import { BookingStatus, Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; import _ from "lodash"; import { getErrorFromUnknown } from "pages/_error"; import { z } from "zod"; import { checkPremiumUsername } from "@ee/lib/core/checkPremiumUsername"; import { checkRegularUsername } from "@lib/core/checkRegularUsername"; import { ALL_INTEGRATIONS } from "@lib/integrations/getIntegrations"; import slugify from "@lib/slugify"; import { getCalendarAdapterOrNull } from "../../lib/calendarClient"; import { createProtectedRouter, createRouter } from "../createRouter"; import { resizeBase64Image } from "../lib/resizeBase64Image"; const checkUsername = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL === "" ? checkPremiumUsername : checkRegularUsername; // things that unauthenticated users can query about themselves const publicViewerRouter = createRouter() .query("session", { resolve({ ctx }) { return ctx.session; }, }) .query("i18n", { async resolve({ ctx }) { const { locale, i18n } = ctx; return { i18n, locale, }; }, }); // routes only available to authenticated users const loggedInViewerRouter = createProtectedRouter() .query("me", { resolve({ ctx }) { const { // pick only the part we want to expose in the API id, name, username, email, startTime, endTime, bufferTime, locale, avatar, createdDate, completedOnboarding, twoFactorEnabled, } = ctx.user; const me = { id, name, username, email, startTime, endTime, bufferTime, locale, avatar, createdDate, completedOnboarding, twoFactorEnabled, }; return me; }, }) .query("bookings", { input: z.object({ status: z.enum(["upcoming", "past", "cancelled"]), }), async resolve({ ctx, input }) { const { prisma, user } = ctx; const bookingListingByStatus = input.status; const bookingListingFilters: Record = { upcoming: [{ endTime: { gte: new Date() }, NOT: { status: { equals: BookingStatus.CANCELLED } } }], past: [{ endTime: { lte: new Date() }, NOT: { status: { equals: BookingStatus.CANCELLED } } }], cancelled: [{ status: { equals: BookingStatus.CANCELLED } }], }; const bookingListingOrderby: Record = { upcoming: { startTime: "desc" }, past: { startTime: "asc" }, cancelled: { startTime: "asc" }, }; const passedBookingsFilter = bookingListingFilters[bookingListingByStatus]; const orderBy = bookingListingOrderby[bookingListingByStatus]; const bookingsQuery = await{ where: { OR: [ { userId:, }, { attendees: { some: { email:, }, }, }, ], AND: passedBookingsFilter, }, select: { uid: true, title: true, description: true, attendees: true, confirmed: true, rejected: true, id: true, startTime: true, endTime: true, eventType: { select: { team: { select: { name: true, }, }, }, }, status: true, }, orderBy, }); const bookings = bookingsQuery.reverse().map((booking) => { return {, startTime: booking.startTime.toISOString(), endTime: booking.endTime.toISOString(), }; }); return bookings; }, }) .query("integrations", { async resolve({ ctx }) { const { user } = ctx; const { credentials } = user; function countActive(items: { credentialIds: unknown[] }[]) { return items.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.credentialIds.length, 0); } const integrations = => ({ ...integration, credentialIds: credentials .filter((credential) => credential.type === integration.type) .map((credential) =>, })); // `flatMap()` these work like `.filter()` but infers the types correctly const conferencing = integrations.flatMap((item) => (item.variant === "conferencing" ? [item] : [])); const payment = integrations.flatMap((item) => (item.variant === "payment" ? [item] : [])); const calendar = integrations.flatMap((item) => (item.variant === "calendar" ? [item] : [])); // get user's credentials + their connected integrations const calendarCredentials = user.credentials .filter((credential) => credential.type.endsWith("_calendar")) .flatMap((credential) => { const integration = ALL_INTEGRATIONS.find((integration) => integration.type === credential.type); const adapter = getCalendarAdapterOrNull({ ...credential, userId:, }); return integration && adapter && integration.variant === "calendar" ? [{ integration, credential, adapter }] : []; }); // get all the connected integrations' calendars (from third party) const connectedCalendars = await Promise.all( (item) => { const { adapter, integration, credential } = item; const credentialId =; try { const cals = await adapter.listCalendars(); const calendars = _(cals) .map((cal) => ({, isSelected: user.selectedCalendars.some((selected) => selected.externalId === cal.externalId), })) .sortBy(["primary"]) .value(); const primary = calendars.find((item) => item.primary) ?? calendars[0]; if (!primary) { throw new Error("No primary calendar found"); } return { integration, credentialId, primary, calendars, }; } catch (_error) { const error = getErrorFromUnknown(_error); return { integration, credentialId, error: { message: error.message, }, }; } }) ); return { conferencing: { items: conferencing, numActive: countActive(conferencing), }, calendar: { items: calendar, numActive: countActive(calendar), }, payment: { items: payment, numActive: countActive(payment), }, connectedCalendars, }; }, }) .mutation("updateProfile", { input: z.object({ username: z.string().optional(), name: z.string().optional(), bio: z.string().optional(), avatar: z.string().optional(), timeZone: z.string().optional(), weekStart: z.string().optional(), hideBranding: z.boolean().optional(), theme: z.string().optional().nullable(), completedOnboarding: z.boolean().optional(), locale: z.string().optional(), }), async resolve({ input, ctx }) { const { user, prisma } = ctx; const data: Prisma.UserUpdateInput = { ...input, }; if (input.username) { const username = slugify(input.username); // Only validate if we're changing usernames if (username !== user.username) { data.username = username; const response = await checkUsername(username); if (!response.available) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", message: response.message }); } } } if (input.avatar) { data.avatar = await resizeBase64Image(input.avatar); } await prisma.user.update({ where: { id:, }, data, }); }, }); export const viewerRouter = createRouter().merge(publicViewerRouter).merge(loggedInViewerRouter);