import { ErrorMessage } from "@hookform/error-message"; import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next"; import { Controller, useFormContext } from "react-hook-form"; import type { z } from "zod"; import { classNames } from "@calcom/lib"; import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; import { Label } from "@calcom/ui"; import { Info } from "@calcom/ui/components/icon"; import { Components, isValidValueProp } from "./Components"; import { fieldTypesConfigMap } from "./fieldTypes"; import { fieldsThatSupportLabelAsSafeHtml } from "./fieldsThatSupportLabelAsSafeHtml"; import type { fieldsSchema } from "./schema"; import { getVariantsConfig } from "./utils"; type RhfForm = { fields: z.infer; }; type RhfFormFields = RhfForm["fields"]; type RhfFormField = RhfFormFields[number]; type ValueProps = | { value: string[]; setValue: (value: string[]) => void; } | { value: string; setValue: (value: string) => void; } | { value: { value: string; optionValue: string; }; setValue: (value: { value: string; optionValue: string }) => void; } | { value: boolean; setValue: (value: boolean) => void; }; export const FormBuilderField = ({ field, readOnly, className, }: { field: RhfFormFields[number]; readOnly: boolean; className: string; }) => { const { t } = useLocale(); const { control, formState } = useFormContext(); const { hidden, placeholder, label } = getAndUpdateNormalizedValues(field, t); return ( ); }; function assertUnreachable(arg: never) { throw new Error(`Don't know how to handle ${JSON.stringify(arg)}`); } // TODO: Add consistent `label` support to all the components and then remove the usage of WithLabel. // Label should be handled by each Component itself. const WithLabel = ({ field, children, readOnly, }: { field: Partial; readOnly: boolean; children: React.ReactNode; }) => { return (
{/* multiemail doesnt show label initially. It is shown on clicking CTA */} {/* boolean type doesn't have a label overall, the radio has it's own label */} {/* Component itself managing it's label should remove these checks */} {field.type !== "boolean" && field.type !== "multiemail" && field.label && (
)} {children}
); }; /** * Ensures that `labels` and `placeholders`, wherever they are, are set properly. If direct values are not set, default values from fieldTypeConfig are used. */ function getAndUpdateNormalizedValues(field: RhfFormFields[number], t: TFunction) { let noLabel = false; let hidden = !!field.hidden; if (field.type === "radioInput") { const options = field.options; // If we have only one option and it has an input, we don't show the field label because Option name acts as label. // e.g. If it's just Attendee Phone Number option then we don't show `Location` label if (options?.length === 1) { if (!field.optionsInputs) { throw new Error("radioInput must have optionsInputs"); } if (field.optionsInputs[options[0].value]) { noLabel = true; } else { // If there's only one option and it doesn't have an input, we don't show the field at all because it's visible in the left side bar hidden = true; } } } /** * Instead of passing labelAsSafeHtml props to all the components, FormBuilder components can assume that the label is safe html and use it on a case by case basis after adding checks here */ if (fieldsThatSupportLabelAsSafeHtml.includes(field.type) && field.labelAsSafeHtml === undefined) { throw new Error(`${}:${field.type} type must have labelAsSafeHtml set`); } const label = noLabel ? "" : field.labelAsSafeHtml || field.label || t(field.defaultLabel || ""); const placeholder = field.placeholder || t(field.defaultPlaceholder || ""); if (field.variantsConfig?.variants) { Object.entries(field.variantsConfig.variants).forEach(([variantName, variant]) => { variant.fields.forEach((variantField) => { const fieldTypeVariantsConfig = fieldTypesConfigMap[field.type]?.variantsConfig; const defaultVariantFieldLabel = fieldTypeVariantsConfig?.variants?.[variantName]?.fieldsMap[]?.defaultLabel; variantField.label = variantField.label || t(defaultVariantFieldLabel || ""); }); }); } return { hidden, placeholder, label }; } export const ComponentForField = ({ field, value, setValue, readOnly, }: { field: Omit & { // Label is optional because radioInput doesn't have a label label?: string; }; readOnly: boolean; } & ValueProps) => { const fieldType = field.type || "text"; const componentConfig = Components[fieldType]; const isValueOfPropsType = (val: unknown, propsType: typeof componentConfig.propsType) => { const isValid = isValidValueProp[propsType](val); return isValid; }; // If possible would have wanted `isValueOfPropsType` to narrow the type of `value` and `setValue` accordingly, but can't seem to do it. // So, code following this uses type assertion to tell TypeScript that everything has been validated if (value !== undefined && !isValueOfPropsType(value, componentConfig.propsType)) { throw new Error( `Value ${value} is not valid for type ${componentConfig.propsType} for field ${}` ); } if (componentConfig.propsType === "text") { return ( void} /> ); } if (componentConfig.propsType === "boolean") { return ( void} placeholder={field.placeholder} /> ); } if (componentConfig.propsType === "textList") { return ( void} /> ); } if (componentConfig.propsType === "select") { if (!field.options) { throw new Error("Field options is not defined"); } return ( void} options={ => ({ ...o, title: o.label }))} /> ); } if (componentConfig.propsType === "multiselect") { if (!field.options) { throw new Error("Field options is not defined"); } return ( void} options={ => ({ ...o, title: o.label }))} /> ); } if (componentConfig.propsType === "objectiveWithInput") { if (!field.options) { throw new Error("Field options is not defined"); } if (!field.optionsInputs) { throw new Error("Field optionsInputs is not defined"); } const options = => { return { ...field, value: field.value === "inPerson" ? field.label : field.value }; }); return field.options.length ? ( void} optionsInputs={field.optionsInputs} options={options} required={field.required} /> ) : null; } if (componentConfig.propsType === "variants") { const variantsConfig = getVariantsConfig(field); if (!variantsConfig) { return null; } return ( | string) => void} variants={variantsConfig.variants} /> ); } assertUnreachable(componentConfig); return null; };