import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next"; import type { CredentialDataWithTeamName } from "@calcom/app-store/utils"; import { defaultVideoAppCategories } from "@calcom/app-store/utils"; import getEnabledAppsFromCredentials from "@calcom/lib/apps/getEnabledAppsFromCredentials"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { AppCategories } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import { defaultLocations } from "./locations"; export async function getLocationGroupedOptions( userOrTeamId: { userId: number } | { teamId: number }, t: TFunction ) { const apps: Record< string, { label: string; value: string; disabled?: boolean; icon?: string; slug?: string; credential?: CredentialDataWithTeamName; }[] > = {}; let idToSearchObject = {}; if ("teamId" in userOrTeamId) { const teamId = userOrTeamId.teamId; // See if the team event belongs to an org const org = await{ where: { children: { some: { id: teamId, }, }, }, }); if (org) { idToSearchObject = { teamId: { in: [teamId,], }, }; } else { idToSearchObject = { teamId }; } } else { idToSearchObject = { userId: userOrTeamId.userId }; } const credentials = await prisma.credential.findMany({ where: { ...idToSearchObject, app: { categories: { hasSome: defaultVideoAppCategories, }, }, }, select: { id: true, type: true, key: true, userId: true, teamId: true, appId: true, invalid: true, team: { select: { name: true, }, }, }, }); const integrations = await getEnabledAppsFromCredentials(credentials, { filterOnCredentials: true }); integrations.forEach((app) => { // All apps that are labeled as a locationOption are video apps. if (app.locationOption) { // All apps that are labeled as a locationOption are video apps. Extract the secondary category if available let groupByCategory = app.categories.length >= 2 ? app.categories.find((groupByCategory) => !defaultVideoAppCategories.includes(groupByCategory)) : app.categories[0] || app.category; if (!groupByCategory) groupByCategory = AppCategories.conferencing; for (const credential of app.credentials) { const label = `${app.locationOption.label} ${ ? `(${})` : "" }`; const option = {, label, icon: app.logo, slug: app.slug, credential }; if (apps[groupByCategory]) { apps[groupByCategory] = [...apps[groupByCategory], option]; } else { apps[groupByCategory] = [option]; } } } }); defaultLocations.forEach((l) => { const category = l.category; if (apps[category]) { apps[category] = [ ...apps[category], { label: l.label, value: l.type, icon: l.iconUrl, }, ]; } else { apps[category] = [ { label: l.label, value: l.type, icon: l.iconUrl, }, ]; } }); const locations = []; // Translating labels and pushing into array for (const category in apps) { const tmp = { label: t(category), options: apps[category].map((l) => ({ ...l, label: t(l.label), })), }; locations.push(tmp); } return locations; }