import z from "zod"; import type { ALL_VIEWS } from "@calcom/features/form-builder/schema"; import { fieldTypesSchemaMap, dbReadResponseSchema } from "@calcom/features/form-builder/schema"; import type { eventTypeBookingFields } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import { bookingResponses, emailSchemaRefinement } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; type EventType = Parameters[0]["eventType"]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types type View = ALL_VIEWS | (string & {}); export const bookingResponse = dbReadResponseSchema; export const bookingResponsesDbSchema = z.record(dbReadResponseSchema); const catchAllSchema = bookingResponsesDbSchema; export const getBookingResponsesPartialSchema = ({ eventType, view, }: { eventType: EventType; view: View; }) => { const schema = bookingResponses.unwrap().partial().and(catchAllSchema); return preprocess({ schema, eventType, isPartialSchema: true, view }); }; // Should be used when we know that not all fields responses are present // - Can happen when we are parsing the prefill query string // - Can happen when we are parsing a booking's responses (which was created before we added a new required field) export default function getBookingResponsesSchema({ eventType, view }: { eventType: EventType; view: View }) { const schema = bookingResponses.and(z.record(z.any())); return preprocess({ schema, eventType, isPartialSchema: false, view }); } // TODO: Move preprocess of `booking.responses` to FormBuilder schema as that is going to parse the fields supported by FormBuilder // It allows anyone using FormBuilder to get the same preprocessing automatically function preprocess({ schema, eventType, isPartialSchema, view: currentView, }: { schema: T; // It is useful when we want to prefill the responses with the partial values. Partial can be in 2 ways // - Not all required fields are need to be provided for prefill. // - Even a field response itself can be partial so the content isn't validated e.g. a field with type="phone" can be given a partial phone number(e.g. Specifying the country code like +91) isPartialSchema: boolean; eventType: { bookingFields: (z.infer & z.BRAND<"HAS_SYSTEM_FIELDS">) | null; }; view: View; }): z.ZodType, z.infer, z.infer> { const preprocessed = z.preprocess( (responses) => { const parsedResponses = z.record(z.any()).nullable().parse(responses) || {}; const newResponses = {} as typeof parsedResponses; // if eventType has been deleted, we won't have bookingFields and thus we can't preprocess or validate them. if (!eventType.bookingFields) return parsedResponses; eventType.bookingFields.forEach((field) => { const value = parsedResponses[]; if (value === undefined) { // If there is no response for the field, then we don't need to do any processing return; } const views = field.views; const isFieldApplicableToCurrentView = currentView === "ALL_VIEWS" ? true : views ? views.find((view) => === currentView) : true; if (!isFieldApplicableToCurrentView) { // If the field is not applicable in the current view, then we don't need to do any processing return; } const fieldTypeSchema = fieldTypesSchemaMap[field.type as keyof typeof fieldTypesSchemaMap]; // TODO: Move all the schemas along with their respective types to fieldTypeSchema, that would make schemas shared across Routing Forms builder and Booking Question Formm builder if (fieldTypeSchema) { newResponses[] = fieldTypeSchema.preprocess({ response: value, isPartialSchema, field, }); return; } if (field.type === "boolean") { // Turn a boolean in string to a real boolean newResponses[] = value === "true" || value === true; } // Make sure that the value is an array else if (field.type === "multiemail" || field.type === "checkbox" || field.type === "multiselect") { newResponses[] = value instanceof Array ? value : [value]; } // Parse JSON else if (field.type === "radioInput" && typeof value === "string") { let parsedValue = { optionValue: "", value: "", }; try { parsedValue = JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) {} newResponses[] = parsedValue; } else { newResponses[] = value; } }); return { ...parsedResponses, ...newResponses, }; }, schema.superRefine(async (responses, ctx) => { if (!eventType.bookingFields) { // if eventType has been deleted, we won't have bookingFields and thus we can't validate the responses. return; } for (const bookingField of eventType.bookingFields) { const value = responses[]; const stringSchema = z.string(); const emailSchema = isPartialSchema ? z.string() : z.string().refine(emailSchemaRefinement); const phoneSchema = isPartialSchema ? z.string() : z.string().refine(async (val) => { const { isValidPhoneNumber } = await import("libphonenumber-js"); return isValidPhoneNumber(val); }); // Tag the message with the input name so that the message can be shown at appropriate place const m = (message: string) => `{${}}${message}`; const views = bookingField.views; const isFieldApplicableToCurrentView = currentView === "ALL_VIEWS" ? true : views ? views.find((view) => === currentView) : true; let hidden = bookingField.hidden; const numOptions = bookingField.options?.length ?? 0; if (bookingField.hideWhenJustOneOption) { hidden = hidden || numOptions <= 1; } // If the field is hidden, then it can never be required const isRequired = hidden ? false : isFieldApplicableToCurrentView ? bookingField.required : false; if ((isPartialSchema || !isRequired) && value === undefined) { continue; } if (isRequired && !isPartialSchema && !value) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m(`error_required_field`) }); return; } if (bookingField.type === "email") { // Email RegExp to validate if the input is a valid email if (!emailSchema.safeParse(value).success) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("email_validation_error"), }); } continue; } const fieldTypeSchema = fieldTypesSchemaMap[bookingField.type as keyof typeof fieldTypesSchemaMap]; if (fieldTypeSchema) { fieldTypeSchema.superRefine({ response: value, ctx, m, field: bookingField, isPartialSchema, }); continue; } if (bookingField.type === "multiemail") { const emailsParsed = emailSchema.array().safeParse(value); if (isRequired && (!value || value.length === 0)) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m(`error_required_field`) }); continue; } if (!emailsParsed.success) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("email_validation_error"), }); continue; } const emails =; emails.sort().some((item, i) => { if (item === emails[i + 1]) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("duplicate_email") }); return true; } }); continue; } if (bookingField.type === "checkbox" || bookingField.type === "multiselect") { if (!stringSchema.array().safeParse(value).success) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("Invalid array of strings") }); } continue; } if (bookingField.type === "phone") { if (!(await phoneSchema.safeParseAsync(value)).success) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("invalid_number") }); } continue; } if (bookingField.type === "boolean") { const schema = z.boolean(); if (!schema.safeParse(value).success) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("Invalid Boolean") }); } continue; } if (bookingField.type === "radioInput") { if (bookingField.optionsInputs) { const optionValue = value?.optionValue; const optionField = bookingField.optionsInputs[value?.value]; const typeOfOptionInput = optionField?.type; if ( // Either the field is required or there is a radio selected, we need to check if the optionInput is required or not. (isRequired || value?.value) && optionField?.required && !optionValue ) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("error_required_field") }); return; } if (optionValue) { // `typeOfOptionInput` can be any of the main types. So, we the same validations should run for `optionValue` if (typeOfOptionInput === "phone") { if (!(await phoneSchema.safeParseAsync(optionValue)).success) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("invalid_number") }); } } } } continue; } // Use fieldTypeConfig.propsType to validate for propsType=="text" or propsType=="select" as in those cases, the response would be a string. // If say we want to do special validation for 'address' that can be added to `fieldTypesSchemaMap` if (["address", "text", "select", "number", "radio", "textarea"].includes(bookingField.type)) { const schema = stringSchema; if (!schema.safeParse(value).success) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("Invalid string") }); } continue; } ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: `Can't parse unknown booking field type: ${bookingField.type}`, }); } }) ); if (isPartialSchema) { // Query Params can be completely invalid, try to preprocess as much of it in correct format but in worst case simply don't prefill instead of crashing return preprocessed.catch(function (res?: { error?: unknown[] }) { console.error("Failed to preprocess query params, prefilling will be skipped", res?.error); return {}; }); } return preprocessed; }