import handleapiKeyEdit from "@api/api-keys/[id]/edit"; import { createMocks } from "node-mocks-http"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import {stringifyISODate} from "@lib/utils/stringifyISODate"; describe("PATCH /api/api-keys/[id]/edit with valid id and body with note", () => { it("returns a 200 and the updated apiKey note", async () => { const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "PATCH", query: { id: "cl16zg6860000wwylnsgva00b", }, body: { note: "Updated note", }, }); const apiKey = await prisma.apiKey.findUnique({ where: { id: } }); await handleapiKeyEdit(req, res); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(200); expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toEqual({ data: {...apiKey, createdAt: stringifyISODate(apiKey?.createdAt), expiresAt: stringifyISODate(apiKey?.expiresAt)} }); }); }); describe("PATCH /api/api-keys/[id]/edit with invalid id returns 404", () => { it("returns a message with the specified apiKeys", async () => { const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "PATCH", query: { id: "cl16zg6860000wwylnsgva00a", }, body: { note: "Updated note", }, }); const apiKey = await prisma.apiKey.findUnique({ where: { id: } }); await handleapiKeyEdit(req, res); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(404); if (apiKey) apiKey.note = "Updated note"; expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toStrictEqual({ "error": { "clientVersion": "3.10.0", "code": "P2025", "meta": { "cause": "Record to update not found.", }, }, "message": "apiKey with ID cl16zg6860000wwylnsgva00a not found and wasn't updated", }); }); }); describe("PATCH /api/api-keys/[id]/edit with valid id and no body returns 200 with an apiKey with no note and default expireAt", () => { it("returns a message with the specified apiKeys", async () => { const apiKey = await prisma.apiKey.create({data:{} }); const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "PATCH", query: { id: apiKey?.id, }, }); await handleapiKeyEdit(req, res); expect(apiKey?.note).toBeNull(); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(200); expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toEqual({ data: {...apiKey, createdAt: stringifyISODate(apiKey?.createdAt), expiresAt: stringifyISODate(apiKey?.expiresAt)} }); }); }); describe("POST /api/api-keys/[id]/edit fails, only PATCH allowed", () => { it("returns a message with the specified apiKeys", async () => { const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: "POST", // This POST method is not allowed query: { id: "cl16zg6860000wwylnsgva00b", }, body: { note: "Updated note", }, }); await handleapiKeyEdit(req, res); expect(res._getStatusCode()).toBe(405); expect(JSON.parse(res._getData())).toStrictEqual({ message: "Only PATCH Method allowed for updating API keys" }); }); });