import { ChevronLeftIcon, ChevronRightIcon } from "@heroicons/react/solid"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import dayjs, { Dayjs } from "dayjs"; import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc"; import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone"; import getSlots from "@lib/slots"; import dayjsBusinessDays from "dayjs-business-days"; dayjs.extend(dayjsBusinessDays); dayjs.extend(utc); dayjs.extend(timezone); const DatePicker = ({ weekStart, onDatePicked, workingHours, organizerTimeZone, inviteeTimeZone, eventLength, date, periodType = "unlimited", periodStartDate, periodEndDate, periodDays, periodCountCalendarDays, minimumBookingNotice, }) => { const [calendar, setCalendar] = useState([]); const [selectedMonth, setSelectedMonth] = useState(); const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(); useEffect(() => { if (date) { setSelectedDate(dayjs(date).tz(inviteeTimeZone)); setSelectedMonth(dayjs(date).tz(inviteeTimeZone).month()); return; } if (periodType === "range") { setSelectedMonth(dayjs(periodStartDate).tz(inviteeTimeZone).month()); } else { setSelectedMonth(dayjs().tz(inviteeTimeZone).month()); } }, []); useEffect(() => { if (selectedDate) onDatePicked(selectedDate); }, [selectedDate]); // Handle month changes const incrementMonth = () => { setSelectedMonth(selectedMonth + 1); }; const decrementMonth = () => { setSelectedMonth(selectedMonth - 1); }; useEffect(() => { if (!selectedMonth) { // wish next had a way of dealing with this magically; return; } const inviteeDate = dayjs().tz(inviteeTimeZone).month(selectedMonth); const isDisabled = (day: number) => { const date: Dayjs =; switch (periodType) { case "rolling": { const periodRollingEndDay = periodCountCalendarDays ? dayjs().tz(organizerTimeZone).add(periodDays, "days").endOf("day") : dayjs().tz(organizerTimeZone).businessDaysAdd(periodDays, "days").endOf("day"); return ( date.endOf("day").isBefore(dayjs().tz(inviteeTimeZone)) || date.endOf("day").isAfter(periodRollingEndDay) || !getSlots({ inviteeDate: date, frequency: eventLength, minimumBookingNotice, workingHours, organizerTimeZone, }).length ); } case "range": { const periodRangeStartDay = dayjs(periodStartDate).tz(organizerTimeZone).endOf("day"); const periodRangeEndDay = dayjs(periodEndDate).tz(organizerTimeZone).endOf("day"); return ( date.endOf("day").isBefore(dayjs().tz(inviteeTimeZone)) || date.endOf("day").isBefore(periodRangeStartDay) || date.endOf("day").isAfter(periodRangeEndDay) || !getSlots({ inviteeDate: date, frequency: eventLength, minimumBookingNotice, workingHours, organizerTimeZone, }).length ); } case "unlimited": default: return ( date.endOf("day").isBefore(dayjs().tz(inviteeTimeZone)) || !getSlots({ inviteeDate: date, frequency: eventLength, minimumBookingNotice, workingHours, organizerTimeZone, }).length ); } }; // Set up calendar const daysInMonth = inviteeDate.daysInMonth(); const days = []; for (let i = 1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) { days.push(i); } // Create placeholder elements for empty days in first week let weekdayOfFirst =; if (weekStart === "Monday") { weekdayOfFirst -= 1; if (weekdayOfFirst < 0) weekdayOfFirst = 6; } const emptyDays = Array(weekdayOfFirst) .fill(null) .map((day, i) => (
)); // Combine placeholder days with actual days setCalendar([ ...emptyDays, => ( )), ]); }, [selectedMonth, inviteeTimeZone, selectedDate]); return selectedMonth ? (
{dayjs().month(selectedMonth).format("MMMM YYYY")}
{["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"] .sort((a, b) => (weekStart.startsWith(a) ? -1 : weekStart.startsWith(b) ? 1 : 0)) .map((weekDay) => (
))} {calendar}
) : null; }; export default DatePicker;