import type { Booking } from "@prisma/client"; import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import short from "short-uuid"; import { v5 as uuidv5 } from "uuid"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { getTranslation } from "@calcom/lib/server/i18n"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import { CalendarEventClass } from "./class"; const translator = short(); const userSelect = Prisma.validator()({ select: { id: true, email: true, name: true, username: true, timeZone: true, credentials: true, bufferTime: true, destinationCalendar: true, locale: true, }, }); type User = Prisma.UserGetPayload; type PersonAttendeeCommonFields = Pick; interface ICalendarEventBuilder { calendarEvent: CalendarEventClass; eventType: Awaited>; users: Awaited>[]; attendeesList: PersonAttendeeCommonFields[]; teamMembers: Awaited>; rescheduleLink: string; } export class CalendarEventBuilder implements ICalendarEventBuilder { calendarEvent!: CalendarEventClass; eventType!: ICalendarEventBuilder["eventType"]; users!: ICalendarEventBuilder["users"]; attendeesList: ICalendarEventBuilder["attendeesList"] = []; teamMembers: ICalendarEventBuilder["teamMembers"] = []; rescheduleLink!: string; constructor() { this.reset(); } private reset() { this.calendarEvent = new CalendarEventClass(); } public init(initProps: CalendarEventClass) { this.calendarEvent = new CalendarEventClass(initProps); } public setEventType(eventType: ICalendarEventBuilder["eventType"]) { this.eventType = eventType; } public async buildEventObjectFromInnerClass(eventId: number) { const resultEvent = await this.getEventFromEventId(eventId); if (resultEvent) { this.eventType = resultEvent; } } public async buildUsersFromInnerClass() { if (!this.eventType) { throw new Error("exec BuildEventObjectFromInnerClass before calling this function"); } const users = this.eventType.users; /* If this event was pre-relationship migration */ if (!users.length && this.eventType.userId) { const eventTypeUser = await this.getUserById(this.eventType.userId); if (!eventTypeUser) { throw new Error("buildUsersFromINnerClass.eventTypeUser.notFound"); } users.push(eventTypeUser); } this.setUsers(users); } public buildAttendeesList() { // Language Function was set on builder init this.attendeesList = [ ...(this.calendarEvent.attendees as unknown as PersonAttendeeCommonFields[]), ...this.teamMembers, ]; } private async getUserById(userId: number) { let resultUser: User | null; try { resultUser = await prisma.user.findUniqueOrThrow({ where: { id: userId, }, ...userSelect, }); } catch (error) { throw new Error("getUsersById.users.notFound"); } return resultUser; } private async getEventFromEventId(eventTypeId: number) { let resultEventType; try { resultEventType = await prisma.eventType.findUniqueOrThrow({ where: { id: eventTypeId, }, select: { id: true, users: userSelect, team: { select: { id: true, name: true, slug: true, }, }, description: true, slug: true, teamId: true, title: true, length: true, eventName: true, schedulingType: true, periodType: true, periodStartDate: true, periodEndDate: true, periodDays: true, periodCountCalendarDays: true, requiresConfirmation: true, userId: true, price: true, currency: true, metadata: true, destinationCalendar: true, hideCalendarNotes: true, }, }); } catch (error) { throw new Error("Error while getting eventType"); } return resultEventType; } public async buildTeamMembers() { this.teamMembers = await this.getTeamMembers(); } private async getTeamMembers() { // Users[0] its organizer so we are omitting with slice(1) const teamMemberPromises = this.users.slice(1).map(async function (user) { return { id:, username: user.username, email: || "", // @NOTE: Should we change this "" to teamMemberId? name: || "", timeZone: user.timeZone, language: { translate: await getTranslation(user.locale ?? "en", "common"), locale: user.locale ?? "en", }, locale: user.locale, } as PersonAttendeeCommonFields; }); return await Promise.all(teamMemberPromises); } public buildUIDCalendarEvent() { if (this.users && this.users.length > 0) { throw new Error("call buildUsers before calling this function"); } const [mainOrganizer] = this.users; const seed = `${mainOrganizer.username}:${dayjs(this.calendarEvent.startTime) .utc() .format()}:${new Date().getTime()}`; const uid = translator.fromUUID(uuidv5(seed, uuidv5.URL)); this.calendarEvent.uid = uid; } public setLocation(location: CalendarEventClass["location"]) { this.calendarEvent.location = location; } public setUId(uid: CalendarEventClass["uid"]) { this.calendarEvent.uid = uid; } public setDestinationCalendar(destinationCalendar: CalendarEventClass["destinationCalendar"]) { this.calendarEvent.destinationCalendar = destinationCalendar; } public setHideCalendarNotes(hideCalendarNotes: CalendarEventClass["hideCalendarNotes"]) { this.calendarEvent.hideCalendarNotes = hideCalendarNotes; } public setDescription(description: CalendarEventClass["description"]) { this.calendarEvent.description = description; } public setNotes(notes: CalendarEvent["additionalNotes"]) { this.calendarEvent.additionalNotes = notes; } public setCancellationReason(cancellationReason: CalendarEventClass["cancellationReason"]) { this.calendarEvent.cancellationReason = cancellationReason; } public setUsers(users: User[]) { this.users = users; } public async setUsersFromId(userId: User["id"]) { let resultUser: User | null; try { resultUser = await prisma.user.findUniqueOrThrow({ where: { id: userId, }, ...userSelect, }); this.setUsers([resultUser]); } catch (error) { throw new Error("getUsersById.users.notFound"); } } public buildRescheduleLink(booking: Partial, eventType?: CalendarEventBuilder["eventType"]) { try { if (!booking) { throw new Error("Parameter booking is required to build reschedule link"); } const isTeam = !!eventType && !!eventType.teamId; const isDynamic = booking?.dynamicEventSlugRef && booking?.dynamicGroupSlugRef; let slug = ""; if (isTeam && eventType?.team?.slug) { slug = `/team/${}`; } else if (isDynamic) { const dynamicSlug = isDynamic ? `${booking.dynamicGroupSlugRef}/${booking.dynamicEventSlugRef}` : ""; slug = dynamicSlug; } else if (eventType?.slug) { slug = `${this.users[0].username}/${eventType.slug}`; } const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(); queryParams.set("rescheduleUid", `${booking.uid}`); slug = `${slug}`; const rescheduleLink = `${ this.calendarEvent.bookerUrl ?? WEBAPP_URL }/${slug}?${queryParams.toString()}`; this.rescheduleLink = rescheduleLink; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`buildRescheduleLink.error: ${error.message}`); } } } }