* @deprecated modifications to this file should be v2 only
* Use `/apps/web/pages/v2/availability/index.tsx` instead
import { ScheduleListItem } from "@calcom/features/schedules/components/ScheduleListItem";
import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import showToast from "@calcom/lib/notification";
import { inferQueryOutput, trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react";
import EmptyScreen from "@calcom/ui/EmptyScreen";
import { Icon } from "@calcom/ui/Icon";
import Shell from "@calcom/ui/Shell";
import { withQuery } from "@lib/QueryCell";
import { HttpError } from "@lib/core/http/error";
import { NewScheduleButton } from "@components/availability/NewScheduleButton";
import SkeletonLoader from "@components/availability/SkeletonLoader";
* @deprecated modifications to this file should be v2 only
* Use `/apps/web/pages/v2/availability/index.tsx` instead
export function AvailabilityList({ schedules }: inferQueryOutput<"viewer.availability.list">) {
const { t } = useLocale();
const utils = trpc.useContext();
const deleteMutation = trpc.useMutation("viewer.availability.schedule.delete", {
onSuccess: async () => {
await utils.invalidateQueries(["viewer.availability.list"]);
showToast(t("schedule_deleted_successfully"), "success");
onError: (err) => {
if (err instanceof HttpError) {
const message = `${err.statusCode}: ${err.message}`;
showToast(message, "error");
return (
{schedules.length === 0 ? (