import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod"; import { useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query"; import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; import Head from "next/head"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import { useForm, useFormContext } from "react-hook-form"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import { z } from "zod"; import BookingPageTagManager from "@calcom/app-store/BookingPageTagManager"; import type { EventLocationType } from "@calcom/app-store/locations"; import { createPaymentLink } from "@calcom/app-store/stripepayment/lib/client"; import type { LocationObject } from "@calcom/core/location"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { useEmbedNonStylesConfig, useEmbedUiConfig, useIsBackgroundTransparent, useIsEmbed, } from "@calcom/embed-core/embed-iframe"; import { createBooking, createRecurringBooking } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib"; import { useTimePreferences } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib"; import { getBookingFieldsWithSystemFields, SystemField, } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getBookingFields"; import getBookingResponsesSchema, { getBookingResponsesPartialSchema, } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getBookingResponsesSchema"; import getLocationOptionsForSelect from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getLocationOptionsForSelect"; import { FormBuilderField } from "@calcom/features/form-builder/FormBuilder"; import { bookingSuccessRedirect } from "@calcom/lib/bookingSuccessRedirect"; import classNames from "@calcom/lib/classNames"; import { APP_NAME, MINUTES_TO_BOOK } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import useGetBrandingColours from "@calcom/lib/getBrandColours"; import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; import useTheme from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useTheme"; import { useTypedQuery } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useTypedQuery"; import { HttpError } from "@calcom/lib/http-error"; import { parseDate, parseDateTimeWithTimeZone, parseRecurringDates } from "@calcom/lib/parse-dates"; import { getEveryFreqFor } from "@calcom/lib/recurringStrings"; import { telemetryEventTypes, useTelemetry } from "@calcom/lib/telemetry"; import { TimeFormat } from "@calcom/lib/timeFormat"; import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc"; import { Button, Form, Tooltip, useCalcomTheme } from "@calcom/ui"; import { AlertTriangle, Calendar, RefreshCw, User } from "@calcom/ui/components/icon"; import { timeZone } from "@lib/clock"; import useRouterQuery from "@lib/hooks/useRouterQuery"; import BookingDescription from "@components/booking/BookingDescription"; import type { BookPageProps } from "../../../pages/[user]/book"; import type { HashLinkPageProps } from "../../../pages/d/[link]/book"; import type { TeamBookingPageProps } from "../../../pages/team/[slug]/book"; const Toaster = dynamic(() => import("react-hot-toast").then((mod) => mod.Toaster), { ssr: false }); /** These are like 40kb that not every user needs */ const BookingDescriptionPayment = dynamic( () => import("@components/booking/BookingDescriptionPayment") ) as unknown as typeof import("@components/booking/BookingDescriptionPayment").default; const useBrandColors = ({ brandColor, darkBrandColor }: { brandColor?: string; darkBrandColor?: string }) => { const brandTheme = useGetBrandingColours({ lightVal: brandColor, darkVal: darkBrandColor, }); useCalcomTheme(brandTheme); }; type BookingPageProps = BookPageProps | TeamBookingPageProps | HashLinkPageProps; const BookingFields = ({ fields, locations, rescheduleUid, isDynamicGroupBooking, }: { fields: BookingPageProps["eventType"]["bookingFields"]; locations: LocationObject[]; rescheduleUid?: string; isDynamicGroupBooking: boolean; }) => { const { t } = useLocale(); const { watch, setValue } = useFormContext(); const locationResponse = watch("responses.location"); const currentView = rescheduleUid ? "reschedule" : ""; return ( // TODO: It might make sense to extract this logic into BookingFields config, that would allow to quickly configure system fields and their editability in fresh booking and reschedule booking view
{, index) => { // During reschedule by default all system fields are readOnly. Make them editable on case by case basis. // Allowing a system field to be edited might require sending emails to attendees, so we need to be careful let readOnly = (field.editable === "system" || field.editable === "system-but-optional") && !!rescheduleUid; let noLabel = false; let hidden = !!field.hidden; const fieldViews = field.views; if (fieldViews && !fieldViews.find((view) => === currentView)) { return null; } if ( === SystemField.Enum.rescheduleReason) { // rescheduleReason is a reschedule specific field and thus should be editable during reschedule readOnly = false; } if ( === SystemField.Enum.smsReminderNumber) { // `smsReminderNumber` and location.optionValue when location.value===phone are the same data point. We should solve it in a better way in the Form Builder itself. // I think we should have a way to connect 2 fields together and have them share the same value in Form Builder if (locationResponse?.value === "phone") { setValue(`responses.${SystemField.Enum.smsReminderNumber}`, locationResponse?.optionValue); // Just don't render the field now, as the value is already connected to attendee phone location return null; } // `smsReminderNumber` can be edited during reschedule even though it's a system field readOnly = false; } if ( === SystemField.Enum.guests) { // No matter what user configured for Guests field, we don't show it for dynamic group booking as that doesn't support guests hidden = isDynamicGroupBooking ? true : !!field.hidden; } // We don't show `notes` field during reschedule if ( ( === SystemField.Enum.notes || === SystemField.Enum.guests) && !!rescheduleUid ) { return null; } // Dynamically populate location field options if ( === SystemField.Enum.location && field.type === "radioInput") { if (!field.optionsInputs) { throw new Error("radioInput must have optionsInputs"); } const optionsInputs = field.optionsInputs; // TODO: Instead of `getLocationOptionsForSelect` options should be retrieved from dataStore[field.getOptionsAt]. It would make it agnostic of the `name` of the field. const options = getLocationOptionsForSelect(locations, t); options.forEach((option) => { const optionInput = optionsInputs[option.value as keyof typeof optionsInputs]; if (optionInput) { optionInput.placeholder = option.inputPlaceholder; } }); field.options = options.filter( (location): location is NonNullable<(typeof options)[number]> => !!location ); // If we have only one option and it has an input, we don't show the field label because Option name acts as label. // e.g. If it's just Attendee Phone Number option then we don't show `Location` label if (field.options.length === 1) { if (field.optionsInputs[field.options[0].value]) { noLabel = true; } else { // If there's only one option and it doesn't have an input, we don't show the field at all because it's visible in the left side bar hidden = true; } } } const label = noLabel ? "" : field.label || t(field.defaultLabel || ""); const placeholder = field.placeholder || t(field.defaultPlaceholder || ""); return (
); }; const routerQuerySchema = z .object({ timeFormat: z.nativeEnum(TimeFormat), rescheduleUid: z.string().optional(), date: z .string() .optional() .transform((date) => { if (date === undefined) { return null; } return date; }), }) .passthrough(); const BookingPage = ({ eventType, booking, currentSlotBooking, profile, isDynamicGroupBooking, recurringEventCount, hasHashedBookingLink, hashedLink, ...restProps }: BookingPageProps) => { const removeSelectedSlotMarkMutation = trpc.viewer.public.slots.removeSelectedSlotMark.useMutation(); const reserveSlotMutation = trpc.viewer.public.slots.reserveSlot.useMutation(); const { t, i18n } = useLocale(); const { duration: queryDuration } = useRouterQuery("duration"); const { date: queryDate } = useRouterQuery("date"); const isEmbed = useIsEmbed(restProps.isEmbed); const embedUiConfig = useEmbedUiConfig(); const shouldAlignCentrallyInEmbed = useEmbedNonStylesConfig("align") !== "left"; const shouldAlignCentrally = !isEmbed || shouldAlignCentrallyInEmbed; const router = useRouter(); const { data: session } = useSession(); const isBackgroundTransparent = useIsBackgroundTransparent(); const telemetry = useTelemetry(); const { timezone } = useTimePreferences(); const reserveSlot = () => { if (queryDuration) { reserveSlotMutation.mutate({ eventTypeId:, slotUtcStartDate: dayjs(queryDate).utc().format(), slotUtcEndDate: dayjs(queryDate).utc().add(parseInt(queryDuration), "minutes").format(), bookingUid: currentSlotBooking?.uid, }); } }; // Define duration now that we support multiple duration eventTypes let duration = eventType.length; if ( queryDuration && !isNaN(Number(queryDuration)) && eventType.metadata?.multipleDuration && eventType.metadata?.multipleDuration.includes(Number(queryDuration)) ) { duration = Number(queryDuration); } useEffect(() => { /* if (top !== window) { //page_view will be collected automatically by _middleware.ts telemetry.event( telemetryEventTypes.embedView, collectPageParameters("/book", { isTeamBooking: document.URL.includes("team/") }) ); } */ reserveSlot(); const interval = setInterval(reserveSlot, parseInt(MINUTES_TO_BOOK) * 60 * 1000 - 2000); return () => { clearInterval(interval); removeSelectedSlotMarkMutation.mutate(); }; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const mutation = useMutation(createBooking, { onSuccess: async (responseData) => { const { uid } = responseData; if ("paymentUid" in responseData && !!responseData.paymentUid) { return await router.push( createPaymentLink({ paymentUid: responseData.paymentUid, date, name: bookingForm.getValues(""), email: bookingForm.getValues(""), absolute: false, }) ); } const query = { isSuccessBookingPage: true, email: bookingForm.getValues(""), eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, seatReferenceUid: "seatReferenceUid" in responseData ? responseData.seatReferenceUid : null, ...(rescheduleUid && booking?.startTime && { formerTime: booking.startTime.toString() }), }; return bookingSuccessRedirect({ router, successRedirectUrl: eventType.successRedirectUrl, query, bookingUid: uid, }); }, }); const recurringMutation = useMutation(createRecurringBooking, { onSuccess: async (responseData = []) => { const { uid } = responseData[0] || {}; const query = { isSuccessBookingPage: true, allRemainingBookings: true, email: bookingForm.getValues(""), eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, formerTime: booking?.startTime.toString(), }; return bookingSuccessRedirect({ router, successRedirectUrl: eventType.successRedirectUrl, query, bookingUid: uid, }); }, }); const { data: { timeFormat, rescheduleUid, date }, } = useTypedQuery(routerQuerySchema); useTheme(profile.theme); useBrandColors({ brandColor: profile.brandColor, darkBrandColor: profile.darkBrandColor, }); const querySchema = getBookingResponsesPartialSchema({ eventType: { bookingFields: getBookingFieldsWithSystemFields(eventType), }, view: rescheduleUid ? "reschedule" : "booking", }); const parsedQuery = querySchema.parse({ ...router.query, // `guest` because we need to support legacy URL with `guest` query param support // `guests` because the `name` of the corresponding bookingField is `guests` guests: router.query.guests || router.query.guest, }); // it would be nice if Prisma at some point in the future allowed for Json; as of now this is not the case. const locations: LocationObject[] = useMemo( () => (eventType.locations as LocationObject[]) || [], [eventType.locations] ); const [isClientTimezoneAvailable, setIsClientTimezoneAvailable] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { // THis is to fix hydration error that comes because of different timezone on server and client setIsClientTimezoneAvailable(true); }, []); const loggedInIsOwner = eventType?.users[0]?.id === session?.user?.id; // There should only exists one default userData variable for primaryAttendee. const defaultUserValues = { email: rescheduleUid ? booking?.attendees[0].email : parsedQuery["email"], name: rescheduleUid ? booking?.attendees[0].name : parsedQuery["name"], }; const defaultValues = () => { if (!rescheduleUid) { const defaults = { responses: {} as Partial["responses"]>, }; const responses = eventType.bookingFields.reduce((responses, field) => { return { ...responses, []: parsedQuery[], }; }, {}); defaults.responses = { ...responses, name: || (!loggedInIsOwner && session?.user?.name) || "", email: || (!loggedInIsOwner && session?.user?.email) || "", }; return defaults; } if (!booking || !booking.attendees.length) { return {}; } const primaryAttendee = booking.attendees[0]; if (!primaryAttendee) { return {}; } const defaults = { responses: {} as Partial["responses"]>, }; const responses = eventType.bookingFields.reduce((responses, field) => { return { ...responses, []: booking.responses[], }; }, {}); defaults.responses = { ...responses, name: || (!loggedInIsOwner && session?.user?.name) || "", email: || (!loggedInIsOwner && session?.user?.email) || "", }; return defaults; }; const bookingFormSchema = z .object({ responses: getBookingResponsesSchema({ eventType: { bookingFields: getBookingFieldsWithSystemFields(eventType) }, view: rescheduleUid ? "reschedule" : "booking", }), }) .passthrough(); type BookingFormValues = { locationType?: EventLocationType["type"]; responses: z.infer["responses"]; }; const bookingForm = useForm({ defaultValues: defaultValues(), resolver: zodResolver(bookingFormSchema), // Since this isn't set to strict we only validate the fields in the schema }); // Calculate the booking date(s) let recurringStrings: string[] = [], recurringDates: Date[] = []; if (eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringEventCount !== null) { [recurringStrings, recurringDates] = parseRecurringDates( { startDate: date, timeZone: timeZone(), recurringEvent: eventType.recurringEvent, recurringCount: parseInt(recurringEventCount.toString()), selectedTimeFormat: timeFormat, }, i18n.language ); } const bookEvent = (bookingValues: BookingFormValues) => { telemetry.event( top !== window ? telemetryEventTypes.embedBookingConfirmed : telemetryEventTypes.bookingConfirmed, { isTeamBooking: document.URL.includes("team/") } ); // "metadata" is a reserved key to allow for connecting external users without relying on the email address. // <...url>&metadata[user_id]=123 will be send as a custom input field as the hidden type. // @TODO: move to metadata const metadata = Object.keys(router.query) .filter((key) => key.startsWith("metadata")) .reduce( (metadata, key) => ({ ...metadata, [key.substring("metadata[".length, key.length - 1)]: router.query[key], }), {} ); if (recurringDates.length) { // Identify set of bookings to one intance of recurring event to support batch changes const recurringEventId = uuidv4(); const recurringBookings = => ({ ...bookingValues, start: dayjs(recurringDate).utc().format(), end: dayjs(recurringDate).utc().add(duration, "minute").format(), eventTypeId:, eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, recurringEventId, // Added to track down the number of actual occurrences selected by the user recurringCount: recurringDates.length, timeZone: timeZone(), language: i18n.language, rescheduleUid, user: router.query.user, metadata, hasHashedBookingLink, hashedLink, })); recurringMutation.mutate(recurringBookings); } else { mutation.mutate({ ...bookingValues, start: dayjs(date).utc().format(), end: dayjs(date).utc().add(duration, "minute").format(), eventTypeId:, eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, timeZone: timeZone(), language: i18n.language, rescheduleUid, bookingUid: (router.query.bookingUid as string) || booking?.uid, user: router.query.user, metadata, hasHashedBookingLink, hashedLink, seatReferenceUid: router.query.seatReferenceUid as string, }); } }; const showEventTypeDetails = (isEmbed && !embedUiConfig.hideEventTypeDetails) || !isEmbed; return ( <> {rescheduleUid ? t("booking_reschedule_confirmation", { eventTypeTitle: eventType.title, profileName:, }) : t("booking_confirmation", { eventTypeTitle: eventType.title, profileName:, })}{" "} | {APP_NAME}
{showEventTypeDetails && (
{!rescheduleUid && eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringEventCount && (

{getEveryFreqFor({ t, recurringEvent: eventType.recurringEvent, recurringCount: recurringEventCount, })}

{isClientTimezoneAvailable && (rescheduleUid || !eventType.recurringEvent?.freq) && `${parseDate(date, i18n.language, { selectedTimeFormat: timeFormat })}`} {isClientTimezoneAvailable && !rescheduleUid && eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringStrings.slice(0, 5).map((timeFormatted, key) => { return


; })} {!rescheduleUid && eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringStrings.length > 5 && (



+ {t("plus_more", { count: recurringStrings.length - 5 })}

{booking?.startTime && rescheduleUid && (


{isClientTimezoneAvailable && typeof booking.startTime === "string" && parseDateTimeWithTimeZone(booking.startTime, i18n.language, timezone, { selectedTimeFormat: timeFormat, })}

)} {!!eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot && (
= 0.5 ? "text-rose-600" : currentSlotBooking && currentSlotBooking.attendees.length / eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot >= 0.33 ? "text-yellow-500" : "text-bookinghighlight" }`} />

= 0.5 ? "text-rose-600" : currentSlotBooking && currentSlotBooking.attendees.length / eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot >= 0.33 ? "text-yellow-500" : "text-bookinghighlight" } mb-2 font-medium`}> {currentSlotBooking ? eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot - currentSlotBooking.attendees.length : eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot}{" "} / {eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot}{" "} {t("seats_available", { count: currentSlotBooking ? eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot - currentSlotBooking.attendees.length : eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot, })}

{mutation.isError || recurringMutation.isError ? ( ) : null}
); }; export default BookingPage; function ErrorMessage({ error }: { error: unknown }) { const { t } = useLocale(); const { query: { rescheduleUid } = {} } = useRouter(); const router = useRouter(); return (

{rescheduleUid ? t("reschedule_fail") : t("booking_fail")}{" "} {error instanceof HttpError || error instanceof Error ? ( <> {t("can_you_try_again")}{" "} router.back()}> {t("go_back")} . /* t(error.message) */ ) : ( "Unknown error" )}

); }