import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { withMiddleware } from "@lib/helpers/withMiddleware"; import type { SelectedCalendarResponse } from "@lib/types"; import { schemaSelectedCalendarBodyParams, schemaSelectedCalendarPublic, } from "@lib/validations/selected-calendar"; import { schemaQueryIdAsString, withValidQueryIdString } from "@lib/validations/shared/queryIdString"; export async function selectedCalendarById( { method, query, body, userId }: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse ) { const safeQuery = schemaQueryIdAsString.safeParse(query); const safeBody = schemaSelectedCalendarBodyParams.safeParse(body); if (!safeQuery.success) { res.status(400).json({ message: "Your query was invalid" }); return; } // This is how we set the userId and externalId in the query for managing compoundId. const [paramUserId, integration, externalId] ="_"); if (userId !== parseInt(paramUserId)) res.status(401).json({ message: "Unauthorized" }); else { switch (method) { /** * @swagger * /selected-calendars/{userId}_{integration}_{externalId}: * get: * operationId: getSelectedCalendarById * summary: Find a selected calendar by providing the compoundId(userId_integration_externalId) separated by `_` * parameters: * - in: path * name: userId * schema: * type: integer * required: true * description: userId of the selected calendar to get * - in: path * name: externalId * schema: * type: string * required: true * description: externalId of the selected calendar to get * - in: path * name: integration * schema: * type: string * required: true * description: integration of the selected calendar to get * tags: * - selected-calendars * responses: * 200: * description: OK * 401: * description: Authorization information is missing or invalid. * 404: * description: SelectedCalendar was not found */ case "GET": await prisma.selectedCalendar .findUnique({ where: { userId_integration_externalId: { userId: userId, integration: integration, externalId: externalId, }, }, }) .then((selectedCalendar) => schemaSelectedCalendarPublic.parse(selectedCalendar)) .then((selected_calendar) => res.status(200).json({ selected_calendar })) .catch((error: Error) => res.status(404).json({ message: `SelectedCalendar with id: ${} not found`, error, }) ); break; /** * @swagger * /selected-calendars/{userId}_{integration}_{externalId}: * patch: * operationId: editSelectedCalendarById * summary: Edit a selected calendar * parameters: * - in: path * name: userId * schema: * type: integer * required: true * description: userId of the selected calendar to get * - in: path * name: externalId * schema: * type: string * required: true * description: externalId of the selected calendar to get * - in: path * name: integration * schema: * type: string * required: true * description: integration of the selected calendar to get * tags: * - selected-calendars * responses: * 201: * description: OK, selected-calendar edited successfuly * 400: * description: Bad request. SelectedCalendar body is invalid. * 401: * description: Authorization information is missing or invalid. */ case "PATCH": if (!safeBody.success) { { res.status(400).json({ message: "Invalid request body" }); return; } } await prisma.selectedCalendar .update({ where: { userId_integration_externalId: { userId: userId, integration: integration, externalId: externalId, }, }, data:, }) .then((selectedCalendar) => schemaSelectedCalendarPublic.parse(selectedCalendar)) .then((selected_calendar) => res.status(200).json({ selected_calendar })) .catch((error: Error) => res.status(404).json({ message: `SelectedCalendar with id: ${} not found`, error, }) ); break; /** * @swagger * /selected-calendars/{userId}_{integration}_{externalId}: * delete: * operationId: removeSelectedCalendarById * summary: Remove a selected calendar * parameters: * - in: path * name: userId * schema: * type: integer * required: true * description: userId of the selected calendar to get * - in: path * name: externalId * schema: * type: integer * required: true * description: externalId of the selected-calendar to get * - in: path * name: integration * schema: * type: string * required: true * description: integration of the selected calendar to get * tags: * - selected-calendars * responses: * 201: * description: OK, selected-calendar removed successfuly * 400: * description: Bad request. SelectedCalendar id is invalid. * 401: * description: Authorization information is missing or invalid. */ case "DELETE": await prisma.selectedCalendar .delete({ where: { userId_integration_externalId: { userId: userId, integration: integration, externalId: externalId, }, }, }) .then(() => res.status(200).json({ message: `SelectedCalendar with id: ${} deleted successfully`, }) ) .catch((error: Error) => res.status(404).json({ message: `SelectedCalendar with id: ${} not found`, error, }) ); break; default: res.status(405).json({ message: "Method not allowed" }); break; } } } export default withMiddleware("HTTP_GET_DELETE_PATCH")(withValidQueryIdString(selectedCalendarById));