import { get } from "@vercel/edge-config"; import { collectEvents } from "next-collect/server"; import type { NextMiddleware } from "next/server"; import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; import { extendEventData, nextCollectBasicSettings } from "@calcom/lib/telemetry"; const middleware: NextMiddleware = async (req) => { const url = req.nextUrl; const requestHeaders = new Headers(req.headers); if (!url.pathname.startsWith("/api")) { // // NOTE: When tRPC hits an error a 500 is returned, when this is received // by the application the user is automatically redirected to /auth/login. // // - For this reason our matchers are sufficient for an app-wide maintenance page. // try { // Check whether the maintenance page should be shown const isInMaintenanceMode = await get("isInMaintenanceMode"); // If is in maintenance mode, point the url pathname to the maintenance page if (isInMaintenanceMode) { req.nextUrl.pathname = `/maintenance`; return NextResponse.rewrite(req.nextUrl); } } catch (error) { // show the default page if EDGE_CONFIG env var is missing, // but log the error to the console // console.error(error); } } const res = routingForms.handle(url); if (res) { return res; } if (url.pathname.startsWith("/api/trpc/")) { requestHeaders.set("x-cal-timezone", req.headers.get("x-vercel-ip-timezone") ?? ""); } if (url.pathname.startsWith("/auth/login")) { // Use this header to actually enforce CSP, otherwise it is running in Report Only mode on all pages. requestHeaders.set("x-csp-enforce", "true"); } return{ request: { headers: requestHeaders, }, }); }; const routingForms = { handle: (url: URL) => { // Don't 404 old routing_forms links if (url.pathname.startsWith("/apps/routing_forms")) { url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(/^\/apps\/routing_forms($|\/)/, "/apps/routing-forms/"); return NextResponse.rewrite(url); } }, }; export const config = { // Next.js Doesn't support spread operator in config matcher, so, we must list all paths explicitly here. // matcher: [ "/:path*/embed", "/api/trpc/:path*", "/auth/login", /** * Paths required by routingForms.handle */ "/apps/routing_forms/:path*", ], }; export default collectEvents({ middleware, ...nextCollectBasicSettings, cookieName: "__clnds", extend: extendEventData, });