import { useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query"; import type { IntegrationOAuthCallbackState } from "@calcom/app-store/types"; import { WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { App } from "@calcom/types/App"; import getInstalledAppPath from "./getInstalledAppPath"; function useAddAppMutation(_type: App["type"] | null, options?: Parameters[2]) { const mutation = useMutation< unknown, Error, { type?: App["type"]; variant?: string; slug?: string; isOmniInstall?: boolean } | "" >(async (variables) => { let type: string | null | undefined; let isOmniInstall; if (variables === "") { type = _type; } else { isOmniInstall = variables.isOmniInstall; type = variables.type; } const state: IntegrationOAuthCallbackState = { returnTo: WEBAPP_URL + getInstalledAppPath( { variant: variables && variables.variant, slug: variables && variables.slug }, ), }; const stateStr = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(state)); const searchParams = `?state=${stateStr}`; const res = await fetch(`/api/integrations/${type}/add` + searchParams); if (!res.ok) { const errorBody = await res.json(); throw new Error(errorBody.message || "Something went wrong"); } const json = await res.json(); if (!isOmniInstall) { window.location.href = json.url; return; } // Skip redirection only if it is an OmniInstall and redirect URL isn't of some other origin // This allows installation of apps like Stripe to still redirect to their authentication pages. // Check first that the URL is absolute, then check that it is of different origin from the current. if (/https?:\/\//.test(json.url) && !json.url.startsWith(window.location.origin)) { // TODO: For Omni installation to authenticate and come back to the page where installation was initiated, some changes need to be done in all apps' add callbacks window.location.href = json.url; } }, options); return mutation; } export default useAddAppMutation;