import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod"; import { EventTypeCustomInputType, WorkflowActions } from "@prisma/client"; import { useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query"; import { isValidPhoneNumber } from "libphonenumber-js"; import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import Head from "next/head"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { useEffect, useMemo, useState, useReducer } from "react"; import { Controller, useForm, useWatch } from "react-hook-form"; import { FormattedNumber, IntlProvider } from "react-intl"; import { ReactMultiEmail } from "react-multi-email"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import { z } from "zod"; import BookingPageTagManager from "@calcom/app-store/BookingPageTagManager"; import { locationKeyToString, getEventLocationValue, getEventLocationType, EventLocationType, getHumanReadableLocationValue, } from "@calcom/app-store/locations"; import { createPaymentLink } from "@calcom/app-store/stripepayment/lib/client"; import { getEventTypeAppData } from "@calcom/app-store/utils"; import { LocationObject, LocationType } from "@calcom/core/location"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { useEmbedNonStylesConfig, useIsBackgroundTransparent, useIsEmbed, } from "@calcom/embed-core/embed-iframe"; import CustomBranding from "@calcom/lib/CustomBranding"; import classNames from "@calcom/lib/classNames"; import { formatTime } from "@calcom/lib/date-fns"; import getStripeAppData from "@calcom/lib/getStripeAppData"; import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; import useTheme from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useTheme"; import { HttpError } from "@calcom/lib/http-error"; import { getEveryFreqFor } from "@calcom/lib/recurringStrings"; import { collectPageParameters, telemetryEventTypes, useTelemetry } from "@calcom/lib/telemetry"; import { Icon } from "@calcom/ui/Icon"; import { Tooltip } from "@calcom/ui/Tooltip"; import PhoneInput from "@calcom/ui/form/PhoneInputLazy"; import { EmailInput, Form } from "@calcom/ui/form/fields"; import { Button } from "@calcom/ui/v2"; import { asStringOrNull } from "@lib/asStringOrNull"; import { timeZone } from "@lib/clock"; import { ensureArray } from "@lib/ensureArray"; import useMeQuery from "@lib/hooks/useMeQuery"; import createBooking from "@lib/mutations/bookings/create-booking"; import createRecurringBooking from "@lib/mutations/bookings/create-recurring-booking"; import { parseDate, parseRecurringDates } from "@lib/parseDate"; import slugify from "@lib/slugify"; import Gates, { Gate, GateState } from "@components/Gates"; import BookingDescription from "@components/booking/BookingDescription"; import { BookPageProps } from "../../../pages/[user]/book"; import { HashLinkPageProps } from "../../../pages/d/[link]/book"; import { TeamBookingPageProps } from "../../../pages/team/[slug]/book"; type BookingPageProps = BookPageProps | TeamBookingPageProps | HashLinkPageProps; type BookingFormValues = { name: string; email: string; notes?: string; locationType?: EventLocationType["type"]; guests?: string[]; phone?: string; hostPhoneNumber?: string; // Maybe come up with a better way to name this to distingish between two types of phone numbers customInputs?: { [key: string]: string | boolean; }; rescheduleReason?: string; smsReminderNumber?: string; }; const BookingPage = ({ eventType, booking, profile, isDynamicGroupBooking, recurringEventCount, hasHashedBookingLink, hashedLink, ...restProps }: BookingPageProps) => { const { t, i18n } = useLocale(); // Get user so we can determine 12/24 hour format preferences const query = useMeQuery(); const user =; const isEmbed = useIsEmbed(restProps.isEmbed); const shouldAlignCentrallyInEmbed = useEmbedNonStylesConfig("align") !== "left"; const shouldAlignCentrally = !isEmbed || shouldAlignCentrallyInEmbed; const router = useRouter(); const { data: session } = useSession(); const isBackgroundTransparent = useIsBackgroundTransparent(); const telemetry = useTelemetry(); const [gateState, gateDispatcher] = useReducer( (state: GateState, newState: Partial) => ({ ...state, ...newState, }), {} ); const stripeAppData = getStripeAppData(eventType); useEffect(() => { if (top !== window) { //page_view will be collected automatically by _middleware.ts telemetry.event( telemetryEventTypes.embedView, collectPageParameters("/book", { isTeamBooking: document.URL.includes("team/") }) ); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const mutation = useMutation(createBooking, { onSuccess: async (responseData) => { const { id, paymentUid } = responseData; if (paymentUid) { return await router.push( createPaymentLink({ paymentUid, date, name: bookingForm.getValues("name"), email: bookingForm.getValues("email"), absolute: false, }) ); } return router.push({ pathname: "/success", query: { date, type:, eventSlug: eventType.slug, username: profile.slug, reschedule: !!rescheduleUid, name: bookingForm.getValues("name"), email: bookingForm.getValues("email"), location: responseData.location, eventName: profile.eventName || "", bookingId: id, isSuccessBookingPage: true, }, }); }, }); const recurringMutation = useMutation(createRecurringBooking, { onSuccess: async (responseData = []) => { const { attendees = [], id, recurringEventId } = responseData[0] || {}; const location = (function humanReadableLocation(location) { if (!location) { return; } if (location.includes("integration")) { return t("web_conferencing_details_to_follow"); } return location; })(responseData[0].location); return router.push({ pathname: "/success", query: { date, type:, eventSlug: eventType.slug, recur: recurringEventId, username: profile.slug, reschedule: !!rescheduleUid, name: attendees[0].name, email: attendees[0].email, location, eventName: profile.eventName || "", bookingId: id, }, }); }, }); const rescheduleUid = router.query.rescheduleUid as string; useTheme(profile.theme); const date = asStringOrNull(; const [guestToggle, setGuestToggle] = useState(booking && booking.attendees.length > 1); // it would be nice if Prisma at some point in the future allowed for Json; as of now this is not the case. const locations: LocationObject[] = useMemo( () => (eventType.locations as LocationObject[]) || [], [eventType.locations] ); useEffect(() => { if (router.query.guest) { setGuestToggle(true); } }, [router.query.guest]); const loggedInIsOwner = eventType?.users[0]?.id === session?.user?.id; const guestListEmails = !isDynamicGroupBooking ? booking?.attendees.slice(1).map((attendee) => : []; // There should only exists one default userData variable for primaryAttendee. const defaultUserValues = { email: rescheduleUid ? booking?.attendees[0].email : ? ( as string) : "", name: rescheduleUid ? booking?.attendees[0].name : ? ( as string) : "", }; const defaultValues = () => { if (!rescheduleUid) { return { name: || (!loggedInIsOwner && session?.user?.name) || "", email: || (!loggedInIsOwner && session?.user?.email) || "", notes: (router.query.notes as string) || "", guests: ensureArray(router.query.guest) as string[], customInputs: eventType.customInputs.reduce( (customInputs, input) => ({ ...customInputs, []: router.query[slugify(input.label)], }), {} ), }; } if (!booking || !booking.attendees.length) { return {}; } const primaryAttendee = booking.attendees[0]; if (!primaryAttendee) { return {}; } const customInputType = booking.customInputs; return { name:, email: || "", guests: guestListEmails, notes: booking.description || "", rescheduleReason: "", smsReminderNumber: booking.smsReminderNumber || undefined, customInputs: eventType.customInputs.reduce( (customInputs, input) => ({ ...customInputs, []: booking.customInputs ? booking.customInputs[input.label as keyof typeof customInputType] : "", }), {} ), }; }; const bookingFormSchema = z .object({ name: z.string().min(1), email: z.string().email(), phone: z .string() .refine((val) => isValidPhoneNumber(val)) .optional() .nullable(), smsReminderNumber: z .string() .refine((val) => isValidPhoneNumber(val)) .optional() .nullable(), }) .passthrough(); const bookingForm = useForm({ defaultValues: defaultValues(), resolver: zodResolver(bookingFormSchema), // Since this isn't set to strict we only validate the fields in the schema }); const selectedLocationType = useWatch({ control: bookingForm.control, name: "locationType", defaultValue: ((): EventLocationType["type"] | undefined => { if (router.query.location) { return router.query.location as EventLocationType["type"]; } if (locations.length === 1) { return locations[0]?.type; } })(), }); const selectedLocation = getEventLocationType(selectedLocationType); const AttendeeInput = selectedLocation?.attendeeInputType === "text" ? "input" : selectedLocation?.attendeeInputType === "phone" ? PhoneInput : null; // Calculate the booking date(s) let recurringStrings: string[] = [], recurringDates: Date[] = []; if (eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringEventCount !== null) { [recurringStrings, recurringDates] = parseRecurringDates( { startDate: date, timeZone: timeZone(), recurringEvent: eventType.recurringEvent, recurringCount: parseInt(recurringEventCount.toString()), }, i18n ); } const bookEvent = (booking: BookingFormValues) => { telemetry.event( top !== window ? telemetryEventTypes.embedBookingConfirmed : telemetryEventTypes.bookingConfirmed, { isTeamBooking: document.URL.includes("team/") } ); // "metadata" is a reserved key to allow for connecting external users without relying on the email address. // <...url>&metadata[user_id]=123 will be send as a custom input field as the hidden type. // @TODO: move to metadata const metadata = Object.keys(router.query) .filter((key) => key.startsWith("metadata")) .reduce( (metadata, key) => ({ ...metadata, [key.substring("metadata[".length, key.length - 1)]: router.query[key], }), {} ); if (recurringDates.length) { // Identify set of bookings to one intance of recurring event to support batch changes const recurringEventId = uuidv4(); const recurringBookings = => ({, start: dayjs(recurringDate).format(), end: dayjs(recurringDate).add(eventType.length, "minute").format(), eventTypeId:, eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, recurringEventId, // Added to track down the number of actual occurrences selected by the user recurringCount: recurringDates.length, timeZone: timeZone(), language: i18n.language, rescheduleUid, user: router.query.user, location: getEventLocationValue(locations, { type: booking.locationType ? booking.locationType : selectedLocationType || "", phone:, }), metadata, customInputs: Object.keys(booking.customInputs || {}).map((inputId) => ({ label: eventType.customInputs.find((input) => === parseInt(inputId))?.label || "", value: booking.customInputs && inputId in booking.customInputs ? booking.customInputs[inputId] : "", })), hasHashedBookingLink, hashedLink, smsReminderNumber: selectedLocationType === LocationType.Phone ? : booking.smsReminderNumber || undefined, ethSignature: gateState.rainbowToken, })); recurringMutation.mutate(recurringBookings); } else { mutation.mutate({, start: dayjs(date).format(), end: dayjs(date).add(eventType.length, "minute").format(), eventTypeId:, eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, timeZone: timeZone(), language: i18n.language, rescheduleUid, bookingUid: router.query.bookingUid as string, user: router.query.user, location: getEventLocationValue(locations, { type: (booking.locationType ? booking.locationType : selectedLocationType) || "", phone:, }), metadata, customInputs: Object.keys(booking.customInputs || {}).map((inputId) => ({ label: eventType.customInputs.find((input) => === parseInt(inputId))?.label || "", value: booking.customInputs && inputId in booking.customInputs ? booking.customInputs[inputId] : "", })), hasHashedBookingLink, hashedLink, smsReminderNumber: selectedLocationType === LocationType.Phone ? : booking.smsReminderNumber || undefined, ethSignature: gateState.rainbowToken, }); } }; // Should be disabled when rescheduleUid is present and data was found in defaultUserValues name/email fields. const disableInput = !!rescheduleUid && !! && !!; const disableLocations = !!rescheduleUid; const disabledExceptForOwner = disableInput && !loggedInIsOwner; const inputClassName = "dark:placeholder:text-darkgray-600 focus:border-brand dark:border-darkgray-300 dark:text-darkgray-900 block w-full rounded-md border-gray-300 text-sm focus:ring-black disabled:bg-gray-200 disabled:hover:cursor-not-allowed dark:bg-transparent dark:selection:bg-green-500 disabled:dark:text-gray-500"; let isSmsReminderNumberNeeded = false; let isSmsReminderNumberRequired = false; if (eventType.workflows.length > 0) { eventType.workflows.forEach((workflowReference) => { if (workflowReference.workflow.steps.length > 0) { workflowReference.workflow.steps.forEach((step) => { if (step.action === WorkflowActions.SMS_ATTENDEE) { isSmsReminderNumberNeeded = true; isSmsReminderNumberRequired = step.numberRequired || false; return; } }); } }); } const rainbowAppData = getEventTypeAppData(eventType, "rainbow") || {}; // Define conditional gates here const gates = [ // Rainbow gate is only added if the event has both a `blockchainId` and a `smartContractAddress` rainbowAppData && rainbowAppData.blockchainId && rainbowAppData.smartContractAddress ? ("rainbow" as Gate) : undefined, ]; return ( {rescheduleUid ? t("booking_reschedule_confirmation", { eventTypeTitle: eventType.title, profileName:, }) : t("booking_confirmation", { eventTypeTitle: eventType.title, profileName:, })}{" "} |
{stripeAppData.price > 0 && (

)} {!rescheduleUid && eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringEventCount && (

{getEveryFreqFor({ t, recurringEvent: eventType.recurringEvent, recurringCount: recurringEventCount, })}

{(rescheduleUid || !eventType.recurringEvent?.freq) && `${formatTime(dayjs(date).toDate(), user?.timeFormat, user?.timeZone)}, ${dayjs( date ).format("dddd, D MMMM YYYY")}`} {!rescheduleUid && eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringDates.slice(0, 5).map((aDate, key) => { return (

{`${formatTime(aDate, user?.timeFormat, user?.timeZone)}, ${dayjs( aDate ).format("dddd, D MMMM YYYY")}`}

); })} {!rescheduleUid && eventType.recurringEvent?.freq && recurringStrings.length > 5 && (

{`${formatTime(aDate, user?.timeFormat, user?.timeZone)}, ${dayjs( aDate ).format("dddd, D MMMM YYYY")}`}


{t("plus_more", { count: recurringStrings.length - 5 })}

{booking?.startTime && rescheduleUid && (


{typeof booking.startTime === "string" && parseDate(dayjs(booking.startTime), i18n)}

)} {!!eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot && (
= 0.5 ? "text-rose-600" : booking && booking.attendees.length / eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot >= 0.33 ? "text-yellow-500" : "text-bookinghighlight" }`} />

= 0.5 ? "text-rose-600" : booking && booking.attendees.length / eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot >= 0.33 ? "text-yellow-500" : "text-bookinghighlight" } mb-2 font-medium`}> {booking ? eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot - booking.attendees.length : eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot}{" "} / {eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot} {t("seats_available")}

{ && (


<> {rescheduleUid ? (

{getHumanReadableLocationValue(booking?.location, t)}

) : ( locations.length > 1 && (
{t("location")} {, i) => { const locationString = locationKeyToString(location); if (!selectedLocationType) { bookingForm.setValue("locationType", locations[0].type); } if (typeof locationString !== "string") { // It's possible that location app got uninstalled return null; } return ( ); })}
) )} {/* TODO: Change name and id ="phone" to something generic */} {AttendeeInput && (
control={bookingForm.control} name="phone" placeholder={t(selectedLocation?.attendeeInputPlaceholder || "")} id="phone" required disabled={disableInput} />
{ && (


)} {eventType.customInputs .sort((a, b) => - .map((input) => (
{input.type !== EventTypeCustomInputType.BOOL && ( )} {input.type === EventTypeCustomInputType.TEXTLONG && (