import { lookup } from "bcp-47-match"; import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next"; import { useEffect } from "react"; import { CALCOM_VERSION } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react"; function useViewerI18n(locale: string) { return trpc.viewer.public.i18n.useQuery( { locale, CalComVersion: CALCOM_VERSION }, { /** * i18n should never be clubbed with other queries, so that it's caching can be managed independently. **/ trpc: { context: { skipBatch: true }, }, } ); } function useClientLocale(locales: string[]) { const session = useSession(); // If the user is logged in, use their locale if ( return; // If the user is not logged in, use the browser locale if (typeof window !== "undefined") { // This is the only way I found to ensure the prefetched locale is used on first render // FIXME: Find a better way to pick the best matching locale from the browser return lookup(locales, window.navigator.language) || window.navigator.language; } // If the browser is not available, use English return "en"; } export function useClientViewerI18n(locales: string[]) { const clientLocale = useClientLocale(locales); return useViewerI18n(clientLocale); } /** * Auto-switches locale client-side to the logged in user's preference */ const I18nLanguageHandler = (props: { locales: string[] }) => { const { locales } = props; const { i18n } = useTranslation("common"); const locale = useClientViewerI18n(locales).data?.locale || i18n.language; useEffect(() => { // bail early when i18n = {} if (Object.keys(i18n).length === 0) return; // if locale is ready and the i18n.language does != locale - changeLanguage if (locale && i18n.language !== locale) { i18n.changeLanguage(locale); } // set dir="rtl|ltr" document.dir = i18n.dir(); document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", locale); }, [locale, i18n]); return null; }; export default I18nLanguageHandler;