/** * This file contains the root router of your tRPC-backend */ import { createRouter } from "../createRouter"; import { publicProcedure, t } from "../trpc"; import { publicRouter } from "./public"; import { viewerRouter } from "./viewer"; /** * Create your application's root router * If you want to use SSG, you need export this * @link https://trpc.io/docs/ssg * @link https://trpc.io/docs/router * @deprecated */ export const legacyRouter = createRouter() /** * Optionally do custom error (type safe!) formatting * @link https://trpc.io/docs/error-formatting */ // .formatError(({ shape, error }) => { }) .merge("viewer.", viewerRouter) .interop(); const v10Router = t.router({ hello: publicProcedure.query(() => "hello"), public: publicRouter, }); export const appRouter = t.mergeRouters(legacyRouter, v10Router); export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;