import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { test } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth } from "./lib/testUtils"; test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" }); test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll()); test.describe("Payment app", () => { test("Should be able to edit alby price, currency", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.apiLogin(); const paymentEvent = user.eventTypes.find((item) => item.slug === "paid"); if (!paymentEvent) { throw new Error("No payment event found"); } await prisma.credential.create({ data: { type: "alby_payment", userId:, key: { account_id: "random", account_email: "", webhook_endpoint_id: "ep_randomString", webhook_endpoint_secret: "whsec_randomString", account_lightning_address: "", }, }, }); await page.goto(`event-types/${}?tabName=apps`); await page.locator("#event-type-form").getByRole("switch").click(); await page.getByPlaceholder("Price").click(); await page.getByPlaceholder("Price").fill("200"); await page.getByText("SatoshissatsCurrencyBTCPayment optionCollect payment on booking").click(); await page.getByTestId("update-eventtype").click(); await page.goto(`${user.username}/${paymentEvent.slug}`); // expect 200 sats to be displayed in page expect(await page.locator("text=200 sats").first()).toBeTruthy(); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); expect(await page.locator("text=200 sats").first()).toBeTruthy(); // go to /event-types and check if the price is 200 sats await page.goto(`event-types/`); expect(await page.locator("text=200 sats").first()).toBeTruthy(); }); test("Should be able to edit stripe price, currency", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.apiLogin(); const paymentEvent = user.eventTypes.find((item) => item.slug === "paid"); if (!paymentEvent) { throw new Error("No payment event found"); } await prisma.credential.create({ data: { type: "stripe_payment", userId:, key: { scope: "read_write", livemode: false, token_type: "bearer", access_token: "sk_test_randomString", refresh_token: "rt_randomString", stripe_user_id: "acct_randomString", default_currency: "usd", stripe_publishable_key: "pk_test_randomString", }, }, }); await page.goto(`event-types/${}?tabName=apps`); await page.locator("#event-type-form").getByRole("switch").click(); await page.locator(".text-black > .bg-default > div > div:nth-child(2)").first().click(); await page.getByTestId("select-option-usd").click(); await page.getByTestId("price-input-stripe").click(); await page.getByTestId("price-input-stripe").fill("350"); await page.getByTestId("update-eventtype").click(); await page.goto(`${user.username}/${paymentEvent.slug}`); // expect 200 sats to be displayed in page expect(await page.locator("text=350").first()).toBeTruthy(); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); expect(await page.locator("text=350").first()).toBeTruthy(); // go to /event-types and check if the price is 200 sats await page.goto(`event-types/`); expect(await page.locator("text=350").first()).toBeTruthy(); }); test("Should be able to edit paypal price, currency", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.apiLogin(); const paymentEvent = user.eventTypes.find((item) => item.slug === "paid"); if (!paymentEvent) { throw new Error("No payment event found"); } await prisma.credential.create({ data: { type: "paypal_payment", userId:, key: { client_id: "randomString", secret_key: "randomString", webhook_id: "randomString", }, }, }); await page.goto(`event-types/${}?tabName=apps`); await page.locator("#event-type-form").getByRole("switch").click(); await page.getByPlaceholder("Price").click(); await page.getByPlaceholder("Price").fill("150"); await page.locator(".text-black > .bg-default > div > div:nth-child(2)").first().click(); await page.locator("#react-select-2-option-13").click(); await page.locator(".mb-1 > .bg-default > div > div:nth-child(2)").first().click(); await page.getByText("$MXNCurrencyMexican pesoPayment option").click(); await page.getByTestId("update-eventtype").click(); await page.goto(`${user.username}/${paymentEvent.slug}`); // expect 150 to be displayed in page expect(await page.locator("text=MX$150.00").first()).toBeTruthy(); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); // expect 150 to be displayed in page expect(await page.locator("text=MX$150.00").first()).toBeTruthy(); // go to /event-types and check if the price is 150 await page.goto(`event-types/`); expect(await page.locator("text=MX$150.00").first()).toBeTruthy(); }); test("Should display App is not setup already for alby", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.apiLogin(); const paymentEvent = user.eventTypes.find((item) => item.slug === "paid"); if (!paymentEvent) { throw new Error("No payment event found"); } await prisma.credential.create({ data: { type: "alby_payment", userId:, key: {}, }, }); await page.goto(`event-types/${}?tabName=apps`); await page.locator("#event-type-form").getByRole("switch").click(); // expect text "This app has not been setup yet" to be displayed expect(await page.locator("text=This app has not been setup yet").first()).toBeTruthy(); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Setup" }).click(); // Expect "Connect with Alby" to be displayed expect(await page.locator("text=Connect with Alby").first()).toBeTruthy(); }); test("Should display App is not setup already for paypal", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.apiLogin(); const paymentEvent = user.eventTypes.find((item) => item.slug === "paid"); if (!paymentEvent) { throw new Error("No payment event found"); } await prisma.credential.create({ data: { type: "paypal_payment", userId:, key: {}, }, }); await page.goto(`event-types/${}?tabName=apps`); await page.locator("#event-type-form").getByRole("switch").click(); // expect text "This app has not been setup yet" to be displayed expect(await page.locator("text=This app has not been setup yet").first()).toBeTruthy(); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Setup" }).click(); // Expect "Getting started with Paypal APP" to be displayed expect(await page.locator("text=Getting started with Paypal APP").first()).toBeTruthy(); }); /** * For now almost all the payment apps show display "This app has not been setup yet" * this can change in the future */ test("Should not display App is not setup already for non payment app", async ({ page, users }) => { // We will use google analytics app for this test const user = await users.create(); await user.apiLogin(); // Any event should work here const paymentEvent = user.eventTypes.find((item) => item.slug === "paid"); if (!paymentEvent) { throw new Error("No payment event found"); } await prisma.credential.create({ data: { type: "ga4_analytics", userId:, appId: "ga4", invalid: false, key: {}, }, }); await page.goto(`event-types/${}?tabName=apps`); await page.locator("#event-type-form").getByRole("switch").click(); // make sure Tracking ID is displayed expect(await page.locator("text=Tracking ID").first()).toBeTruthy(); await page.getByLabel("Tracking ID").click(); await page.getByLabel("Tracking ID").fill("demo"); await page.getByTestId("update-eventtype").click(); }); });