import type { Attendee, Booking, BookingReference, Credential, DestinationCalendar, EventType, User, } from "@prisma/client"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { SchedulingType } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; import authedProcedure from "../../../procedures/authedProcedure"; import { commonBookingSchema } from "./types"; export const bookingsProcedure = authedProcedure .input(commonBookingSchema) .use(async ({ ctx, input, next }) => { // Endpoints that just read the logged in user's data - like 'list' don't necessary have any input const { bookingId } = input; const booking = await{ where: { id: bookingId, AND: [ { OR: [ /* If user is organizer */ { userId: }, /* Or part of a collective booking */ { eventType: { schedulingType: SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE, users: { some: { id:, }, }, }, }, ], }, ], }, include: { attendees: true, eventType: true, destinationCalendar: true, references: true, user: { include: { destinationCalendar: true, credentials: true, }, }, }, }); if (!booking) throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" }); return next({ ctx: { booking } }); }); export type BookingsProcedureContext = { booking: Booking & { eventType: EventType | null; destinationCalendar: DestinationCalendar | null; user: | (User & { destinationCalendar: DestinationCalendar | null; credentials: Credential[]; }) | null; references: BookingReference[]; attendees: Attendee[]; }; };