import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next"; import { DYNAMIC_TEXT_VARIABLES, FORMATTED_DYNAMIC_TEXT_VARIABLES } from "./constants"; // variables are saved in the db always in english, so here we translate them to the user's language export function getTranslatedText(text: string, language: { locale: string; t: TFunction }) { let translatedText = text; if (language.locale !== "en") { const variables = text.match(/\{(.+?)}/g)?.map((variable) => { return variable.replace("{", "").replace("}", ""); }); variables?.forEach((variable) => { const regex = new RegExp(`{${variable}}`, "g"); // .replaceAll is not available here for some reason let translatedVariable = DYNAMIC_TEXT_VARIABLES.includes(variable.toLowerCase()) ? language.t(variable.toLowerCase().concat("_variable")).replace(/ /g, "_").toLocaleUpperCase() : DYNAMIC_TEXT_VARIABLES.includes(variable.toLowerCase().concat("_name")) //for the old variables names (ORGANIZER_NAME, ATTENDEE_NAME) ? language.t(variable.toLowerCase().concat("_name_variable")).replace(/ /g, "_").toLocaleUpperCase() : variable; // this takes care of translating formatted variables (e.g. {EVENT_DATE_DD MM YYYY}) const formattedVarToTranslate = => { if (variable.toLowerCase().startsWith(formattedVar)) return variable; })[0]; if (formattedVarToTranslate) { // only translate the variable part not the formatting const variableName = formattedVarToTranslate .substring(0, formattedVarToTranslate?.lastIndexOf("_")) .toLowerCase() .concat("_variable"); translatedVariable = language .t(variableName) .replace(/ /g, "_") .toLocaleUpperCase() .concat(formattedVarToTranslate?.substring(formattedVarToTranslate?.lastIndexOf("_"))); } translatedText = translatedText.replace(regex, `{${translatedVariable}}`); }); } return translatedText; } export function translateVariablesToEnglish(text: string, language: { locale: string; t: TFunction }) { let newText = text; if (language.locale !== "en") { const variables = text.match(/\{(.+?)}/g)?.map((variable) => { return variable.replace("{", "").replace("}", ""); }); variables?.forEach((variable) => { DYNAMIC_TEXT_VARIABLES.forEach((originalVar) => { const newVariableName = variable.replace("_NAME", ""); const originalVariable = `${originalVar}_variable`; if ( language.t(originalVariable).replace(/ /g, "_").toUpperCase() === variable || language.t(originalVariable).replace(/ /g, "_").toUpperCase() === newVariableName ) { newText = newText.replace( variable, language.t(originalVariable, { lng: "en" }).replace(/ /g, "_").toUpperCase() ); return; } }); FORMATTED_DYNAMIC_TEXT_VARIABLES.forEach((formattedVar) => { const translatedVariable = language.t(`${formattedVar}variable`).replace(/ /g, "_").toUpperCase(); if (variable.startsWith(translatedVariable)) { newText = newText.replace(translatedVariable, formattedVar.slice(0, -1).toUpperCase()); } }); }); } return newText; }