import { Canvas, Meta, Story } from "@storybook/addon-docs"; import { Title, CustomArgsTable } from "@calcom/storybook/components"; import { StorybookTrpcProvider } from "../../../ui/components/mocks/trpc.tsx"; import { VerifyCodeDialog } from "./VerifyCodeDialog"; ## Definition The `VerifyCodeDialog` component allows users to enter a verification code sent to their email. The component provides feedback in case of an error and can handle different verification processes depending on whether the user session is required. ## Structure This component contains an input form to capture a 6-digit verification code, error handling UI, and action buttons. <CustomArgsTable of={VerifyCodeDialog} /> ## VerifyCodeDialog Story <Canvas> <Story name="VerifyCodeDialog" args={{ isOpenDialog: true, setIsOpenDialog: () => {}, email: "", onSuccess: () => {}, onError: (err) => { if (err.message === "invalid_code") { alert("Code provided is invalid"); } }, }} argTypes={{ isOpenDialog: { control: "boolean", description: "Indicates whether the dialog is open or not." }, setIsOpenDialog: { action: "setIsOpenDialog", description: "Function to set the dialog state." }, email: { control: "text", description: "Email to which the verification code was sent." }, onSuccess: { action: "onSuccess", description: "Callback function when verification succeeds." }, onError: { action: "onError", description: "Callback function when verification fails." }, isUserSessionRequiredToVerify: { control: "boolean", description: "Indicates if user session is required for verification.", }, }}> {(args) => ( <StorybookTrpcProvider> <VerifyCodeDialog {...args} /> </StorybookTrpcProvider> )} </Story> </Canvas>