import { authenticator } from "otplib"; import { deleteStripeCustomer } from "@calcom/app-store/stripepayment/lib/customer"; import { ErrorCode } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/ErrorCode"; import { verifyPassword } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/verifyPassword"; import { symmetricDecrypt } from "@calcom/lib/crypto"; import { deleteWebUser as syncServicesDeleteWebUser } from "@calcom/lib/sync/SyncServiceManager"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { IdentityProvider } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import type { TrpcSessionUser } from "@calcom/trpc/server/trpc"; import type { TDeleteMeInputSchema } from "./deleteMe.schema"; type DeleteMeOptions = { ctx: { user: NonNullable; }; input: TDeleteMeInputSchema; }; export const deleteMeHandler = async ({ ctx, input }: DeleteMeOptions) => { // Check if input.password is correct const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { email:, }, }); if (!user) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.UserNotFound); } if (user.identityProvider !== IdentityProvider.CAL) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.ThirdPartyIdentityProviderEnabled); } if (!user.password) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.UserMissingPassword); } const isCorrectPassword = await verifyPassword(input.password, user.password); if (!isCorrectPassword) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.IncorrectPassword); } if (user.twoFactorEnabled) { if (!input.totpCode) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.SecondFactorRequired); } if (!user.twoFactorSecret) { console.error(`Two factor is enabled for user ${} but they have no secret`); throw new Error(ErrorCode.InternalServerError); } if (!process.env.CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY) { console.error(`"Missing encryption key; cannot proceed with two factor login."`); throw new Error(ErrorCode.InternalServerError); } const secret = symmetricDecrypt(user.twoFactorSecret, process.env.CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY); if (secret.length !== 32) { console.error( `Two factor secret decryption failed. Expected key with length 32 but got ${secret.length}` ); throw new Error(ErrorCode.InternalServerError); } // If user has 2fa enabled, check if input.totpCode is correct const isValidToken = authenticator.check(input.totpCode, secret); if (!isValidToken) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.IncorrectTwoFactorCode); } } // If 2FA is disabled or totpCode is valid then delete the user from stripe and database await deleteStripeCustomer(user).catch(console.warn); // Remove my account const deletedUser = await prisma.user.delete({ where: { id:, }, }); // Sync Services syncServicesDeleteWebUser(deletedUser); return; };