }, }} args={{ sortEvents: true, startHour: 8, endHour: 20, events: events, hoverEventDuration: 0, blockingDates: blockingDates, }}> {Template.bind({})} </Story> </Canvas> <Canvas> <Story name="Onclick Handlers"> <Calendar startHour={8} endHour={17} events={events} onEventClick={(e) => alert(e.title)} onEmptyCellClick={(date) => alert(date.toString())} sortEvents hoverEventDuration={30} /> </Story> </Canvas>