import { PaymentType, Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import Stripe from "stripe"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import { z } from "zod"; import { sendAwaitingPaymentEmail, sendOrganizerPaymentRefundFailedEmail } from "@calcom/emails"; import { getErrorFromUnknown } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import getStripeAppData from "@calcom/lib/getStripeAppData"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { EventTypeModel } from "@calcom/prisma/zod"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import getAppKeysFromSlug from "../../_utils/getAppKeysFromSlug"; import { createPaymentLink } from "./client"; export type PaymentData = Stripe.Response & { stripe_publishable_key: string; stripeAccount: string; }; export const stripeOAuthTokenSchema = z.object({ access_token: z.string().optional(), scope: z.string().optional(), livemode: z.boolean().optional(), token_type: z.literal("bearer").optional(), refresh_token: z.string().optional(), stripe_user_id: z.string().optional(), stripe_publishable_key: z.string().optional(), }); export const stripeDataSchema = stripeOAuthTokenSchema.extend({ default_currency: z.string(), }); export type StripeData = z.infer; const stripePrivateKey = process.env.STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY!; const stripe = new Stripe(stripePrivateKey, { apiVersion: "2020-08-27", }); const stripeKeysSchema = z.object({ payment_fee_fixed: z.number(), payment_fee_percentage: z.number(), }); const stripeCredentialSchema = z.object({ stripe_user_id: z.string(), stripe_publishable_key: z.string(), }); export async function handlePayment( evt: CalendarEvent, selectedEventType: Pick, "price" | "currency" | "metadata">, stripeCredential: { key: Prisma.JsonValue }, booking: { user: { email: string | null; name: string | null; timeZone: string } | null; id: number; startTime: { toISOString: () => string }; uid: string; } ) { const appKeys = await getAppKeysFromSlug("stripe"); const { payment_fee_fixed, payment_fee_percentage } = stripeKeysSchema.parse(appKeys); const stripeAppData = getStripeAppData(selectedEventType); const paymentFee = Math.round(stripeAppData.price * payment_fee_percentage + payment_fee_fixed); const { stripe_user_id, stripe_publishable_key } = stripeCredentialSchema.parse(stripeCredential.key); const params: Stripe.PaymentIntentCreateParams = { amount: stripeAppData.price, currency: stripeAppData.currency, payment_method_types: ["card"], application_fee_amount: paymentFee, }; const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create(params, { stripeAccount: stripe_user_id }); const payment = await prisma.payment.create({ data: { type: PaymentType.STRIPE, uid: uuidv4(), booking: { connect: { id:, }, }, amount: stripeAppData.price, fee: paymentFee, currency: stripeAppData.currency, success: false, refunded: false, data: Object.assign({}, paymentIntent, { stripe_publishable_key, stripeAccount: stripe_user_id, }) /* We should treat this */ as PaymentData /* but Prisma doesn't know how to handle it, so it we treat it */ as unknown /* and then */ as Prisma.InputJsonValue, externalId:, }, }); await sendAwaitingPaymentEmail({ ...evt, paymentInfo: { link: createPaymentLink({ paymentUid: payment.uid, name: booking.user?.name, email: booking.user?.email, date: booking.startTime.toISOString(), }), }, }); return payment; } export async function refund( booking: { id: number; uid: string; startTime: Date; payment: { id: number; success: boolean; refunded: boolean; externalId: string; data: Prisma.JsonValue; type: PaymentType; }[]; }, calEvent: CalendarEvent ) { try { const payment = booking.payment.find((e) => e.success && !e.refunded); if (!payment) return; if (payment.type !== PaymentType.STRIPE) { await handleRefundError({ event: calEvent, reason: "cannot refund non Stripe payment", paymentId: "unknown", }); return; } const refund = await stripe.refunds.create( { payment_intent: payment.externalId, }, { stripeAccount: ( as unknown as PaymentData)["stripeAccount"] } ); if (!refund || refund.status === "failed") { await handleRefundError({ event: calEvent, reason: refund?.failure_reason || "unknown", paymentId: payment.externalId, }); return; } await prisma.payment.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { refunded: true, }, }); } catch (e) { const err = getErrorFromUnknown(e); console.error(err, "Refund failed"); await handleRefundError({ event: calEvent, reason: err.message || "unknown", paymentId: "unknown", }); } } export const closePayments = async (paymentIntentId: string, stripeAccount: string) => { try { // Expire all current sessions const sessions = await stripe.checkout.sessions.list( { payment_intent: paymentIntentId, }, { stripeAccount } ); for (const session of { await stripe.checkout.sessions.expire(, { stripeAccount }); } // Then cancel the payment intent await stripe.paymentIntents.cancel(paymentIntentId, { stripeAccount }); return; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return; } }; async function handleRefundError(opts: { event: CalendarEvent; reason: string; paymentId: string }) { console.error(`refund failed: ${opts.reason} for booking '${opts.event.uid}'`); await sendOrganizerPaymentRefundFailedEmail({ ...opts.event, paymentInfo: { reason: opts.reason, id: opts.paymentId }, }); } export default stripe;