import prismaMock from "../../../../../tests/libs/__mocks__/prisma"; import type { WebhookTriggerEvents, Booking, BookingReference, DestinationCalendar } from "@prisma/client"; import { parse } from "node-html-parser"; import ical from "node-ical"; import { expect } from "vitest"; import "vitest-fetch-mock"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { safeStringify } from "@calcom/lib/safeStringify"; import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import type { AppsStatus } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { Fixtures } from "@calcom/web/test/fixtures/fixtures"; import type { InputEventType } from "./bookingScenario"; declare global { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace namespace jest { interface Matchers { toHaveEmail( expectedEmail: { title?: string; to: string; noIcs?: true; ics?: { filename: string; iCalUID: string; }; appsStatus?: AppsStatus[]; }, to: string ): R; } } } expect.extend({ toHaveEmail( emails: Fixtures["emails"], expectedEmail: { title?: string; to: string; ics: { filename: string; iCalUID: string; }; noIcs: true; appsStatus: AppsStatus[]; }, to: string ) { const { isNot } = this; const testEmail = emails.get().find((email) =>; const emailsToLog = emails .get() .map((email) => ({ to:, html: email.html, ics: email.icalEvent })); if (!testEmail) { logger.silly("All Emails", JSON.stringify({ numEmails: emailsToLog.length, emailsToLog })); return { pass: false, message: () => `No email sent to ${to}`, }; } const ics = testEmail.icalEvent; const icsObject = ics?.content ? ical.sync.parseICS(ics?.content) : null; let isToAddressExpected = true; const isIcsFilenameExpected = expectedEmail.ics ? ics?.filename === expectedEmail.ics.filename : true; const isIcsUIDExpected = expectedEmail.ics ? !!(icsObject ? icsObject[expectedEmail.ics.iCalUID] : null) : true; const emailDom = parse(testEmail.html); const actualEmailContent = { title: emailDom.querySelector("title")?.innerText, subject: emailDom.querySelector("subject")?.innerText, }; const expectedEmailContent = { title: expectedEmail.title, }; const isEmailContentMatched = this.equals( actualEmailContent, expect.objectContaining(expectedEmailContent) ); if (!isEmailContentMatched) { logger.silly("All Emails", JSON.stringify({ numEmails: emailsToLog.length, emailsToLog })); return { pass: false, message: () => `Email content ${isNot ? "is" : "is not"} matching`, actual: actualEmailContent, expected: expectedEmailContent, }; } isToAddressExpected = ===; if (!isToAddressExpected) { logger.silly("All Emails", JSON.stringify({ numEmails: emailsToLog.length, emailsToLog })); return { pass: false, message: () => `To address ${isNot ? "is" : "is not"} matching`, actual:, expected:, }; } if (!expectedEmail.noIcs && !isIcsFilenameExpected) { return { pass: false, actual: ics?.filename, expected: expectedEmail.ics.filename, message: () => `ICS Filename ${isNot ? "is" : "is not"} matching`, }; } if (!expectedEmail.noIcs && !isIcsUIDExpected) { return { pass: false, actual: JSON.stringify(icsObject), expected: expectedEmail.ics.iCalUID, message: () => `Expected ICS UID ${isNot ? "is" : "isn't"} present in actual`, }; } if (expectedEmail.appsStatus) { const actualAppsStatus = emailDom.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="appsStatus"] li').map((li) => { return li.innerText.trim(); }); const expectedAppStatus = => { if (appStatus.success && !appStatus.failures) { return `${appStatus.appName} ✅`; } return `${appStatus.appName} ❌`; }); const isAppsStatusCorrect = this.equals(actualAppsStatus, expectedAppStatus); if (!isAppsStatusCorrect) { return { pass: false, actual: actualAppsStatus, expected: expectedAppStatus, message: () => `AppsStatus ${isNot ? "is" : "isn't"} matching`, }; } } return { pass: true, message: () => `Email ${isNot ? "is" : "isn't"} correct`, }; }, }); export function expectWebhookToHaveBeenCalledWith( subscriberUrl: string, data: { triggerEvent: WebhookTriggerEvents; payload: Record | null; } ) { const fetchCalls = fetchMock.mock.calls; const webhooksToSubscriberUrl = fetchCalls.filter((call) => { return call[0] === subscriberUrl; }); logger.silly("Scanning fetchCalls for webhook", safeStringify(fetchCalls)); const webhookFetchCall = webhooksToSubscriberUrl.find((call) => { const body = call[1]?.body; const parsedBody = JSON.parse((body as string) || "{}"); return parsedBody.triggerEvent === data.triggerEvent; }); if (!webhookFetchCall) { throw new Error( `Webhook not sent to ${subscriberUrl} for ${data.triggerEvent}. All webhooks: ${JSON.stringify( webhooksToSubscriberUrl )}` ); } expect(webhookFetchCall[0]).toBe(subscriberUrl); const body = webhookFetchCall[1]?.body; const parsedBody = JSON.parse((body as string) || "{}"); expect(parsedBody.triggerEvent).toBe(data.triggerEvent); if (parsedBody.payload.metadata?.videoCallUrl) { parsedBody.payload.metadata.videoCallUrl = parsedBody.payload.metadata.videoCallUrl ? parsedBody.payload.metadata.videoCallUrl : parsedBody.payload.metadata.videoCallUrl; } if (data.payload) { if (data.payload.metadata !== undefined) { expect(parsedBody.payload.metadata).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(data.payload.metadata)); } if (data.payload.responses !== undefined) expect(parsedBody.payload.responses).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(data.payload.responses)); const { responses: _1, metadata: _2, ...remainingPayload } = data.payload; expect(parsedBody.payload).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(remainingPayload)); } } export function expectWorkflowToBeTriggered() { // TODO: Implement this. } export async function expectBookingToBeInDatabase( booking: Partial & Pick & { references?: Partial[] } ) { const actualBooking = await{ where: { uid: booking.uid, }, include: { references: true, }, }); const { references, ...remainingBooking } = booking; expect(actualBooking).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(remainingBooking)); expect(actualBooking?.references).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining((references || []).map((reference) => expect.objectContaining(reference))) ); } export function expectSuccessfulBookingCreationEmails({ emails, organizer, booker, guests, otherTeamMembers, iCalUID, }: { emails: Fixtures["emails"]; organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; guests?: { email: string; name: string }[]; otherTeamMembers?: { email: string; name: string }[]; iCalUID: string; }) { expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "confirmed_event_type_subject", to: `${}`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID: iCalUID, }, }, `${}` ); expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "confirmed_event_type_subject", to: `${} <${}>`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID: iCalUID, }, }, `${} <${}>` ); if (otherTeamMembers) { otherTeamMembers.forEach((otherTeamMember) => { expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "confirmed_event_type_subject", // Don't know why but organizer and team members of the eventType don'thave their name here like Booker to: `${}`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID: iCalUID, }, }, `${}` ); }); } if (guests) { guests.forEach((guest) => { expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "confirmed_event_type_subject", to: `${}`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID: iCalUID, }, }, `${} <${}` ); }); } } export function expectBrokenIntegrationEmails({ emails, organizer, }: { emails: Fixtures["emails"]; organizer: { email: string; name: string }; }) { // Broken Integration email is only sent to the Organizer expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "broken_integration", to: `${}`, // No ics goes in case of broken integration email it seems // ics: { // filename: "event.ics", // iCalUID: iCalUID, // }, }, `${}` ); // expect(emails).toHaveEmail( // { // title: "confirmed_event_type_subject", // to: `${} <${}>`, // }, // `${} <${}>` // ); } export function expectCalendarEventCreationFailureEmails({ emails, organizer, booker, iCalUID, }: { emails: Fixtures["emails"]; organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; iCalUID: string; }) { expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "broken_integration", to: `${}`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID, }, }, `${}` ); expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "calendar_event_creation_failure_subject", to: `${} <${}>`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID, }, }, `${} <${}>` ); } export function expectSuccessfulBookingRescheduledEmails({ emails, organizer, booker, iCalUID, appsStatus, }: { emails: Fixtures["emails"]; organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; iCalUID: string; appsStatus: AppsStatus[]; }) { expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "event_type_has_been_rescheduled_on_time_date", to: `${}`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID, }, appsStatus, }, `${}` ); expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "event_type_has_been_rescheduled_on_time_date", to: `${} <${}>`, ics: { filename: "event.ics", iCalUID, }, }, `${} <${}>` ); } export function expectAwaitingPaymentEmails({ emails, booker, }: { emails: Fixtures["emails"]; organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; }) { expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "awaiting_payment_subject", to: `${} <${}>`, noIcs: true, }, `${}` ); } export function expectBookingRequestedEmails({ emails, organizer, booker, }: { emails: Fixtures["emails"]; organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; }) { expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "event_awaiting_approval_subject", to: `${}`, noIcs: true, }, `${}` ); expect(emails).toHaveEmail( { title: "booking_submitted_subject", to: `${}`, noIcs: true, }, `${}` ); } export function expectBookingRequestedWebhookToHaveBeenFired({ booker, location, subscriberUrl, paidEvent, eventType, }: { organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; subscriberUrl: string; location: string; paidEvent?: boolean; eventType: InputEventType; }) { // There is an inconsistency in the way we send the data to the webhook for paid events and unpaid events. Fix that and then remove this if statement. if (!paidEvent) { expectWebhookToHaveBeenCalledWith(subscriberUrl, { triggerEvent: "BOOKING_REQUESTED", payload: { eventTitle: eventType.title, eventDescription: eventType.description, metadata: { // In a Pending Booking Request, we don't send the video call url }, responses: { name: { label: "your_name", value: }, email: { label: "email_address", value: }, location: { label: "location", value: { optionValue: "", value: location }, }, }, }, }); } else { expectWebhookToHaveBeenCalledWith(subscriberUrl, { triggerEvent: "BOOKING_REQUESTED", payload: { eventTitle: eventType.title, eventDescription: eventType.description, metadata: { // In a Pending Booking Request, we don't send the video call url }, responses: { name: { label: "name", value: }, email: { label: "email", value: }, location: { label: "location", value: { optionValue: "", value: location }, }, }, }, }); } } export function expectBookingCreatedWebhookToHaveBeenFired({ booker, location, subscriberUrl, paidEvent, videoCallUrl, }: { organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; subscriberUrl: string; location: string; paidEvent?: boolean; videoCallUrl?: string | null; }) { if (!paidEvent) { expectWebhookToHaveBeenCalledWith(subscriberUrl, { triggerEvent: "BOOKING_CREATED", payload: { metadata: { ...(videoCallUrl ? { videoCallUrl } : null), }, responses: { name: { label: "your_name", value: }, email: { label: "email_address", value: }, location: { label: "location", value: { optionValue: "", value: location }, }, }, }, }); } else { expectWebhookToHaveBeenCalledWith(subscriberUrl, { triggerEvent: "BOOKING_CREATED", payload: { // FIXME: File this bug and link ticket here. This is a bug in the code. metadata must be sent here like other BOOKING_CREATED webhook metadata: null, responses: { name: { label: "name", value: }, email: { label: "email", value: }, location: { label: "location", value: { optionValue: "", value: location }, }, }, }, }); } } export function expectBookingRescheduledWebhookToHaveBeenFired({ booker, location, subscriberUrl, videoCallUrl, payload, }: { organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; subscriberUrl: string; location: string; paidEvent?: boolean; videoCallUrl?: string; payload?: Record; }) { expectWebhookToHaveBeenCalledWith(subscriberUrl, { triggerEvent: "BOOKING_RESCHEDULED", payload: { ...payload, metadata: { ...(videoCallUrl ? { videoCallUrl } : null), }, responses: { name: { label: "your_name", value: }, email: { label: "email_address", value: }, location: { label: "location", value: { optionValue: "", value: location }, }, }, }, }); } export function expectBookingPaymentIntiatedWebhookToHaveBeenFired({ booker, location, subscriberUrl, paymentId, }: { organizer: { email: string; name: string }; booker: { email: string; name: string }; subscriberUrl: string; location: string; paymentId: number; }) { expectWebhookToHaveBeenCalledWith(subscriberUrl, { triggerEvent: "BOOKING_PAYMENT_INITIATED", payload: { paymentId: paymentId, metadata: { // In a Pending Booking Request, we don't send the video call url }, responses: { name: { label: "your_name", value: }, email: { label: "email_address", value: }, location: { label: "location", value: { optionValue: "", value: location }, }, }, }, }); } export function expectSuccessfulCalendarEventCreationInCalendar( calendarMock: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any createEventCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any updateEventCalls: any[]; }, expected: { calendarId?: string | null; videoCallUrl: string; destinationCalendars: Partial[]; } ) { expect(calendarMock.createEventCalls.length).toBe(1); const call = calendarMock.createEventCalls[0]; const calEvent = call[0]; expect(calEvent).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ destinationCalendar: expected.calendarId ? [ expect.objectContaining({ externalId: expected.calendarId, }), ] : expected.destinationCalendars ? expect.arrayContaining( => expect.objectContaining(cal))) : null, videoCallData: expect.objectContaining({ url: expected.videoCallUrl, }), }) ); } export function expectSuccessfulCalendarEventUpdationInCalendar( calendarMock: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any createEventCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any updateEventCalls: any[]; }, expected: { externalCalendarId: string; calEvent: Partial; uid: string; } ) { expect(calendarMock.updateEventCalls.length).toBe(1); const call = calendarMock.updateEventCalls[0]; const uid = call[0]; const calendarEvent = call[1]; const externalId = call[2]; expect(uid).toBe(expected.uid); expect(calendarEvent).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(expected.calEvent)); expect(externalId).toBe(expected.externalCalendarId); } export function expectSuccessfulCalendarEventDeletionInCalendar( calendarMock: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any createEventCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any updateEventCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any deleteEventCalls: any[]; }, expected: { externalCalendarId: string; calEvent: Partial; uid: string; } ) { expect(calendarMock.deleteEventCalls.length).toBe(1); const call = calendarMock.deleteEventCalls[0]; const uid = call[0]; const calendarEvent = call[1]; const externalId = call[2]; expect(uid).toBe(expected.uid); expect(calendarEvent).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(expected.calEvent)); expect(externalId).toBe(expected.externalCalendarId); } export function expectSuccessfulVideoMeetingCreation( videoMock: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any createMeetingCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any updateMeetingCalls: any[]; }, expected: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any credential: any; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any calEvent: any; } ) { expect(videoMock.createMeetingCalls.length).toBe(1); const call = videoMock.createMeetingCalls[0]; const callArgs = call.args; const calEvent = callArgs[0]; const credential = call.credential; expect(credential).toEqual(expected.credential); expect(calEvent).toEqual(expected.calEvent); } export function expectSuccessfulVideoMeetingUpdationInCalendar( videoMock: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any createMeetingCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any updateMeetingCalls: any[]; }, expected: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any bookingRef: any; calEvent: Partial; } ) { expect(videoMock.updateMeetingCalls.length).toBe(1); const call = videoMock.updateMeetingCalls[0]; const bookingRef = call.args[0]; const calendarEvent = call.args[1]; expect(bookingRef).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(expected.bookingRef)); expect(calendarEvent).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(expected.calEvent)); } export function expectSuccessfulVideoMeetingDeletionInCalendar( videoMock: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any createMeetingCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any updateMeetingCalls: any[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any deleteMeetingCalls: any[]; }, expected: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any bookingRef: any; } ) { expect(videoMock.deleteMeetingCalls.length).toBe(1); const call = videoMock.deleteMeetingCalls[0]; const bookingRefUid = call.args[0]; expect(bookingRefUid).toEqual(expected.bookingRef.uid); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export async function expectBookingInDBToBeRescheduledFromTo({ from, to }: { from: any; to: any }) { // Expect previous booking to be cancelled await expectBookingToBeInDatabase({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion ...from, status: BookingStatus.CANCELLED, }); // Expect new booking to be created but status would depend on whether the new booking requires confirmation or not. await expectBookingToBeInDatabase({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion, }); }