import type { BookingReference, EventType, User, WebhookTriggerEvents } from "@prisma/client"; import { BookingStatus, MembershipRole, Prisma, SchedulingType, WorkflowMethods } from "@prisma/client"; import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next"; import { z } from "zod"; import appStore from "@calcom/app-store"; import { getCalendar } from "@calcom/app-store/_utils/getCalendar"; import { DailyLocationType } from "@calcom/app-store/locations"; import { cancelScheduledJobs } from "@calcom/app-store/zapier/lib/nodeScheduler"; import EventManager from "@calcom/core/EventManager"; import { CalendarEventBuilder } from "@calcom/core/builders/CalendarEvent/builder"; import { CalendarEventDirector } from "@calcom/core/builders/CalendarEvent/director"; import { deleteMeeting } from "@calcom/core/videoClient"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { deleteScheduledEmailReminder } from "@calcom/ee/workflows/lib/reminders/emailReminderManager"; import { deleteScheduledSMSReminder } from "@calcom/ee/workflows/lib/reminders/smsReminderManager"; import { sendDeclinedEmails, sendLocationChangeEmails, sendRequestRescheduleEmail } from "@calcom/emails"; import { handleConfirmation } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/handleConfirmation"; import getWebhooks from "@calcom/features/webhooks/lib/getWebhooks"; import sendPayload from "@calcom/features/webhooks/lib/sendPayload"; import { isPrismaObjOrUndefined, parseRecurringEvent } from "@calcom/lib"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { getTranslation } from "@calcom/lib/server"; import { bookingMinimalSelect } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { bookingConfirmPatchBodySchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import type { AdditionalInformation, CalendarEvent, Person } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; import { authedProcedure, router } from "../../trpc"; export type PersonAttendeeCommonFields = Pick< User, "id" | "email" | "name" | "locale" | "timeZone" | "username" >; // Common data for all endpoints under webhook const commonBookingSchema = z.object({ bookingId: z.number(), }); const bookingsProcedure = authedProcedure.input(commonBookingSchema).use(async ({ ctx, input, next }) => { // Endpoints that just read the logged in user's data - like 'list' don't necessary have any input const { bookingId } = input; const booking = await{ where: { id: bookingId, AND: [ { OR: [ /* If user is organizer */ { userId: }, /* Or part of a collective booking */ { eventType: { schedulingType: SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE, users: { some: { id:, }, }, }, }, ], }, ], }, include: { attendees: true, eventType: true, destinationCalendar: true, references: true, user: { include: { destinationCalendar: true, credentials: true, }, }, }, }); if (!booking) throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" }); return next({ ctx: { booking } }); }); export const bookingsRouter = router({ get: authedProcedure .input( z.object({ filters: z.object({ teamIds: z.number().array().optional(), userIds: z.number().array().optional(), status: z.enum(["upcoming", "recurring", "past", "cancelled", "unconfirmed"]), eventTypeIds: z.number().array().optional(), }), limit: z.number().min(1).max(100).nullish(), cursor: z.number().nullish(), // <-- "cursor" needs to exist when using useInfiniteQuery, but can be any type }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { // using offset actually because cursor pagination requires a unique column // for orderBy, but we don't use a unique column in our orderBy const take = input.limit ?? 10; const skip = input.cursor ?? 0; const { prisma, user } = ctx; const bookingListingByStatus = input.filters.status; const bookingListingFilters: Record = { upcoming: { endTime: { gte: new Date() }, // These changes are needed to not show confirmed recurring events, // as rescheduling or cancel for recurring event bookings should be // handled separately for each occurrence OR: [ { recurringEventId: { not: null }, status: { notIn: [BookingStatus.PENDING, BookingStatus.CANCELLED, BookingStatus.REJECTED] }, }, { recurringEventId: { equals: null }, status: { notIn: [BookingStatus.CANCELLED, BookingStatus.REJECTED] }, }, ], }, recurring: { endTime: { gte: new Date() }, AND: [ { NOT: { recurringEventId: { equals: null } } }, { status: { notIn: [BookingStatus.CANCELLED, BookingStatus.REJECTED] } }, ], }, past: { endTime: { lte: new Date() }, AND: [ { NOT: { status: { equals: BookingStatus.CANCELLED } } }, { NOT: { status: { equals: BookingStatus.REJECTED } } }, ], }, cancelled: { OR: [ { status: { equals: BookingStatus.CANCELLED } }, { status: { equals: BookingStatus.REJECTED } }, ], }, unconfirmed: { endTime: { gte: new Date() }, OR: [ { recurringEventId: { not: null }, status: { equals: BookingStatus.PENDING }, }, { status: { equals: BookingStatus.PENDING }, }, ], }, }; const bookingListingOrderby: Record< typeof bookingListingByStatus, Prisma.BookingOrderByWithAggregationInput > = { upcoming: { startTime: "asc" }, recurring: { startTime: "asc" }, past: { startTime: "desc" }, cancelled: { startTime: "desc" }, unconfirmed: { startTime: "asc" }, }; // TODO: Fix record typing const bookingWhereInputFilters: Record = { teamIds: { AND: [ { eventType: { team: { id: { in: input.filters?.teamIds, }, }, }, }, ], }, userIds: { AND: [ { eventType: { users: { some: { id: { in: input.filters?.userIds, }, }, }, }, }, ], }, }; const filtersCombined: Prisma.BookingWhereInput[] = input.filters && Object.keys(input.filters).map((key) => { return bookingWhereInputFilters[key]; }); const passedBookingsStatusFilter = bookingListingFilters[bookingListingByStatus]; const orderBy = bookingListingOrderby[bookingListingByStatus]; const bookingsQuery = await{ where: { OR: [ { userId:, }, { attendees: { some: { email:, }, }, }, { eventType: { team: { members: { some: { userId:, role: { in: ["ADMIN", "OWNER"], }, }, }, }, }, }, ], AND: [passedBookingsStatusFilter, ...(filtersCombined ?? [])], }, select: { ...bookingMinimalSelect, uid: true, recurringEventId: true, location: true, eventType: { select: { slug: true, id: true, eventName: true, price: true, recurringEvent: true, team: { select: { name: true, }, }, }, }, status: true, paid: true, user: { select: { id: true, name: true, email: true, }, }, rescheduled: true, references: true, }, orderBy, take: take + 1, skip, }); const recurringInfoBasic = await{ by: ["recurringEventId"], _min: { startTime: true, }, _count: { recurringEventId: true, }, where: { recurringEventId: { not: { equals: null }, }, userId:, }, }); const recurringInfoExtended = await{ by: ["recurringEventId", "status", "startTime"], _min: { startTime: true, }, where: { recurringEventId: { not: { equals: null }, }, userId:, }, }); const recurringInfo = ( info: typeof recurringInfoBasic[number] ): { recurringEventId: string | null; count: number; firstDate: Date | null; bookings: { [key: string]: Date[]; }; } => { const bookings = recurringInfoExtended .filter((ext) => ext.recurringEventId === info.recurringEventId) .reduce( (prev, curr) => { prev[curr.status].push(curr.startTime); return prev; }, { ACCEPTED: [], CANCELLED: [], REJECTED: [], PENDING: [] } as { [key in BookingStatus]: Date[]; } ); return { recurringEventId: info.recurringEventId, count: info._count.recurringEventId, firstDate: info._min.startTime, bookings, }; } ); const bookings = => { return {, eventType: {, recurringEvent: parseRecurringEvent(booking.eventType?.recurringEvent), }, startTime: booking.startTime.toISOString(), endTime: booking.endTime.toISOString(), }; }); const bookingsFetched = bookings.length; let nextCursor: typeof skip | null = skip; if (bookingsFetched > take) { nextCursor += bookingsFetched; } else { nextCursor = null; } return { bookings, recurringInfo, nextCursor, }; }), requestReschedule: authedProcedure .input( z.object({ bookingId: z.string(), rescheduleReason: z.string().optional(), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { user, prisma } = ctx; const { bookingId, rescheduleReason: cancellationReason } = input; const bookingToReschedule = await{ select: { id: true, uid: true, userId: true, title: true, description: true, startTime: true, endTime: true, eventTypeId: true, eventType: true, location: true, attendees: true, references: true, customInputs: true, dynamicEventSlugRef: true, dynamicGroupSlugRef: true, destinationCalendar: true, smsReminderNumber: true, scheduledJobs: true, workflowReminders: true, }, where: { uid: bookingId, NOT: { status: { in: [BookingStatus.CANCELLED, BookingStatus.REJECTED], }, }, }, }); if (!bookingToReschedule.userId) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "FORBIDDEN", message: "Booking to reschedule doesn't have an owner" }); } if (!bookingToReschedule.eventType) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "FORBIDDEN", message: "EventType not found for current booking." }); } const bookingBelongsToTeam = !!bookingToReschedule.eventType?.teamId; const userTeams = await prisma.user.findUniqueOrThrow({ where: { id:, }, select: { teams: true, }, }); if (bookingBelongsToTeam && bookingToReschedule.eventType?.teamId) { const userTeamIds = => item.teamId); if (userTeamIds.indexOf(bookingToReschedule?.eventType?.teamId) === -1) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "FORBIDDEN", message: "User isn't a member on the team" }); } } if (!bookingBelongsToTeam && bookingToReschedule.userId !== { throw new TRPCError({ code: "FORBIDDEN", message: "User isn't owner of the current booking" }); } if (bookingToReschedule) { let event: Partial = {}; if (bookingToReschedule.eventTypeId) { event = await prisma.eventType.findFirstOrThrow({ select: { title: true, users: true, schedulingType: true, recurringEvent: true, }, where: { id: bookingToReschedule.eventTypeId, }, }); } await{ where: { id:, }, data: { rescheduled: true, cancellationReason, status: BookingStatus.CANCELLED, updatedAt: dayjs().toISOString(), }, }); // delete scheduled jobs of previous booking cancelScheduledJobs(bookingToReschedule); //cancel workflow reminders of previous booking bookingToReschedule.workflowReminders.forEach((reminder) => { if (reminder.method === WorkflowMethods.EMAIL) { deleteScheduledEmailReminder(, reminder.referenceId); } else if (reminder.method === WorkflowMethods.SMS) { deleteScheduledSMSReminder(, reminder.referenceId); } }); const [mainAttendee] = bookingToReschedule.attendees; // @NOTE: Should we assume attendees language? const tAttendees = await getTranslation(mainAttendee.locale ?? "en", "common"); const usersToPeopleType = ( users: PersonAttendeeCommonFields[], selectedLanguage: TFunction ): Person[] => { return users?.map((user) => { return { email: || "", name: || "", username: user?.username || "", language: { translate: selectedLanguage, locale: user.locale || "en" }, timeZone: user?.timeZone, }; }); }; const userTranslation = await getTranslation(user.locale ?? "en", "common"); const [userAsPeopleType] = usersToPeopleType([user], userTranslation); const builder = new CalendarEventBuilder(); builder.init({ title: bookingToReschedule.title, type: event && event.title ? event.title : bookingToReschedule.title, startTime: bookingToReschedule.startTime.toISOString(), endTime: bookingToReschedule.endTime.toISOString(), attendees: usersToPeopleType( // username field doesn't exists on attendee but could be in the future bookingToReschedule.attendees as unknown as PersonAttendeeCommonFields[], tAttendees ), organizer: userAsPeopleType, }); const director = new CalendarEventDirector(); director.setBuilder(builder); director.setExistingBooking(bookingToReschedule); cancellationReason && director.setCancellationReason(cancellationReason); if (event) { await director.buildForRescheduleEmail(); } else { await director.buildWithoutEventTypeForRescheduleEmail(); } // Handling calendar and videos cancellation // This can set previous time as available, until virtual calendar is done const credentialsMap = new Map(); user.credentials.forEach((credential) => { credentialsMap.set(credential.type, credential); }); const bookingRefsFiltered: BookingReference[] = bookingToReschedule.references.filter( (ref) => !!credentialsMap.get(ref.type) ); bookingRefsFiltered.forEach((bookingRef) => { if (bookingRef.uid) { if (bookingRef.type.endsWith("_calendar")) { const calendar = getCalendar(credentialsMap.get(bookingRef.type)); return calendar?.deleteEvent( bookingRef.uid, builder.calendarEvent, bookingRef.externalCalendarId ); } else if (bookingRef.type.endsWith("_video")) { return deleteMeeting(credentialsMap.get(bookingRef.type), bookingRef.uid); } } }); // Send emails await sendRequestRescheduleEmail(builder.calendarEvent, { rescheduleLink: builder.rescheduleLink, }); const evt: CalendarEvent = { title: bookingToReschedule?.title, type: event && event.title ? event.title : bookingToReschedule.title, description: bookingToReschedule?.description || "", customInputs: isPrismaObjOrUndefined(bookingToReschedule.customInputs), startTime: bookingToReschedule?.startTime ? dayjs(bookingToReschedule.startTime).format() : "", endTime: bookingToReschedule?.endTime ? dayjs(bookingToReschedule.endTime).format() : "", organizer: userAsPeopleType, attendees: usersToPeopleType( // username field doesn't exists on attendee but could be in the future bookingToReschedule.attendees as unknown as PersonAttendeeCommonFields[], tAttendees ), uid: bookingToReschedule?.uid, location: bookingToReschedule?.location, destinationCalendar: bookingToReschedule?.destinationCalendar || bookingToReschedule?.destinationCalendar, cancellationReason: `Please reschedule. ${cancellationReason}`, // TODO::Add i18-next for this }; // Send webhook const eventTrigger: WebhookTriggerEvents = "BOOKING_CANCELLED"; // Send Webhook call if hooked to BOOKING.CANCELLED const subscriberOptions = { userId: bookingToReschedule.userId, eventTypeId: (bookingToReschedule.eventTypeId as number) || 0, triggerEvent: eventTrigger, }; const webhooks = await getWebhooks(subscriberOptions); const promises = => sendPayload(webhook.secret, eventTrigger, new Date().toISOString(), webhook, { ...evt, smsReminderNumber: bookingToReschedule.smsReminderNumber || undefined, }).catch((e) => { console.error( `Error executing webhook for event: ${eventTrigger}, URL: ${webhook.subscriberUrl}`, e ); }) ); await Promise.all(promises); } }), editLocation: bookingsProcedure .input( commonBookingSchema.extend({ newLocation: z.string().transform((val) => val || DailyLocationType), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { bookingId, newLocation: location } = input; const { booking } = ctx; try { const organizer = await ctx.prisma.user.findFirstOrThrow({ where: { id: booking.userId || 0, }, select: { name: true, email: true, timeZone: true, locale: true, }, }); const tOrganizer = await getTranslation(organizer.locale ?? "en", "common"); const attendeesListPromises = (attendee) => { return { name:, email:, timeZone: attendee.timeZone, language: { translate: await getTranslation(attendee.locale ?? "en", "common"), locale: attendee.locale ?? "en", }, }; }); const attendeesList = await Promise.all(attendeesListPromises); const evt: CalendarEvent = { title: booking.title || "", type: (booking.eventType?.title as string) || booking?.title || "", description: booking.description || "", startTime: booking.startTime ? dayjs(booking.startTime).format() : "", endTime: booking.endTime ? dayjs(booking.endTime).format() : "", organizer: { email:, name: ?? "Nameless", timeZone: organizer.timeZone, language: { translate: tOrganizer, locale: organizer.locale ?? "en" }, }, attendees: attendeesList, uid: booking.uid, recurringEvent: parseRecurringEvent(booking.eventType?.recurringEvent), location, destinationCalendar: booking?.destinationCalendar || booking?.user?.destinationCalendar, }; const eventManager = new EventManager(ctx.user); const updatedResult = await eventManager.updateLocation(evt, booking); const results = updatedResult.results; if (results.length > 0 && results.every((res) => !res.success)) { const error = { errorCode: "BookingUpdateLocationFailed", message: "Updating location failed", }; logger.error(`Booking ${ctx.user.username} failed`, error, results); } else { await{ where: { id: bookingId, }, data: { location, references: { create: updatedResult.referencesToCreate, }, }, }); const metadata: AdditionalInformation = {}; if (results.length) { metadata.hangoutLink = results[0].updatedEvent?.hangoutLink; metadata.conferenceData = results[0].updatedEvent?.conferenceData; metadata.entryPoints = results[0].updatedEvent?.entryPoints; } try { await sendLocationChangeEmails({ ...evt, additionalInformation: metadata }); } catch (error) { console.log("Error sending LocationChangeEmails"); } } } catch { throw new TRPCError({ code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" }); } return { message: "Location updated" }; }), confirm: bookingsProcedure.input(bookingConfirmPatchBodySchema).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { user, prisma } = ctx; const { bookingId, recurringEventId, reason: rejectionReason, confirmed } = input; const tOrganizer = await getTranslation(user.locale ?? "en", "common"); const booking = await{ where: { id: bookingId, }, select: { title: true, description: true, customInputs: true, startTime: true, endTime: true, attendees: true, eventTypeId: true, eventType: { select: { id: true, owner: true, teamId: true, recurringEvent: true, title: true, requiresConfirmation: true, currency: true, length: true, description: true, price: true, workflows: { include: { workflow: { include: { steps: true, }, }, }, }, }, }, location: true, userId: true, id: true, uid: true, payment: true, destinationCalendar: true, paid: true, recurringEventId: true, status: true, smsReminderNumber: true, scheduledJobs: true, }, }); const authorized = async () => { // if the organizer if (booking.userId === { return true; } const eventType = await prisma.eventType.findUnique({ where: { id: booking.eventTypeId || undefined, }, select: { id: true, schedulingType: true, users: true, }, }); if ( eventType?.schedulingType === SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE && eventType.users.find((user) => === ) { return true; } return false; }; if (!(await authorized())) throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED", message: "UNAUTHORIZED" }); const isConfirmed = booking.status === BookingStatus.ACCEPTED; if (isConfirmed) throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", message: "Booking already confirmed" }); // If booking requires payment and is not paid, we don't allow confirmation if (confirmed && booking.payment.length > 0 && !booking.paid) { await{ where: { id: bookingId, }, data: { status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, }); return { message: "Booking confirmed", status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED }; } const attendeesListPromises = (attendee) => { return { name:, email:, timeZone: attendee.timeZone, language: { translate: await getTranslation(attendee.locale ?? "en", "common"), locale: attendee.locale ?? "en", }, }; }); const attendeesList = await Promise.all(attendeesListPromises); const evt: CalendarEvent = { type: booking.eventType?.title || booking.title, title: booking.title, description: booking.description, customInputs: isPrismaObjOrUndefined(booking.customInputs), startTime: booking.startTime.toISOString(), endTime: booking.endTime.toISOString(), organizer: { email:, name: || "Unnamed", timeZone: user.timeZone, language: { translate: tOrganizer, locale: user.locale ?? "en" }, }, attendees: attendeesList, location: booking.location ?? "", uid: booking.uid, destinationCalendar: booking?.destinationCalendar || user.destinationCalendar, requiresConfirmation: booking?.eventType?.requiresConfirmation ?? false, eventTypeId: booking.eventType?.id, }; const recurringEvent = parseRecurringEvent(booking.eventType?.recurringEvent); if (recurringEventId) { if ( !(await{ where: { recurringEventId, id:, }, })) ) { // FIXME: It might be best to retrieve recurringEventId from the booking itself. throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED", message: "Recurring event id doesn't belong to the booking", }); } } if (recurringEventId && recurringEvent) { const groupedRecurringBookings = await{ where: { recurringEventId: booking.recurringEventId, }, by: [Prisma.BookingScalarFieldEnum.recurringEventId], _count: true, }); // Overriding the recurring event configuration count to be the actual number of events booked for // the recurring event (equal or less than recurring event configuration count) recurringEvent.count = groupedRecurringBookings[0]._count; // count changed, parsing again to get the new value in evt.recurringEvent = parseRecurringEvent(recurringEvent); } if (confirmed) { await handleConfirmation({ user, evt, recurringEventId, prisma, bookingId, booking }); } else { evt.rejectionReason = rejectionReason; if (recurringEventId) { // The booking to reject is a recurring event and comes from /booking/upcoming, proceeding to mark all related // bookings as rejected. await{ where: { recurringEventId, status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, data: { status: BookingStatus.REJECTED, rejectionReason, }, }); } else { // handle refunds if (!!booking.payment.length) { const successPayment = booking.payment.find((payment) => payment.success); if (!successPayment) { // Disable paymentLink for this booking } else { let eventTypeOwnerId; if (booking.eventType?.owner) { eventTypeOwnerId =; } else if (booking.eventType?.teamId) { const teamOwner = await prisma.membership.findFirst({ where: { teamId: booking.eventType.teamId, role: MembershipRole.OWNER, }, select: { userId: true, }, }); eventTypeOwnerId = teamOwner?.userId; } if (!eventTypeOwnerId) { throw new Error("Event Type owner not found for obtaining payment app credentials"); } const paymentAppCredentials = await prisma.credential.findMany({ where: { userId: eventTypeOwnerId, appId: successPayment.appId, }, select: { key: true, appId: true, app: { select: { categories: true, dirName: true, }, }, }, }); const paymentAppCredential = paymentAppCredentials.find((credential) => { return credential.appId === successPayment.appId; }); if (!paymentAppCredential) { throw new Error("Payment app credentials not found"); } // Posible to refactor TODO: const paymentApp = appStore[paymentAppCredential?.app?.dirName as keyof typeof appStore]; if (!(paymentApp && "lib" in paymentApp && "PaymentService" in paymentApp.lib)) { console.warn(`payment App service of type ${paymentApp} is not implemented`); return null; } const PaymentService = paymentApp.lib.PaymentService; const paymentInstance = new PaymentService(paymentAppCredential); const paymentData = await paymentInstance.refund(; if (!paymentData.refunded) { throw new Error("Payment could not be refunded"); } } } // end handle refunds. await{ where: { id: bookingId, }, data: { status: BookingStatus.REJECTED, rejectionReason, }, }); } await sendDeclinedEmails(evt); } const message = "Booking " + confirmed ? "confirmed" : "rejected"; const status = confirmed ? BookingStatus.ACCEPTED : BookingStatus.REJECTED; return { message, status }; }), });