import app_RoutingForms from "@calcom/app-store/routing-forms/trpc-router"; import { userAdminRouter } from "@calcom/features/ee/users/server/trpc-router"; import { featureFlagRouter } from "@calcom/features/flags/server/router"; import { insightsRouter } from "@calcom/features/insights/server/trpc-router"; import { mergeRouters, router } from "../../trpc"; import { loggedInViewerRouter } from "../loggedInViewer/_router"; import { publicViewerRouter } from "../publicViewer/_router"; import { apiKeysRouter } from "./apiKeys/_router"; import { appsRouter } from "./apps/_router"; import { authRouter } from "./auth/_router"; import { availabilityRouter } from "./availability/_router"; import { bookingsRouter } from "./bookings/_router"; import { deploymentSetupRouter } from "./deploymentSetup/_router"; import { eventTypesRouter } from "./eventTypes/_router"; import { googleWorkspaceRouter } from "./googleWorkspace/_router"; import { paymentsRouter } from "./payments/_router"; import { slotsRouter } from "./slots/_router"; import { ssoRouter } from "./sso/_router"; import { viewerTeamsRouter } from "./teams/_router"; import { webhookRouter } from "./webhook/_router"; import { workflowsRouter } from "./workflows/_router"; export const viewerRouter = mergeRouters( loggedInViewerRouter, router({ loggedInViewerRouter, public: publicViewerRouter, auth: authRouter, deploymentSetup: deploymentSetupRouter, bookings: bookingsRouter, eventTypes: eventTypesRouter, availability: availabilityRouter, teams: viewerTeamsRouter, webhook: webhookRouter, apiKeys: apiKeysRouter, slots: slotsRouter, workflows: workflowsRouter, saml: ssoRouter, insights: insightsRouter, payments: paymentsRouter, // NOTE: Add all app related routes in the bottom till the problem described in @calcom/app-store/trpc-routers.ts is solved. // After that there would just one merge call here for all the apps. appRoutingForms: app_RoutingForms, features: featureFlagRouter, appsRouter, users: userAdminRouter, googleWorkspace: googleWorkspaceRouter, }) );