import authedProcedure from "@calcom/trpc/server/procedures/authedProcedure"; import publicProcedure from "@calcom/trpc/server/procedures/publicProcedure"; import { router } from "@calcom/trpc/server/trpc"; import { ZDeleteFormInputSchema } from "./deleteForm.schema"; import { ZFormMutationInputSchema } from "./formMutation.schema"; import { ZFormQueryInputSchema } from "./formQuery.schema"; import { ZReportInputSchema } from "./report.schema"; import { ZResponseInputSchema } from "./response.schema"; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types const UNSTABLE_HANDLER_CACHE: Record = {}; // TODO: Move getHandler and UNSTABLE_HANDLER_CACHE to a common utils file making sure that there is no name collision across routes /** * This function will import the module defined in importer just once and then cache the default export of that module. * * It gives you the default export of the module. * * **Note: It is your job to ensure that the name provided is unique across all routes.** */ const getHandler = async < T extends { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types default: Function; } >( /** * The name of the handler in cache. It has to be unique across all routes */ name: string, importer: () => Promise ) => { const nameInCache = name as keyof typeof UNSTABLE_HANDLER_CACHE; if (!UNSTABLE_HANDLER_CACHE[nameInCache]) { const importedModule = await importer(); UNSTABLE_HANDLER_CACHE[nameInCache] = importedModule.default; return importedModule.default as T["default"]; } return UNSTABLE_HANDLER_CACHE[nameInCache] as unknown as T["default"]; }; const appRoutingForms = router({ public: router({ response: publicProcedure.input(ZResponseInputSchema).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const handler = await getHandler("response", () => import("./response.handler")); return handler({ ctx, input }); }), }), forms: authedProcedure.query(async ({ ctx }) => { const handler = await getHandler("forms", () => import("./forms.handler")); return handler({ ctx }); }), formQuery: authedProcedure.input(ZFormQueryInputSchema).query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const handler = await getHandler("formQuery", () => import("./formQuery.handler")); return handler({ ctx, input }); }), formMutation: authedProcedure.input(ZFormMutationInputSchema).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const handler = await getHandler("formMutation", () => import("./formMutation.handler")); return handler({ ctx, input }); }), deleteForm: authedProcedure.input(ZDeleteFormInputSchema).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const handler = await getHandler("deleteForm", () => import("./deleteForm.handler")); return handler({ ctx, input }); }), report: authedProcedure.input(ZReportInputSchema).query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const handler = await getHandler("report", () => import("./report.handler")); return handler({ ctx, input }); }), }); export default appRoutingForms;