import { classNames } from "@calcom/lib"; import useApp from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useApp"; import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react"; import { Button, Icon, showToast } from "@calcom/ui"; import useAddAppMutation from "../_utils/useAddAppMutation"; import { InstallAppButton } from "../components"; /** * Use this component to allow installing an app from anywhere on the app. * Use of this component requires you to remove custom InstallAppButtonComponent so that it can manage the redirection itself */ export default function OmniInstallAppButton({ appId, className }: { appId: string; className: string }) { const { t } = useLocale(); const { data: app } = useApp(appId); const utils = trpc.useContext(); const mutation = useAddAppMutation(null, { onSuccess: (data) => { //TODO: viewer.appById might be replaced with viewer.apps so that a single query needs to be invalidated. utils.viewer.appById.invalidate({ appId }); utils.viewer.apps.invalidate({ extendsFeature: "EventType" }); if (data?.setupPending) return; showToast(t("app_successfully_installed"), "success"); }, onError: (error) => { if (error instanceof Error) showToast(error.message || t("app_could_not_be_installed"), "error"); }, }); if (!app) { return null; } return ( { if (useDefaultComponent) { props = { ...props, onClick: () => { mutation.mutate({ type: app.type, variant: app.variant, slug: app.slug, isOmniInstall: true }); }, }; } return ( ); }} /> ); }