import handleBooking from "@api/bookings/[id]"; import { createMocks } from "node-mocks-http"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { stringifyISODate } from "@lib/utils/stringifyISODate"; describe("GET /api/bookings/[id] with valid id as string returns an booking", () => { it("returns a message with the specified events", async () => { const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "GET", query: { id: "1", }, }); const booking = await{ where: { id: 1 } }); await handleBooking(req, res); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(200); expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toEqual({ data: {, createdAt: stringifyISODate(booking?.createdAt), startTime: stringifyISODate(booking?.startTime), endTime: stringifyISODate(booking?.endTime) } }); }); }); // This can never happen under our normal nextjs setup where query is always a string | string[]. // But seemed a good example for testing an error validation describe("GET /api/bookings/[id] errors if query id is number, requires a string", () => { it("returns a message with the specified events", async () => { const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "GET", query: { id: 1, // passing query as a number, which should fail as nextjs will try to parse it as a string }, }); await handleBooking(req, res); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(400); expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toStrictEqual([ { code: "invalid_type", expected: "string", received: "number", path: ["id"], message: "Expected string, received number", }, ]); }); }); describe("GET /api/bookings/[id] an id not present in db like 0, throws 404 not found", () => { it("returns a message with the specified events", async () => { const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "GET", query: { id: "0", // There's no booking type with id 0 }, }); await handleBooking(req, res); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(404); expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toStrictEqual({ message: "Event type not found" }); }); }); describe("POST /api/bookings/[id] fails, only GET allowed", () => { it("returns a message with the specified events", async () => { const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "POST", // This POST method is not allowed query: { id: "1", }, }); await handleBooking(req, res); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(405); expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toStrictEqual({ message: "Only GET Method allowed" }); }); });