import type { GlobalCal } from "./src/embed"; const Cal = window.Cal as GlobalCal; const callback = function (e) { const detail = e.detail; console.log("Event: ", e.type, detail); }; document.addEventListener("click", (e) => { const target = as HTMLElement; if ("href" in target && typeof target.href === "string") { const toUrl = new URL(target.href); const pageUrl = new URL(document.URL); for (const [name, value] of pageUrl.searchParams.entries()) { if (toUrl.searchParams.get(name) === null) { toUrl.searchParams.append(decodeURIComponent(name), value); } } location.href = `?${toUrl.searchParams.toString()}#${toUrl.hash}`; e.preventDefault(); } }); const searchParams = new URL(document.URL).searchParams; const only = searchParams.get("only"); const colorScheme = searchParams.get("color-scheme"); const prerender = searchParams.get("prerender"); if (colorScheme) { = colorScheme; } const themeInParam = searchParams.get("theme"); const validThemes = ["light", "dark", "auto"] as const; const theme = validThemes.includes((themeInParam as (typeof validThemes)[number]) || "") ? (themeInParam as (typeof validThemes)[number]) : null; if (themeInParam && !theme) { throw new Error(`Invalid theme: ${themeInParam}`); } const calLink = searchParams.get("cal-link"); if (only === "all" || only === "ns:default") { Cal("init", { debug: true, calOrigin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("inline", { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-default .place", calLink: "pro?case=1", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-default-iframe", }, name: "John", email: "", notes: "Test Meeting", guests: ["", ""], theme: "dark", }, }); Cal("on", { action: "*", callback, }); } if (only === "all" || only === "ns:second") { // Create a namespace "second". It can be accessed as Cal.ns.second with the exact same API as Cal Cal("init", "second", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.second( "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-second .place", calLink: "pro?case=2", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-second-iframe", }, theme: "auto", }, } ); Cal.ns.second("on", { action: "*", callback, }); } if (only === "all" || only === "ns:third") { // Create a namespace "third". It can be accessed as Cal.ns.second with the exact same API as Cal Cal("init", "third", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.third( [ "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-third .place", calLink: "pro/30min", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-third-iframe", }, }, }, ], [ "ui", { styles: { body: { background: "transparent", }, branding: { brandColor: "#81e61c", lightColor: "#494545", lighterColor: "#4c4848", lightestColor: "#7c7777", highlightColor: "#9b0e0e", medianColor: "black", }, enabledDateButton: { backgroundColor: "red", }, disabledDateButton: { backgroundColor: "green", }, }, }, ] ); Cal.ns.third("on", { action: "*", callback, }); } if (only === "all" || only === "ns:fourth") { Cal("init", "fourth", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.fourth( [ "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-fourth .place", calLink: "team/seeded-team", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-fourth-iframe", }, }, }, ], [ "ui", { styles: { body: { background: "transparent", }, branding: { brandColor: "#81e61c", lightColor: "#494545", lighterColor: "#4c4848", lightestColor: "#7c7777", highlightColor: "#9b0e0e", medianColor: "black", }, }, }, ] ); Cal.ns.fourth("on", { action: "*", callback, }); } if (only === "all" || only === "ns:fifth") { Cal("init", "fifth", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.fifth([ "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-fifth .place", calLink: "team/seeded-team/collective-seeded-team-event", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-fifth-iframe", }, }, }, ]); Cal.ns.fifth("on", { action: "*", callback, }); } if (only === "all" || only === "prerender-test") { Cal("init", "e2ePrerenderLightTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.e2ePrerenderLightTheme("prerender", { calLink: "free/30min", type: "modal", }); } if (only === "all" || only === "preload-test") { Cal("init", "preloadTest", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.preloadTest("preload", { calLink: "free/30min", }); } if (only === "all" || only === "inline-routing-form") { Cal("init", "inline-routing-form", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns["inline-routing-form"]([ "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-inline-routing-form .place", calLink: "forms/948ae412-d995-4865-875a-48302588de03", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-inline-routing-form-iframe", }, }, }, ]); } if (only === "all" || only === "hideEventTypeDetails") { const identifier = "hideEventTypeDetails"; Cal("init", identifier, { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.hideEventTypeDetails( [ "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: `#cal-booking-place-${identifier} .place`, calLink: "free/30min", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: `cal-booking-place-${identifier}-iframe`, }, }, }, ], [ "ui", { hideEventTypeDetails: true, }, ] ); } if (only === "conflicting-theme") { Cal("init", "conflictingTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.conflictingTheme("inline", { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-conflicting-theme .dark", calLink: "pro/30min", config: { theme: "dark", }, }); Cal.ns.conflictingTheme("inline", { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-conflicting-theme .light", calLink: "pro/30min", config: { theme: "light", }, }); } Cal("init", "popupDarkTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "e2ePopupLightTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "popupHideEventTypeDetails", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.popupHideEventTypeDetails("ui", { hideEventTypeDetails: true, }); Cal("init", "popupReschedule", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "popupAutoTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "popupTeamLinkLightTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "popupTeamLinkDarkTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "popupTeamLinkDarkTheme", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "popupTeamLinksList", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "popupPaidEvent", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "floatingButton", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "routingFormAuto", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal("init", "routingFormDark", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); if (only === "all" || only == "ns:floatingButton") { if (prerender == "true") { Cal.ns.floatingButton("prerender", { calLink: calLink || "pro", type: "floatingButton", }); } Cal.ns.floatingButton("floatingButton", { calLink: calLink || "pro", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "floatingtest", }, name: "John", email: "", notes: "Test Meeting", guests: ["", ""], ...(theme ? { theme } : {}), }, }); } if (only === "all" || only == "ns:monthView") { // Create a namespace "second". It can be accessed as Cal.ns.second with the exact same API as Cal Cal("init", "monthView", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.monthView( "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-monthView .place", calLink: "pro/paid", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-monthView-iframe", }, layout: "month_view", }, } ); Cal.ns.monthView("on", { action: "*", callback, }); } if (only === "all" || only == "ns:weekView") { // Create a namespace "second". It can be accessed as Cal.ns.second with the exact same API as Cal Cal("init", "weekView", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.weekView( "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-weekView .place", calLink: "pro/paid", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-weekView-iframe", }, layout: "week_view", }, } ); Cal.ns.weekView("on", { action: "*", callback, }); } if (only === "all" || only == "ns:columnView") { // Create a namespace "second". It can be accessed as Cal.ns.second with the exact same API as Cal Cal("init", "columnView", { debug: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000", }); Cal.ns.columnView( "inline", // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore { elementOrSelector: "#cal-booking-place-columnView .place", calLink: "pro/paid", config: { iframeAttrs: { id: "cal-booking-place-columnView-iframe", }, layout: "column_view", }, } ); Cal.ns.columnView("on", { action: "*", callback, }); }