import { SchedulingType } from "@prisma/client"; import { z } from "zod"; import { getAggregateWorkingHours } from "@calcom/core/getAggregateWorkingHours"; import type { CurrentSeats } from "@calcom/core/getUserAvailability"; import { getUserAvailability } from "@calcom/core/getUserAvailability"; import dayjs, { Dayjs } from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { getDefaultEvent } from "@calcom/lib/defaultEvents"; import isTimeOutOfBounds from "@calcom/lib/isOutOfBounds"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { performance } from "@calcom/lib/server/perfObserver"; import getTimeSlots from "@calcom/lib/slots"; import prisma, { availabilityUserSelect } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { EventBusyDate } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import { TimeRange } from "@calcom/types/schedule"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; import { createRouter } from "../../createRouter"; const getScheduleSchema = z .object({ // startTime ISOString startTime: z.string(), // endTime ISOString endTime: z.string(), // Event type ID eventTypeId: z.number().int().optional(), // Event type slug eventTypeSlug: z.string(), // invitee timezone timeZone: z.string().optional(), // or list of users (for dynamic events) usernameList: z.array(z.string()).optional(), debug: z.boolean().optional(), }) .refine( (data) => !!data.eventTypeId || !!data.usernameList, "Either usernameList or eventTypeId should be filled in." ); export type Slot = { time: string; attendees?: number; bookingUid?: string; users?: string[]; }; const checkIfIsAvailable = ({ time, busy, eventLength, beforeBufferTime, currentSeats, }: { time: Dayjs; busy: (TimeRange | { start: string; end: string } | EventBusyDate)[]; eventLength: number; beforeBufferTime: number; currentSeats?: CurrentSeats; }): boolean => { if (currentSeats?.some((booking) => booking.startTime.toISOString() === time.toISOString())) { return true; } const slotEndTime = time.add(eventLength, "minutes").utc(); const slotStartTime = time.utc(); return busy.every((busyTime) => { const startTime = dayjs.utc(busyTime.start).subtract(beforeBufferTime, "minutes").utc(); const endTime = dayjs.utc(busyTime.end); if (endTime.isBefore(slotStartTime) || startTime.isAfter(slotEndTime)) { return true; } if (slotStartTime.isBetween(startTime, endTime, null, "[)")) { return false; } else if (slotEndTime.isBetween(startTime, endTime, null, "(]")) { return false; } // Check if start times are the same if (time.utc().isBetween(startTime, endTime, null, "[)")) { return false; } // Check if slot end time is between start and end time else if (slotEndTime.isBetween(startTime, endTime)) { return false; } // Check if startTime is between slot else if (startTime.isBetween(time, slotEndTime)) { return false; } return true; }); }; /** This should be called getAvailableSlots */ export const slotsRouter = createRouter().query("getSchedule", { input: getScheduleSchema, async resolve({ input, ctx }) { return await getSchedule(input, ctx); }, }); async function getEventType(ctx: { prisma: typeof prisma }, input: z.infer) { return ctx.prisma.eventType.findUnique({ where: { id: input.eventTypeId, }, select: { id: true, minimumBookingNotice: true, length: true, seatsPerTimeSlot: true, timeZone: true, slotInterval: true, beforeEventBuffer: true, afterEventBuffer: true, bookingLimits: true, schedulingType: true, periodType: true, periodStartDate: true, periodEndDate: true, periodCountCalendarDays: true, periodDays: true, schedule: { select: { availability: true, timeZone: true, }, }, availability: { select: { startTime: true, endTime: true, days: true, }, }, users: { select: { ...availabilityUserSelect, }, }, }, }); } async function getDynamicEventType(ctx: { prisma: typeof prisma }, input: z.infer) { // For dynamic booking, we need to get and update user credentials, schedule and availability in the eventTypeObject as they're required in the new availability logic const dynamicEventType = getDefaultEvent(input.eventTypeSlug); const users = await ctx.prisma.user.findMany({ where: { username: { in: input.usernameList, }, }, select: { allowDynamicBooking: true, ...availabilityUserSelect, }, }); const isDynamicAllowed = !users.some((user) => !user.allowDynamicBooking); if (!isDynamicAllowed) { throw new TRPCError({ message: "Some of the users in this group do not allow dynamic booking", code: "UNAUTHORIZED", }); } return Object.assign({}, dynamicEventType, { users, }); } function getRegularOrDynamicEventType( ctx: { prisma: typeof prisma }, input: z.infer ) { const isDynamicBooking = !input.eventTypeId; return isDynamicBooking ? getDynamicEventType(ctx, input) : getEventType(ctx, input); } /** This should be called getAvailableSlots */ export async function getSchedule(input: z.infer, ctx: { prisma: typeof prisma }) { if (input.debug === true) { logger.setSettings({ minLevel: "debug" }); } if (process.env.INTEGRATION_TEST_MODE === "true") { logger.setSettings({ minLevel: "silly" }); } const startPrismaEventTypeGet =; const eventType = await getRegularOrDynamicEventType(ctx, input); const endPrismaEventTypeGet =; logger.debug( `Prisma eventType get took ${endPrismaEventTypeGet - startPrismaEventTypeGet}ms for event:${ input.eventTypeId }` ); if (!eventType) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "NOT_FOUND" }); } const startTime = input.timeZone === "Etc/GMT" ? dayjs.utc(input.startTime) : dayjs(input.startTime).utc().tz(input.timeZone); const endTime = input.timeZone === "Etc/GMT" ? dayjs.utc(input.endTime) : dayjs(input.endTime).utc().tz(input.timeZone); if (!startTime.isValid() || !endTime.isValid()) { throw new TRPCError({ message: "Invalid time range given.", code: "BAD_REQUEST" }); } let currentSeats: CurrentSeats | undefined = undefined; /* We get all users working hours and busy slots */ const usersWorkingHoursAndBusySlots = await Promise.all( (currentUser) => { const { busy, workingHours, currentSeats: _currentSeats, timeZone, } = await getUserAvailability( { userId:, username: currentUser.username || "", dateFrom: startTime.format(), dateTo: endTime.format(), eventTypeId: input.eventTypeId, afterEventBuffer: eventType.afterEventBuffer, }, { user: currentUser, eventType, currentSeats } ); if (!currentSeats && _currentSeats) currentSeats = _currentSeats; return { timeZone, workingHours, busy, }; }) ); const workingHours = getAggregateWorkingHours(usersWorkingHoursAndBusySlots, eventType.schedulingType); const computedAvailableSlots: Record = {}; const availabilityCheckProps = { eventLength: eventType.length, beforeBufferTime: eventType.beforeEventBuffer, currentSeats, }; const isTimeWithinBounds = (_time: Parameters[0]) => !isTimeOutOfBounds(_time, { periodType: eventType.periodType, periodStartDate: eventType.periodStartDate, periodEndDate: eventType.periodEndDate, periodCountCalendarDays: eventType.periodCountCalendarDays, periodDays: eventType.periodDays, }); let currentCheckedTime = startTime; let getSlotsTime = 0; let checkForAvailabilityTime = 0; let getSlotsCount = 0; let checkForAvailabilityCount = 0; do { const startGetSlots =; // get slots retrieves the available times for a given day const timeSlots = getTimeSlots({ inviteeDate: currentCheckedTime, eventLength: eventType.length, workingHours, minimumBookingNotice: eventType.minimumBookingNotice, frequency: eventType.slotInterval || eventType.length, }); const endGetSlots =; getSlotsTime += endGetSlots - startGetSlots; getSlotsCount++; // if ROUND_ROBIN - slots stay available on some() - if normal / COLLECTIVE - slots only stay available on every() const filterStrategy = !eventType.schedulingType || eventType.schedulingType === SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE ? ("every" as const) : ("some" as const); const availableTimeSlots = timeSlots.filter(isTimeWithinBounds).filter((time) => usersWorkingHoursAndBusySlots[filterStrategy]((schedule) => { const startCheckForAvailability =; const isAvailable = checkIfIsAvailable({ time, ...schedule, ...availabilityCheckProps }); const endCheckForAvailability =; checkForAvailabilityCount++; checkForAvailabilityTime += endCheckForAvailability - startCheckForAvailability; return isAvailable; }) ); computedAvailableSlots[currentCheckedTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD")] = => ({ time: time.toISOString(), users: => user.username || ""), // Conditionally add the attendees and booking id to slots object if there is already a booking during that time ...(currentSeats?.some((booking) => booking.startTime.toISOString() === time.toISOString()) && { attendees: currentSeats[ currentSeats.findIndex((booking) => booking.startTime.toISOString() === time.toISOString()) ]._count.attendees, bookingUid: currentSeats[ currentSeats.findIndex((booking) => booking.startTime.toISOString() === time.toISOString()) ].uid, }), })); currentCheckedTime = currentCheckedTime.add(1, "day"); } while (currentCheckedTime.isBefore(endTime)); logger.debug(`getSlots took ${getSlotsTime}ms and executed ${getSlotsCount} times`); logger.debug( `checkForAvailability took ${checkForAvailabilityTime}ms and executed ${checkForAvailabilityCount} times` ); logger.silly(`Available slots: ${JSON.stringify(computedAvailableSlots)}`); return { slots: computedAvailableSlots, }; }