import { serialize } from "cookie"; import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { MINUTES_TO_BOOK } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import type { PrismaClient } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; import type { TReserveSlotInputSchema } from "./reserveSlot.schema"; interface ReserveSlotOptions { ctx: { prisma: PrismaClient; req?: NextApiRequest | undefined; res?: NextApiResponse | undefined; }; input: TReserveSlotInputSchema; } export const reserveSlotHandler = async ({ ctx, input }: ReserveSlotOptions) => { const { prisma, req, res } = ctx; const uid = req?.cookies?.uid || uuid(); const { slotUtcStartDate, slotUtcEndDate, eventTypeId, bookingUid } = input; const releaseAt = dayjs.utc().add(parseInt(MINUTES_TO_BOOK), "minutes").format(); const eventType = await prisma.eventType.findUnique({ where: { id: eventTypeId }, select: { users: { select: { id: true } }, seatsPerTimeSlot: true }, }); if (!eventType) { throw new TRPCError({ message: "Event type not found", code: "NOT_FOUND", }); } let shouldReserveSlot = true; // If this is a seated event then don't reserve a slot if (eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot) { // Check to see if this is the last attendee const bookingWithAttendees = await{ where: { uid: bookingUid }, select: { attendees: true }, }); const bookingAttendeesLength = bookingWithAttendees?.attendees?.length; if (bookingAttendeesLength) { const seatsLeft = eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot - bookingAttendeesLength; if (seatsLeft < 1) shouldReserveSlot = false; } else { // If there is no booking yet then don't reserve the slot shouldReserveSlot = false; } } if (eventType && shouldReserveSlot) { try { await Promise.all( => prisma.selectedSlots.upsert({ where: { selectedSlotUnique: { userId:, slotUtcStartDate, slotUtcEndDate, uid } }, update: { slotUtcStartDate, slotUtcEndDate, releaseAt, eventTypeId, }, create: { userId:, eventTypeId, slotUtcStartDate, slotUtcEndDate, uid, releaseAt, isSeat: eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot !== null, }, }) ) ); } catch { throw new TRPCError({ message: "Event type not found", code: "NOT_FOUND", }); } } res?.setHeader("Set-Cookie", serialize("uid", uid, { path: "/", sameSite: "lax" })); return { uid: uid, }; };