/* Schedule any workflow reminder that falls within 72 hours for email */ import { WorkflowActions, WorkflowMethods, WorkflowTemplates } from "@prisma/client"; import client from "@sendgrid/client"; import sgMail from "@sendgrid/mail"; import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { defaultHandler } from "@calcom/lib/server"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { Prisma, WorkflowReminder } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; import { bookingMetadataSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import customTemplate, { VariablesType } from "../lib/reminders/templates/customTemplate"; import emailReminderTemplate from "../lib/reminders/templates/emailReminderTemplate"; const sendgridAPIKey = process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY as string; const senderEmail = process.env.SENDGRID_EMAIL as string; sgMail.setApiKey(sendgridAPIKey); async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { const apiKey = req.headers.authorization || req.query.apiKey; if (process.env.CRON_API_KEY !== apiKey) { res.status(401).json({ message: "Not authenticated" }); return; } if (!process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY || !process.env.SENDGRID_EMAIL) { res.status(405).json({ message: "No SendGrid API key or email" }); return; } //delete all scheduled email reminders where scheduled is past current date await prisma.workflowReminder.deleteMany({ where: { method: WorkflowMethods.EMAIL, scheduledDate: { lte: dayjs().toISOString(), }, }, }); //cancel reminders for cancelled/rescheduled bookings that are scheduled within the next hour const remindersToCancel = await prisma.workflowReminder.findMany({ where: { cancelled: true, scheduledDate: { lte: dayjs().add(1, "hour").toISOString(), }, }, }); try { const workflowRemindersToDelete: Prisma.Prisma__WorkflowReminderClient[] = []; for (const reminder of remindersToCancel) { await client.request({ url: "/v3/user/scheduled_sends", method: "POST", body: { batch_id: reminder.referenceId, status: "cancel", }, }); const workflowReminderToDelete = prisma.workflowReminder.delete({ where: { id: reminder.id, }, }); workflowRemindersToDelete.push(workflowReminderToDelete); } await Promise.all(workflowRemindersToDelete); } catch (error) { console.log(`Error cancelling scheduled Emails: ${error}`); } //find all unscheduled Email reminders const unscheduledReminders = await prisma.workflowReminder.findMany({ where: { method: WorkflowMethods.EMAIL, scheduled: false, scheduledDate: { lte: dayjs().add(72, "hour").toISOString(), }, }, include: { workflowStep: true, booking: { include: { eventType: true, user: true, attendees: true, }, }, }, }); if (!unscheduledReminders.length) { res.status(200).json({ message: "No Emails to schedule" }); return; } for (const reminder of unscheduledReminders) { try { let sendTo; switch (reminder.workflowStep.action) { case WorkflowActions.EMAIL_HOST: sendTo = reminder.booking?.user?.email; break; case WorkflowActions.EMAIL_ATTENDEE: sendTo = reminder.booking?.attendees[0].email; break; case WorkflowActions.EMAIL_ADDRESS: sendTo = reminder.workflowStep.sendTo; } const name = reminder.workflowStep.action === WorkflowActions.EMAIL_ATTENDEE ? reminder.booking?.attendees[0].name : reminder.booking?.user?.name; const attendeeName = reminder.workflowStep.action === WorkflowActions.EMAIL_ATTENDEE ? reminder.booking?.user?.name : reminder.booking?.attendees[0].name; const timeZone = reminder.workflowStep.action === WorkflowActions.EMAIL_ATTENDEE ? reminder.booking?.attendees[0].timeZone : reminder.booking?.user?.timeZone; const locale = reminder.workflowStep.action === WorkflowActions.EMAIL_ATTENDEE || reminder.workflowStep.action === WorkflowActions.SMS_ATTENDEE ? reminder.booking?.attendees[0].locale : reminder.booking?.user?.locale; let emailContent = { emailSubject: reminder.workflowStep.emailSubject || "", emailBody: { text: reminder.workflowStep.reminderBody || "", html: `${reminder.workflowStep.reminderBody || ""}`, }, }; switch (reminder.workflowStep.template) { case WorkflowTemplates.REMINDER: emailContent = emailReminderTemplate( reminder.booking?.startTime.toISOString() || "", reminder.booking?.endTime.toISOString() || "", reminder.booking?.eventType?.title || "", timeZone || "", attendeeName || "", name || "" ); break; case WorkflowTemplates.CUSTOM: const variables: VariablesType = { eventName: reminder.booking?.eventType?.title || "", organizerName: reminder.booking?.user?.name || "", attendeeName: reminder.booking?.attendees[0].name, attendeeEmail: reminder.booking?.attendees[0].email, eventDate: dayjs(reminder.booking?.startTime).tz(timeZone), eventTime: dayjs(reminder.booking?.startTime).tz(timeZone), timeZone: timeZone, location: reminder.booking?.location || "", additionalNotes: reminder.booking?.description, customInputs: reminder.booking?.customInputs, meetingUrl: bookingMetadataSchema.parse(reminder.booking?.metadata || {})?.videoCallUrl, }; const emailSubject = await customTemplate( reminder.workflowStep.emailSubject || "", variables, locale || "" ); emailContent.emailSubject = emailSubject.text; emailContent.emailBody = await customTemplate( reminder.workflowStep.reminderBody || "", variables, locale || "" ); break; } if (emailContent.emailSubject.length > 0 && emailContent.emailBody.text.length > 0 && sendTo) { const batchIdResponse = await client.request({ url: "/v3/mail/batch", method: "POST", }); const batchId = batchIdResponse[1].batch_id; if (reminder.workflowStep.action !== WorkflowActions.EMAIL_ADDRESS) { await sgMail.send({ to: sendTo, from: { email: senderEmail, name: reminder.workflowStep.sender || "Cal.com", }, subject: emailContent.emailSubject, text: emailContent.emailBody.text, html: emailContent.emailBody.html, batchId: batchId, sendAt: dayjs(reminder.scheduledDate).unix(), replyTo: reminder.booking?.user?.email || senderEmail, }); } await prisma.workflowReminder.update({ where: { id: reminder.id, }, data: { scheduled: true, referenceId: batchId, }, }); } } catch (error) { console.log(`Error scheduling Email with error ${error}`); } } res.status(200).json({ message: "Emails scheduled" }); } export default defaultHandler({ POST: Promise.resolve({ default: handler }), });