--- title: Stripe --- # Stripe Payments The Stripe integration allows users to add payments to their bookings. ## Adding the stripe integration 1. Go to the [Cal App Store](https://app.cal.com/integrations). 2. Located near the top of this page will be the integration 'Stripe' and located to the right will be a button called 'Connect', press this. 3. You will be redirected to Stripe requesting for Cal.com to be authorized access. Press 'Accept'. This stripe integration has now successfully been added. ## Removing the stripe integration 1. Go to the [Cal App Store](https://app.cal.com/integrations). 2. Located near the top of this page will be the integration 'Stripe' and located to the right will be a button called 'Disconnect', press this. 3. A confirmation pop up box will appear, to confirm press the button saying 'Yes, disconnect integration'. This stripe integration has now successfully been disconnected.