import type { NextSeoProps } from "next-seo"; import { NextSeo } from "next-seo"; import { usePathname } from "next/navigation"; import type { AppImageProps, MeetingImageProps } from "@calcom/lib/OgImages"; import { constructAppImage, constructGenericImage, constructMeetingImage } from "@calcom/lib/OgImages"; import { APP_NAME, WEBSITE_URL, IS_CALCOM } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { seoConfig, getSeoImage, buildCanonical } from "@calcom/lib/next-seo.config"; import { truncateOnWord } from "@calcom/lib/text"; export type HeadSeoProps = { title: string; description: string; siteName?: string; url?: string; canonical?: string; nextSeoProps?: NextSeoProps; app?: AppImageProps; meeting?: MeetingImageProps; isBrandingHidden?: boolean; }; /** * Build full seo tags from title, desc, canonical and url */ const buildSeoMeta = (pageProps: { title: string; description: string; image: string; siteName?: string; url?: string; canonical?: string; }) => { const { title, description, image, canonical, siteName = seoConfig.headSeo.siteName } = pageProps; return { title: title, canonical: canonical, openGraph: { site_name: siteName, type: "website", title: title, description: description, images: [ { url: image, }, ], }, additionalMetaTags: [ { property: "name", content: title, }, { property: "description", content: description, }, { name: "description", content: description, }, { property: "image", content: image, }, ], }; }; export const HeadSeo = (props: HeadSeoProps): JSX.Element => { const path = usePathname(); // The below code sets the defaultUrl for our canonical tags // Get the router's path const selfHostedOrigin = WEBSITE_URL || ""; // Set the default URL to either the current URL (if self-hosted) or canonical URL const defaultUrl = IS_CALCOM ? buildCanonical({ path, origin: "" }) : buildCanonical({ path, origin: selfHostedOrigin }); const { title, description, siteName, canonical = defaultUrl, nextSeoProps = {}, app, meeting, isBrandingHidden, } = props; const image = getSeoImage("ogImage") + constructGenericImage({ title, description }); const truncatedDescription = truncateOnWord(description, 158); const pageTitle = `${title}${isBrandingHidden ? "" : ` | ${APP_NAME}`}`; let seoObject = buildSeoMeta({ title: pageTitle, image, description: truncatedDescription, canonical, siteName, }); if (meeting) { const pageImage = getSeoImage("ogImage") + constructMeetingImage(meeting); seoObject = buildSeoMeta({ title: pageTitle, description: truncatedDescription, image: pageImage, canonical, siteName, }); } if (app) { const pageImage = getSeoImage("ogImage") + constructAppImage({, description: truncatedDescription }); seoObject = buildSeoMeta({ title: pageTitle, description: truncatedDescription, image: pageImage, canonical, siteName, }); } // Instead of doing a blackbox deep merge which can be tricky implementation wise and need a good implementation, we should generate the object manually as we know the properties // Goal is to avoid big dependency const seoProps: NextSeoProps = { ...nextSeoProps, ...seoObject, openGraph: { ...nextSeoProps.openGraph, ...seoObject.openGraph, images: [...(nextSeoProps.openGraph?.images || []), ...seoObject.openGraph.images], }, additionalMetaTags: [...(nextSeoProps.additionalMetaTags || [])], }; return ; }; export default HeadSeo;