/* eslint-disable playwright/missing-playwright-await */ import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"; import { PlusIcon } from "lucide-react"; import { vi } from "vitest"; import HorizontalTabs from "./HorizontalTabs"; import VerticalTabs from "./VerticalTabs"; vi.mock("@calcom/lib/hooks/useUrlMatchesCurrentUrl", () => ({ useUrlMatchesCurrentUrl() { return { route: "/", pathname: "", query: "", asPath: "", push: vi.fn(), events: { on: vi.fn(), off: vi.fn(), }, beforePopState: vi.fn(() => null), prefetch: vi.fn(() => null), }; }, })); vi.mock("@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale", () => ({ useLocale: () => ({ t: (key: string) => key, isLocaleReady: true }), })); describe("Tests for navigation folder", () => { describe("Test HorizontalTabs Component", () => { const mockTabs = [ { name: "Tab 1", href: "/tab1" }, { name: "Tab 2", href: "/tab2", avatar: "Avatar" }, { name: "Tab 3", href: "/tab3" }, ]; beforeEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks(); }); test("Should render tabs with correct name and href", () => { render(); mockTabs.forEach((tab) => { const tabLabelElement = screen.getByTestId(`horizontal-tab-${tab.name}`); expect(tabLabelElement).toBeInTheDocument(); const name = screen.getByText(tab.name); expect(name).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(tabLabelElement).toHaveAttribute("href", tab.href); }); }); test("Should render actions correctly", () => { const handleClick = vi.fn(); const mockActions = ; render(); const actionsElement = screen.getByText("Actions"); expect(actionsElement).toBeInTheDocument(); fireEvent.click(actionsElement); expect(handleClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("Test VerticalTabs Component", () => { const mockTabs = [ { name: "Tab 1", href: "/tab1", disableChevron: true, disabled: true, icon: PlusIcon, }, { name: "Tab 2", href: "/tab2", isExternalLink: true }, { name: "Tab 3", href: "/tab3", info: "info" }, ]; beforeEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks(); }); test("Should render tabs with correct name and href", () => { render(); mockTabs.forEach((tab) => { const tabLabelElement = screen.getByTestId(`vertical-tab-${tab.name}`); expect(tabLabelElement).toBeInTheDocument(); const name = screen.getByText(tab.name); expect(name).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(tabLabelElement).toHaveAttribute("href", tab.href); }); }); test("Should render correctly if props are passed", () => { render(); const iconElement = screen.getAllByTestId("icon-component"); const externalLink = screen.getAllByTestId("external-link"); const chevronRight = screen.getAllByTestId("chevron-right"); mockTabs.forEach((tab) => { const tabName = screen.getByText(tab.name); expect(tabName).toBeInTheDocument(); const aTag = screen.getByTestId(`vertical-tab-${tab.name}`); const tabContainer = tabName.closest("a"); const infoElement = tabContainer?.querySelector("p[title='info']"); expect(chevronRight.length).toEqual(mockTabs.length - 1); if (tab.disabled) { expect(aTag).tabToBeDisabled(); } else { expect(aTag).not.tabToBeDisabled(); } if (tab.info) { expect(infoElement).toBeInTheDocument(); } else { expect(infoElement).toBeNull(); } if (tab.isExternalLink) { expect(aTag).toHaveAttribute("target", "_blank"); } else { expect(aTag).toHaveAttribute("target", "_self"); } }); expect(externalLink.length).toEqual(1); expect(iconElement.length).toEqual(1); }); }); });