import short from "short-uuid"; import { v5 as uuidv5 } from "uuid"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import { WEBAPP_URL } from "./constants"; const translator = short(); // The odd indentation in this file is necessary because otherwise the leading tabs will be applied into the event description. export const getWhat = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { return ` ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("what")}: ${calEvent.type} `; }; export const getWhen = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { return ` ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("invitee_timezone")}: ${calEvent.attendees[0].timeZone} `; }; export const getWho = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const attendees = calEvent.attendees .map((attendee) => { return ` ${attendee?.name || calEvent.organizer.language.translate("guest")} ${} `; }) .join(""); const organizer = ` ${} - ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("organizer")} ${} `; return ` ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("who")}: ${organizer + attendees} `; }; export const getAdditionalNotes = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { if (!calEvent.additionalNotes) { return ""; } return ` ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("additional_notes")}: ${calEvent.additionalNotes} `; }; export const getCustomInputs = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { if (!calEvent.customInputs) { return ""; } const customInputsString = Object.keys(calEvent.customInputs) .map((key) => { if (!calEvent.customInputs) return ""; if (calEvent.customInputs[key] !== "") { return ` ${key}: ${calEvent.customInputs[key]} `; } }) .join(""); return customInputsString; }; export const getDescription = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { if (!calEvent.description) { return ""; } return `\n${calEvent.attendees[0].language.translate("description")} ${calEvent.description} `; }; export const getLocation = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const meetingUrl = getVideoCallUrl(calEvent); if (meetingUrl) { return meetingUrl; } const providerName = getProviderName(calEvent); return providerName || calEvent.location || ""; }; export const getProviderName = (calEvent: CalendarEvent): string => { // TODO: use getAppName from @calcom/app-store if (calEvent.location && calEvent.location.includes("integrations:")) { const location = calEvent.location.split(":")[1]; return location[0].toUpperCase() + location.slice(1); } // If location its a url, probably we should be validating it with a custom library if (calEvent.location && /^https?:\/\//.test(calEvent.location)) { return calEvent.location; } return ""; }; export const getManageLink = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { return ` ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("need_to_reschedule_or_cancel")} ${getCancelLink(calEvent)} `; }; export const getUid = (calEvent: CalendarEvent): string => { return calEvent.uid ?? translator.fromUUID(uuidv5(JSON.stringify(calEvent), uuidv5.URL)); }; export const getCancelLink = (calEvent: CalendarEvent): string => { return WEBAPP_URL + "/cancel/" + getUid(calEvent); }; export const getRichDescription = (calEvent: CalendarEvent /*, attendee?: Person*/) => { return ` ${getCancellationReason(calEvent)} ${getWhat(calEvent)} ${getWhen(calEvent)} ${getWho(calEvent)} ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("where")}: ${getLocation(calEvent)} ${getDescription(calEvent)} ${getAdditionalNotes(calEvent)} ${getCustomInputs(calEvent)} ${ // TODO: Only the original attendee can make changes to the event // Guests cannot getManageLink(calEvent) } ${ calEvent.paymentInfo ? ` ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("pay_now")}: ${} ` : "" } `.trim(); }; export const getCancellationReason = (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { if (!calEvent.cancellationReason) return ""; return ` ${calEvent.organizer.language.translate("cancellation_reason")}: ${calEvent.cancellationReason} `; }; export const isDailyVideoCall = (calEvent: CalendarEvent): boolean => { return calEvent?.videoCallData?.type === "daily_video"; }; export const getPublicVideoCallUrl = (calEvent: CalendarEvent): string => { return WEBAPP_URL + "/video/" + getUid(calEvent); }; export const getVideoCallUrl = (calEvent: CalendarEvent): string => { if (calEvent.videoCallData) { if (isDailyVideoCall(calEvent)) { return getPublicVideoCallUrl(calEvent); } return calEvent.videoCallData.url; } if (calEvent.additionalInformation?.hangoutLink) { return calEvent.additionalInformation.hangoutLink; } return ""; }; export const getVideoCallPassword = (calEvent: CalendarEvent): string => { return isDailyVideoCall(calEvent) ? "" : calEvent?.videoCallData?.password ?? ""; };