import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import type { z } from "zod"; import { bookingResponsesDbSchema } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getBookingResponsesSchema"; import slugify from "@calcom/lib/slugify"; import type { PrismaClient } from "@calcom/prisma"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; type BookingSelect = { description: true; customInputs: true; attendees: { select: { email: true; name: true; }; }; location: true; }; // Backward Compatibility for booking created before we had managed booking questions function getResponsesFromOldBooking( rawBooking: Prisma.BookingGetPayload<{ select: BookingSelect; }> ) { const customInputs = rawBooking.customInputs || {}; const responses = Object.keys(customInputs).reduce((acc, label) => { acc[slugify(label) as keyof typeof acc] = customInputs[label as keyof typeof customInputs]; return acc; }, {}); return { // It is possible to have no attendees in a booking when the booking is cancelled. name: rawBooking.attendees[0]?.name || "Nameless", email: rawBooking.attendees[0]?.email || "", guests: rawBooking.attendees.slice(1).map((attendee) => { return; }), notes: rawBooking.description || "", location: { value: rawBooking.location || "", optionValue: rawBooking.location || "", }, ...responses, }; } async function getBooking(prisma: PrismaClient, uid: string) { const rawBooking = await{ where: { uid, }, select: { id: true, uid: true, startTime: true, description: true, customInputs: true, responses: true, smsReminderNumber: true, location: true, eventTypeId: true, attendees: { select: { email: true, name: true, bookingSeat: true, }, }, user: { select: { id: true, }, }, }, }); if (!rawBooking) { return rawBooking; } const booking = getBookingWithResponses(rawBooking); if (booking) { // @NOTE: had to do this because Server side cant return [Object objects] // probably fixable with json.stringify -> json.parse booking["startTime"] = (booking?.startTime as Date)?.toISOString() as unknown as Date; } return booking; } export type GetBookingType = Prisma.PromiseReturnType; export const getBookingWithResponses = < T extends Prisma.BookingGetPayload<{ select: BookingSelect & { responses: true; }; }> >( booking: T ) => { return {, responses: bookingResponsesDbSchema.parse(booking.responses || getResponsesFromOldBooking(booking)), } as Omit & { responses: z.infer }; }; export default getBooking; export const getBookingForReschedule = async (uid: string, userId?: number) => { let rescheduleUid: string | null = null; const theBooking = await{ where: { uid, }, select: { id: true, userId: true, eventType: { select: { seatsPerTimeSlot: true, hosts: { select: { userId: true, }, }, owner: { select: { id: true, }, }, }, }, }, }); let bookingSeatReferenceUid: number | null = null; // If no booking is found via the uid, it's probably a booking seat // that its being rescheduled, which we query next. let attendeeEmail: string | null = null; if (!theBooking) { const bookingSeat = await prisma.bookingSeat.findFirst({ where: { referenceUid: uid, }, select: { id: true, attendee: { select: { name: true, email: true, }, }, booking: { select: { uid: true, }, }, }, }); if (bookingSeat) { bookingSeatReferenceUid =; rescheduleUid =; attendeeEmail =; } } // If we have the booking and not bookingSeat, we need to make sure the booking belongs to the userLoggedIn // Otherwise, we return null here. let hasOwnershipOnBooking = false; if (theBooking && theBooking?.eventType?.seatsPerTimeSlot && bookingSeatReferenceUid === null) { const isOwnerOfBooking = theBooking.userId === userId; const isHostOfEventType = theBooking?.eventType?.hosts.some((host) => host.userId === userId); const isUserIdInBooking = theBooking.userId === userId; if (!isOwnerOfBooking && !isHostOfEventType && !isUserIdInBooking) return null; hasOwnershipOnBooking = true; } // If we don't have a booking and no rescheduleUid, the ID is invalid, // and we return null here. if (!theBooking && !rescheduleUid) return null; const booking = await getBooking(prisma, rescheduleUid || uid); if (!booking) return null; return {, attendees: rescheduleUid ? booking.attendees.filter((attendee) => === attendeeEmail) : hasOwnershipOnBooking ? [] : booking.attendees, }; }; /** * Should only get booking attendees length for seated events * @param uid * @returns booking with masked attendee emails */ export const getBookingForSeatedEvent = async (uid: string) => { const booking = await{ where: { uid, }, select: { id: true, uid: true, startTime: true, attendees: { select: { id: true, }, }, eventTypeId: true, user: { select: { id: true, }, }, }, }); if (!booking || booking.eventTypeId === null) return null; // Validate booking event type has seats enabled const eventType = await prisma.eventType.findFirst({ where: { id: booking.eventTypeId, }, select: { seatsPerTimeSlot: true, }, }); if (!eventType || eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot === null) return null; const result: GetBookingType = {, // @NOTE: had to do this because Server side cant return [Object objects] startTime: booking.startTime.toISOString() as unknown as Date, description: null, customInputs: null, responses: {}, smsReminderNumber: null, location: null, // mask attendee emails for seated events attendees: => ({ ...attendee, email: "", name: "", bookingSeat: null, })), }; return result; }; export const getMultipleDurationValue = ( multipleDurationConfig: number[] | undefined, queryDuration: string | string[] | undefined, defaultValue: number ) => { if (!multipleDurationConfig) return null; if (multipleDurationConfig.includes(Number(queryDuration))) return Number(queryDuration); return defaultValue; };