import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import { login } from "./fixtures/users"; import { test } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { localize } from "./lib/testUtils"; test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" }); // a test to logout requires both a succesfull login as logout, to prevent // a doubling of tests failing on logout & logout, we can group them. test.describe("user can login & logout succesfully", async () => { test.afterAll(async ({ users }) => { await users.deleteAll(); }); test("login flow user & logout using dashboard", async ({ page, users }) => { // log in trail user await test.step("Log in", async () => { const user = await users.create(); await user.login(); const shellLocator = page.locator(`[data-testid=dashboard-shell]`); // expects the home page for an authorized user await page.goto("/"); await expect(shellLocator).toBeVisible(); }); // await test.step("Log out", async () => { const signOutLabel = (await localize("en"))("sign_out"); const userDropdownDisclose = async () => page.locator("[data-testid=user-dropdown-trigger]").click(); // disclose and click the sign out button from the user dropdown await userDropdownDisclose(); const signOutBtn = await page.locator(`text=${signOutLabel}`); await; // 2s of delay to assure the session is cleared await page.waitForURL("/auth/logout"); // Reroute to the home page to check if the login form shows up await page.goto("/"); await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid=login-form]`)).toBeVisible(); }); }); }); test.describe("Login and logout tests", () => { test.afterAll(async ({ users }) => { await users.deleteAll(); }); test.afterEach(async ({ users, page }) => { await users.logout(); // check if we are at the login page await page.goto("/"); await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid=login-form]`)).toBeVisible(); }); test.describe("Login flow validations", async () => { test("Should warn when user does not exist", async ({ page }) => { const alertMessage = (await localize("en"))("incorrect_username_password"); // Login with a non-existent user const never = "never"; await login({ username: never }, page); // assert for the visibility of the localized alert message await expect(page.locator(`text=${alertMessage}`)).toBeVisible(); }); test("Should warn when password is incorrect", async ({ page, users }) => { const alertMessage = (await localize("en"))("incorrect_username_password"); // by default password===username with the users fixture const pro = await users.create({ username: "pro" }); // login with a wrong password await login({ username: pro.username, password: "wrong" }, page); // assert for the visibility of the localized alert message await expect(page.locator(`text=${alertMessage}`)).toBeVisible(); }); }); });