const dayjs = require("dayjs"); const isToday = require("dayjs/plugin/isToday"); const utc = require("dayjs/plugin/utc"); const timezone = require("dayjs/plugin/timezone"); dayjs.extend(isToday); dayjs.extend(utc); dayjs.extend(timezone); const getMinutesFromMidnight = (date) => { return date.hour() * 60 + date.minute(); }; const getSlots = ({ calendarTimeZone, eventLength, selectedTimeZone, selectedDate, dayStartTime, dayEndTime }) => { if(!selectedDate) return [] const lowerBound ="day"); // Simple case, same timezone if (calendarTimeZone === selectedTimeZone) { const slots = []; const now = dayjs(); for ( let minutes = dayStartTime; minutes <= dayEndTime - eventLength; minutes += parseInt(eventLength, 10) ) { const slot = lowerBound.add(minutes, "minutes"); if (slot > now) { slots.push(slot); } } return slots; } const upperBound ="day"); // We need to start generating slots from the start of the calendarTimeZone day const startDateTime = lowerBound .tz(calendarTimeZone) .startOf("day") .add(dayStartTime, "minutes"); let phase = 0; if (startDateTime < lowerBound) { // Getting minutes of the first event in the day of the chooser const diff = lowerBound.diff(startDateTime, "minutes"); // finding first event phase = diff + eventLength - (diff % eventLength); } // We can stop as soon as the selectedTimeZone day ends const endDateTime = upperBound .tz(calendarTimeZone) .subtract(eventLength, "minutes"); const maxMinutes = endDateTime.diff(startDateTime, "minutes"); const slots = []; const now = dayjs(); for ( let minutes = phase; minutes <= maxMinutes; minutes += parseInt(eventLength, 10) ) { const slot = startDateTime.add(minutes, "minutes"); const minutesFromMidnight = getMinutesFromMidnight(slot); if ( minutesFromMidnight < dayStartTime || minutesFromMidnight > dayEndTime - eventLength || slot < now ) { continue; } slots.push(; } return slots; }; export default getSlots