import type { Session } from "next-auth"; import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; import { UserPermissionRole } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import { parseTeamId, checkSelfImpersonation, checkUserIdentifier, checkPermission, } from "./ImpersonationProvider"; const session: Session = { expires: "2021-08-31T15:00:00.000Z", hasValidLicense: true, user: { id: 123, username: "test", role: UserPermissionRole.USER, email: "", }, }; describe("parseTeamId", () => { it("should return undefined if no teamId is provided", () => { expect(parseTeamId(undefined)).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should return the parsed teamId if a teamId is provided", () => { expect(parseTeamId({ username: "test", teamId: "123" })).toBe(123); }); it("should throw an error if the provided teamId is not a positive number", () => { expect(() => parseTeamId({ username: "test", teamId: "-123" })).toThrow(); }); it("should throw an error if the provided teamId is not a number", () => { expect(() => parseTeamId({ username: "test", teamId: "notanumber" })).toThrow(); }); }); describe("checkSelfImpersonation", () => { it("should throw an error if the provided username is the same as the session user's username", () => { expect(() => checkSelfImpersonation(session, { username: "test" })).toThrow(); }); it("should throw an error if the provided username is the same as the session user's email", () => { expect(() => checkSelfImpersonation(session, { username: "" })).toThrow(); }); it("should not throw an error if the provided username is different from the session user's username and email", () => { expect(() => checkSelfImpersonation(session, { username: "other" })).not.toThrow(); }); }); describe("checkUserIdentifier", () => { it("should throw an error if no username is provided", () => { expect(() => checkUserIdentifier(undefined)).toThrow(); }); it("should not throw an error if a username is provided", () => { expect(() => checkUserIdentifier({ username: "test" })).not.toThrow(); }); }); describe("checkPermission", () => { it("should throw an error if the user is not an admin and team impersonation is disabled", () => { process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TEAM_IMPERSONATION = "false"; expect(() => checkPermission(session)).toThrow(); }); it("should not throw an error if the user is an admin and team impersonation is disabled", () => { const modifiedSession = { ...session, user: { ...session.user, role: UserPermissionRole.ADMIN } }; process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TEAM_IMPERSONATION = "false"; expect(() => checkPermission(modifiedSession)).not.toThrow(); }); it("should not throw an error if the user is not an admin but team impersonation is enabled", () => { process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TEAM_IMPERSONATION = "true"; expect(() => checkPermission(session)).not.toThrow(); }); });