import { Credential } from "@prisma/client"; import short from "short-uuid"; import { v5 as uuidv5 } from "uuid"; import CalEventParser from "@lib/CalEventParser"; import "@lib/emails/EventMail"; import { getIntegrationName } from "@lib/emails/helpers"; import { EventResult } from "@lib/events/EventManager"; import logger from "@lib/logger"; import { AdditionInformation, CalendarEvent, EntryPoint } from "./calendarClient"; import EventAttendeeRescheduledMail from "./emails/EventAttendeeRescheduledMail"; import EventOrganizerRescheduledMail from "./emails/EventOrganizerRescheduledMail"; import VideoEventAttendeeMail from "./emails/VideoEventAttendeeMail"; import VideoEventOrganizerMail from "./emails/VideoEventOrganizerMail"; import DailyVideoApiAdapter from "./integrations/Daily/DailyVideoApiAdapter"; import ZoomVideoApiAdapter from "./integrations/Zoom/ZoomVideoApiAdapter"; import { Ensure } from "./types/utils"; const log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: ["[lib] videoClient"] }); const translator = short(); export interface VideoCallData { type: string; id: string; password: string; url: string; } type EventBusyDate = Record<"start" | "end", Date>; export interface VideoApiAdapter { createMeeting(event: CalendarEvent): Promise; updateMeeting(uid: string, event: CalendarEvent): Promise; deleteMeeting(uid: string): Promise; getAvailability(dateFrom?: string, dateTo?: string): Promise; } // factory const getVideoAdapters = (withCredentials: Credential[]): VideoApiAdapter[] => withCredentials.reduce((acc, cred) => { switch (cred.type) { case "zoom_video": acc.push(ZoomVideoApiAdapter(cred)); break; case "daily_video": acc.push(DailyVideoApiAdapter(cred)); break; default: break; } return acc; }, []); const getBusyVideoTimes: (withCredentials: Credential[]) => Promise = (withCredentials) => Promise.all(getVideoAdapters(withCredentials).map((c) => c.getAvailability())).then((results) => results.reduce((acc, availability) => acc.concat(availability), []) ); const createMeeting = async ( credential: Credential, calEvent: Ensure ): Promise => { const parser: CalEventParser = new CalEventParser(calEvent); const uid: string = parser.getUid(); if (!credential) { throw new Error( "Credentials must be set! Video platforms are optional, so this method shouldn't even be called when no video credentials are set." ); } let success = true; const videoAdapters = getVideoAdapters([credential]); const [firstVideoAdapter] = videoAdapters; const createdMeeting = await firstVideoAdapter.createMeeting(calEvent).catch((e) => { log.error("createMeeting failed", e, calEvent); success = false; }); if (!createdMeeting) { return { type: credential.type, success, uid, originalEvent: calEvent, }; } const videoCallData: VideoCallData = { type: credential.type, id:, password: createdMeeting.password, url: createdMeeting.join_url, }; if (credential.type === "daily_video") { videoCallData.type = " Video"; =; videoCallData.url = process.env.BASE_URL + "/call/" + uid; } const entryPoint: EntryPoint = { entryPointType: getIntegrationName(videoCallData), uri: videoCallData.url, label: calEvent.language("enter_meeting"), pin: videoCallData.password, }; const additionInformation: AdditionInformation = { entryPoints: [entryPoint], }; calEvent.additionInformation = additionInformation; calEvent.videoCallData = videoCallData; try { const organizerMail = new VideoEventOrganizerMail(calEvent); await organizerMail.sendEmail(); } catch (e) { console.error("organizerMail.sendEmail failed", e); } if (!createdMeeting || !createdMeeting.disableConfirmationEmail) { try { const attendeeMail = new VideoEventAttendeeMail(calEvent); await attendeeMail.sendEmail(); } catch (e) { console.error("attendeeMail.sendEmail failed", e); } } return { type: credential.type, success, uid, createdEvent: createdMeeting, originalEvent: calEvent, videoCallData: videoCallData, }; }; const updateMeeting = async ( credential: Credential, calEvent: CalendarEvent, bookingRefUid: string | null ): Promise => { const uid: string = translator.fromUUID(uuidv5(JSON.stringify(calEvent), uuidv5.URL)); if (!credential) { throw new Error( "Credentials must be set! Video platforms are optional, so this method shouldn't even be called when no video credentials are set." ); } let success = true; const [firstVideoAdapter] = getVideoAdapters([credential]); const updatedMeeting = credential && bookingRefUid ? await firstVideoAdapter.updateMeeting(bookingRefUid, calEvent).catch((e) => { log.error("updateMeeting failed", e, calEvent); success = false; return undefined; }) : undefined; try { const organizerMail = new EventOrganizerRescheduledMail(calEvent); await organizerMail.sendEmail(); } catch (e) { console.error("organizerMail.sendEmail failed", e); } if (!updatedMeeting.disableConfirmationEmail) { try { const attendeeMail = new EventAttendeeRescheduledMail(calEvent); await attendeeMail.sendEmail(); } catch (e) { console.error("attendeeMail.sendEmail failed", e); } } return { type: credential.type, success, uid, updatedEvent: updatedMeeting, originalEvent: calEvent, }; }; const deleteMeeting = (credential: Credential, uid: string): Promise => { if (credential) { return getVideoAdapters([credential])[0].deleteMeeting(uid); } return Promise.resolve({}); }; export { getBusyVideoTimes, createMeeting, updateMeeting, deleteMeeting };