import { TooltipProvider } from "@radix-ui/react-tooltip"; import { SessionProvider } from "next-auth/react"; import { EventCollectionProvider } from "next-collect/client"; import type { SSRConfig } from "next-i18next"; import { appWithTranslation } from "next-i18next"; import { ThemeProvider } from "next-themes"; import type { AppProps as NextAppProps, AppProps as NextJsAppProps } from "next/app"; import type { NextRouter } from "next/router"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import type { ComponentProps, PropsWithChildren, ReactNode } from "react"; import DynamicHelpscoutProvider from "@calcom/features/ee/support/lib/helpscout/providerDynamic"; import DynamicIntercomProvider from "@calcom/features/ee/support/lib/intercom/providerDynamic"; import { FeatureProvider } from "@calcom/features/flags/context/provider"; import { useFlags } from "@calcom/features/flags/hooks"; import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react"; import { MetaProvider } from "@calcom/ui"; import usePublicPage from "@lib/hooks/usePublicPage"; import type { WithNonceProps } from "@lib/withNonce"; const I18nextAdapter = appWithTranslation & { children: React.ReactNode }>( ({ children }) => <>{children} ); // Workaround for export type AppProps = Omit>, "Component"> & { Component: NextAppProps["Component"] & { requiresLicense?: boolean; isThemeSupported?: boolean; isBookingPage?: boolean | ((arg: { router: NextRouter }) => boolean); getLayout?: (page: React.ReactElement, router: NextRouter) => ReactNode; PageWrapper?: (props: AppProps) => JSX.Element; }; /** Will be defined only is there was an error */ err?: Error; }; type AppPropsWithChildren = AppProps & { children: ReactNode; }; const CustomI18nextProvider = (props: AppPropsWithChildren) => { /** * i18n should never be clubbed with other queries, so that it's caching can be managed independently. * We intend to not cache i18n query **/ const { i18n, locale } = trpc.viewer.public.i18n.useQuery(undefined, { trpc: { context: { skipBatch: true } }, }).data ?? { locale: "en", }; const passedProps = { ...props, pageProps: { ...props.pageProps, ...i18n, }, router: locale ? { locale } : props.router, } as unknown as ComponentProps; return ; }; const enum ThemeSupport { // e.g. Login Page None = "none", // Entire App except Booking Pages App = "systemOnly", // Booking Pages(including Routing Forms) Booking = "userConfigured", } const CalcomThemeProvider = ( props: PropsWithChildren< WithNonceProps & { isBookingPage?: boolean | ((arg: { router: NextRouter }) => boolean); isThemeSupported?: boolean; } > ) => { // We now support the inverse of how we handled it in the past. Setting this to false will disable theme. // undefined or true means we use system theme const router = useRouter(); const isBookingPage = (() => { if (typeof props.isBookingPage === "function") { return props.isBookingPage({ router: router }); } return props.isBookingPage; })(); const themeSupport = isBookingPage ? ThemeSupport.Booking : // if isThemeSupported is explicitly false, we don't use theme there props.isThemeSupported === false ? ThemeSupport.None : ThemeSupport.App; const forcedTheme = themeSupport === ThemeSupport.None ? "light" : undefined; // Use namespace of embed to ensure same namespaced embed are displayed with same theme. This allows different embeds on the same website to be themed differently // One such example is our Embeds Demo and Testing page at http://localhost:3100 // Having `getEmbedNamespace` defined on window before react initializes the app, ensures that embedNamespace is available on the first mount and can be used as part of storageKey const embedNamespace = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.getEmbedNamespace() : null; const isEmbedMode = typeof embedNamespace === "string"; const storageKey = isEmbedMode ? `embed-theme-${embedNamespace}` : themeSupport === ThemeSupport.App ? "app-theme" : themeSupport === ThemeSupport.Booking ? "booking-theme" : undefined; return ( {/* Embed Mode can be detected reliably only on client side here as there can be static generated pages as well which can't determine if it's embed mode at backend */} {/* color-scheme makes background:transparent not work in iframe which is required by embed. */} {typeof window !== "undefined" && !isEmbedMode && ( )} {props.children} ); }; function FeatureFlagsProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { const flags = useFlags(); return {children}; } const AppProviders = (props: AppPropsWithChildren) => { const session = trpc.viewer.public.session.useQuery().data; // No need to have intercom on public pages - Good for Page Performance const isPublicPage = usePublicPage(); const RemainingProviders = ( {props.children} ); if (isPublicPage) { return RemainingProviders; } return ( {RemainingProviders} ); }; export default AppProviders;