import { Canvas, Meta, Story, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs'; import { Examples, Example, Note, Title,CustomArgsTable,VariantsTable, VariantRow } from '@calcom/storybook/components' import { TopBanner } from './TopBanner' ## Definition Top banner will be position on the very top of the page to communicate on what’s wrong or what’s new. ## Structure Each toast has a state to represent neutral, positive or negative responses. <CustomArgsTable of={TopBanner} /> <Examples title="Top Banner Style"> <Example title="Default" isFullWidth={true} > <TopBanner actions={ <button className="border-b border-black text-sm" onClick={() => { console.log("test"); }}> Action </button> } text="Something big is happening we want you to know about." /> </Example> <Example title="Warning" isFullWidth={true} > <TopBanner actions={ <button className="border-b border-black text-sm" onClick={() => { console.log("test"); }}> Action </button> } variant="warning" text="An app wide warning is occuring that should be resolved." /> </Example> <Example title="Error" isFullWidth={true} > <TopBanner actions={ <button className="border-b border-black text-sm" onClick={() => { console.log("test"); }}> Action </button> } variant="error" text="A major error is occuring that must be resolved." /> </Example> </Examples>