import { useTheme as useNextTheme } from "next-themes"; import { useEffect } from "react"; import { useEmbedTheme } from "@calcom/embed-core/embed-iframe"; import type { Maybe } from "@calcom/trpc/server"; // makes sure the ui doesn't flash export default function useTheme(theme?: Maybe) { const { resolvedTheme, setTheme, forcedTheme, theme: activeTheme } = useNextTheme(); const embedTheme = useEmbedTheme(); // Embed UI configuration takes more precedence over App Configuration const currentTheme = embedTheme || theme || "system"; useEffect(() => { if (currentTheme !== activeTheme && typeof currentTheme === "string") { setTheme(currentTheme); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps -- we do not want activeTheme to re-render this effect }, [currentTheme, setTheme]); return { resolvedTheme, setTheme, forcedTheme, activeTheme, }; }