import type { Page, WorkerInfo } from "@playwright/test"; import type Prisma from "@prisma/client"; import { Prisma as PrismaType, UserPlan } from "@prisma/client"; import { hash } from "bcryptjs"; import { DEFAULT_SCHEDULE, getAvailabilityFromSchedule } from "@calcom/lib/availability"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { TimeZoneEnum } from "./types"; // Don't import hashPassword from app as that ends up importing next-auth and initializing it before NEXTAUTH_URL can be updated during tests. export async function hashPassword(password: string) { const hashedPassword = await hash(password, 12); return hashedPassword; } type UserFixture = ReturnType; const userIncludes = PrismaType.validator()({ eventTypes: true, credentials: true, routingForms: true, }); const userWithEventTypes = PrismaType.validator()({ include: userIncludes, }); const seededForm = { id: "948ae412-d995-4865-875a-48302588de03", name: "Seeded Form - Pro", }; type UserWithIncludes = PrismaType.UserGetPayload; // creates a user fixture instance and stores the collection export const createUsersFixture = (page: Page, workerInfo: WorkerInfo) => { const store = { users: [], page } as { users: UserFixture[]; page: typeof page }; return { create: async ( opts?: CustomUserOpts | null, scenario: { seedRoutingForms?: boolean; } = {} ) => { const _user = await prisma.user.create({ data: await createUser(workerInfo, opts), }); await prisma.eventType.create({ data: { users: { connect: { id:, }, }, title: "Paid", slug: "paid", length: 30, price: 1000, }, }); await prisma.eventType.create({ data: { users: { connect: { id:, }, }, title: "Opt in", slug: "opt-in", requiresConfirmation: true, length: 30, }, }); if (scenario.seedRoutingForms) { await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.create({ data: { routes: [ { id: "8a898988-89ab-4cde-b012-31823f708642", action: { type: "eventTypeRedirectUrl", value: "pro/30min" }, queryValue: { id: "8a898988-89ab-4cde-b012-31823f708642", type: "group", children1: { "8988bbb8-0123-4456-b89a-b1823f70c5ff": { type: "rule", properties: { field: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182", value: ["event-routing"], operator: "equal", valueSrc: ["value"], valueType: ["text"], }, }, }, }, }, { id: "aa8aaba9-cdef-4012-b456-71823f70f7ef", action: { type: "customPageMessage", value: "Custom Page Result" }, queryValue: { id: "aa8aaba9-cdef-4012-b456-71823f70f7ef", type: "group", children1: { "b99b8a89-89ab-4cde-b012-31823f718ff5": { type: "rule", properties: { field: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182", value: ["custom-page"], operator: "equal", valueSrc: ["value"], valueType: ["text"], }, }, }, }, }, { id: "a8ba9aab-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f71b4ad", action: { type: "externalRedirectUrl", value: "" }, queryValue: { id: "a8ba9aab-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f71b4ad", type: "group", children1: { "998b9b9a-0123-4456-b89a-b1823f7232b9": { type: "rule", properties: { field: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182", value: ["external-redirect"], operator: "equal", valueSrc: ["value"], valueType: ["text"], }, }, }, }, }, { id: "aa8ba8b9-0123-4456-b89a-b182623406d8", action: { type: "customPageMessage", value: "Multiselect chosen" }, queryValue: { id: "aa8ba8b9-0123-4456-b89a-b182623406d8", type: "group", children1: { "b98a8abb-cdef-4012-b456-718262343d27": { type: "rule", properties: { field: "d4292635-9f12-17b1-9153-c3a854649182", value: [["Option-2"]], operator: "multiselect_equals", valueSrc: ["value"], valueType: ["multiselect"], }, }, }, }, }, { id: "898899aa-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f708646", action: { type: "customPageMessage", value: "Fallback Message" }, isFallback: true, queryValue: { id: "898899aa-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f708646", type: "group" }, }, ], fields: [ { id: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182", type: "text", label: "Test field", required: true, }, { id: "d4292635-9f12-17b1-9153-c3a854649182", type: "multiselect", label: "Multi Select", identifier: "multi", selectText: "Option-1\nOption-2", required: false, }, ], user: { connect: { id:, }, }, name:, }, }); } const user = await prisma.user.findUniqueOrThrow({ where: { id: }, include: userIncludes, }); const userFixture = createUserFixture(user,!); store.users.push(userFixture); return userFixture; }, get: () => store.users, logout: async () => { await page.goto("/auth/logout"); }, deleteAll: async () => { const ids = =>; await prisma.user.deleteMany({ where: { id: { in: ids } } }); store.users = []; }, delete: async (id: number) => { await prisma.user.delete({ where: { id } }); store.users = store.users.filter((b) => !== id); }, }; }; type JSONValue = string | number | boolean | { [x: string]: JSONValue } | Array; // creates the single user fixture const createUserFixture = (user: UserWithIncludes, page: Page) => { const store = { user, page }; // self is a reflective method that return the Prisma object that references this fixture. const self = async () => (await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: }, include: { eventTypes: true } }))!; return { id:, username: user.username, eventTypes: user.eventTypes, routingForms: user.routingForms, self, login: async () => login({ ...(await self()), password: user.username },, getPaymentCredential: async () => getPaymentCredential(, // ths is for developemnt only aimed to inject debugging messages in the metadata field of the user debug: async (message: string | Record) => { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { metadata: { debug: message } } }); }, delete: async () => (await prisma.user.delete({ where: { id: } }))!, }; }; type CustomUserOptsKeys = "username" | "password" | "plan" | "completedOnboarding" | "locale" | "name"; type CustomUserOpts = Partial> & { timeZone?: TimeZoneEnum }; // creates the actual user in the db. const createUser = async ( workerInfo: WorkerInfo, opts?: CustomUserOpts | null ): Promise => { // build a unique name for our user const uname = `${opts?.username ?? opts?.plan?.toLocaleLowerCase() ?? UserPlan.PRO.toLowerCase()}-${ workerInfo.workerIndex }-${}`; return { username: uname, name: opts?.name === undefined ? (opts?.plan ?? UserPlan.PRO).toUpperCase() : opts?.name, plan: opts?.plan ?? UserPlan.PRO, email: `${uname}`, password: await hashPassword(uname), emailVerified: new Date(), completedOnboarding: opts?.completedOnboarding ?? true, timeZone: opts?.timeZone ?? TimeZoneEnum.UK, locale: opts?.locale ?? "en", schedules: opts?.completedOnboarding ?? true ? { create: { name: "Working Hours", availability: { createMany: { data: getAvailabilityFromSchedule(DEFAULT_SCHEDULE), }, }, }, } : undefined, eventTypes: { create: { title: "30 min", slug: "30-min", length: 30, }, }, }; }; // login using a replay of an E2E routine. export async function login( user: Pick & Partial>, page: Page ) { // get locators const loginLocator = page.locator("[data-testid=login-form]"); const emailLocator = loginLocator.locator("#email"); const passwordLocator = loginLocator.locator("#password"); const signInLocator = loginLocator.locator('[type="submit"]'); //login await page.goto("/"); await emailLocator.fill( ?? `${user.username}`); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion await passwordLocator.fill(user.password ?? user.username!); await; // 2 seconds of delay to give the session enough time for a clean load // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout await page.waitForTimeout(2000); } export async function getPaymentCredential(page: Page) { await page.goto("/apps/stripe"); /** We start the Stripe flow */ await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation({ url: "*" }),'[data-testid="install-app-button"]'), ]); await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation({ url: "/apps/installed/payment?hl=stripe" }), /** We skip filling Stripe forms (testing mode only) */'[id="skip-account-app"]'), ]); }