import type { Webhook } from "@prisma/client"; import { createHmac } from "crypto"; import { compile } from "handlebars"; import { getHumanReadableLocationValue } from "@calcom/app-store/locations"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; type ContentType = "application/json" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; export type EventTypeInfo = { eventTitle?: string | null; eventDescription?: string | null; requiresConfirmation?: boolean | null; price?: number | null; currency?: string | null; length?: number | null; }; type WebhookDataType = CalendarEvent & EventTypeInfo & { metadata?: { [key: string]: string }; bookingId?: number; status?: string; smsReminderNumber?: string; rescheduleUid?: string; rescheduleStartTime?: string; rescheduleEndTime?: string; triggerEvent: string; createdAt: string; downloadLink?: string; }; function getZapierPayload(data: CalendarEvent & EventTypeInfo & { status?: string }): string { const attendees = => { return { name:, email:, timeZone: attendee.timeZone, }; }); const t = data.organizer.language.translate; const location = getHumanReadableLocationValue(data.location || "", t); const body = { title: data.title, description: data.description, customInputs: data.customInputs, responses: data.responses, userFieldsResponses: data.userFieldsResponses, startTime: data.startTime, endTime: data.endTime, location: location, status: data.status, cancellationReason: data.cancellationReason, user: { username: data.organizer.username, name:, email:, timeZone: data.organizer.timeZone, locale: data.organizer.locale, }, eventType: { title: data.eventTitle, description: data.eventDescription, requiresConfirmation: data.requiresConfirmation, price: data.price, currency: data.currency, length: data.length, }, attendees: attendees, }; return JSON.stringify(body); } function applyTemplate(template: string, data: WebhookDataType, contentType: ContentType) { const organizer = JSON.stringify(data.organizer); const attendees = JSON.stringify(data.attendees); const formattedData = {, metadata: JSON.stringify(data.metadata), organizer, attendees }; const compiled = compile(template)(formattedData).replace(/"/g, '"'); if (contentType === "application/json") { return JSON.stringify(jsonParse(compiled)); } return compiled; } function jsonParse(jsonString: string) { try { return JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (e) { // don't do anything. } return false; } const sendPayload = async ( secretKey: string | null, triggerEvent: string, createdAt: string, webhook: Pick, data: Omit ) => { const { appId, payloadTemplate: template } = webhook; const contentType = !template || jsonParse(template) ? "application/json" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; data.description = data.description || data.additionalNotes; let body; /* Zapier id is hardcoded in the DB, we send the raw data for this case */ if (appId === "zapier") { body = getZapierPayload(data); } else if (template) { body = applyTemplate(template, {, triggerEvent, createdAt }, contentType); } else { body = JSON.stringify({ triggerEvent: triggerEvent, createdAt: createdAt, payload: data, }); } return _sendPayload(secretKey, triggerEvent, createdAt, webhook, body, contentType); }; export const sendGenericWebhookPayload = async ( secretKey: string | null, triggerEvent: string, createdAt: string, webhook: Pick, data: Record ) => { const body = JSON.stringify(data); return _sendPayload(secretKey, triggerEvent, createdAt, webhook, body, "application/json"); }; const _sendPayload = async ( secretKey: string | null, triggerEvent: string, createdAt: string, webhook: Pick, body: string, contentType: "application/json" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) => { const { subscriberUrl } = webhook; if (!subscriberUrl || !body) { throw new Error("Missing required elements to send webhook payload."); } const secretSignature = secretKey ? createHmac("sha256", secretKey).update(`${body}`).digest("hex") : "no-secret-provided"; const response = await fetch(subscriberUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": contentType, "X-Cal-Signature-256": secretSignature, }, body, }); const text = await response.text(); return { ok: response.ok, status: response.status, message: text, }; }; export default sendPayload;