import matchers from "@testing-library/jest-dom/matchers"; import { cleanup } from "@testing-library/react"; import { afterEach, expect, vi } from "vitest"; vi.mock("next-auth/react", () => ({ useSession() { return {}; }, })); vi.mock("@calcom/features/ee/organizations/hooks", () => ({ useOrgBrandingValues() { return {}; }, })); vi.mock("@calcom/features/ee/organizations/context/provider", () => ({ useOrgBranding() { return {}; }, })); vi.mock("@calcom/trpc/react", () => ({ trpc: {}, })); vi.mock("next/navigation", async () => ({ ...((await vi.importActual("next/navigation")) as object), useRouter() { return { route: "/", pathname: "", query: {}, asPath: "", push: vi.fn(), }; }, useSearchParams() { return new URLSearchParams(); }, })); vi.mock("@calcom/lib/OgImages", async () => { return {}; }); expect.extend({ tabToBeDisabled(received) { const isDisabled = received.classList.contains("pointer-events-none"); return { pass: isDisabled, message: () => `Expected tab to be disabled`, }; }, }); global.ResizeObserver = vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ observe: vi.fn(), unobserve: vi.fn(), disconnect: vi.fn(), })); expect.extend(matchers); afterEach(() => { cleanup(); });